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The Umbral Region

Gilberto Schoereder

The stories that reach us about the Umbral show a place of suffering that we can hardly imagine. To talk more about the subject and clarify some points, we spoke with the medium and writer Alceu Costa Filho, who has been publishing his books through Petit Editora.

Natural from Bicas, Minas Gerais, the medium Alceu Costa Filho has not only psychographed several books, but is also capable of performing mediumistic effects of a physical nature, among them the materialization of spirits. It was under the guidance of his spiritual mentors that he began to dedicate himself exclusively to his intellectual side..

Mediumship was already perceived in adolescence and, as he explains, he did not lack support from his family. It was at this time that Alceu traveled with a friend to Pedro Leopoldo, with the aim of meeting Chico Xavier. He also had the opportunity to get in touch with José Pedro de Freitas, better known as Zé Arigó, who became known as the most famous healing medium in Brazil. Incorporating Dr. Fritz, Arigó went to Alceu, encouraging him to continue on his spiritual path and telling him to study. Studies and spiritual work resulted, in 1983, at the founding of the Cenáculo Espírita Fraternidade, in Belo Horizonte.

Alceu says that the spirits prepare him for psychography work. “I have always worked with psychophony, lending my voice to the spirits, and receiving, by clairvoyance and audience, instructions and guidelines, of which I always considered myself to be just a simple messenger”. The task of psychography is, today, its fundamental objective. She was once a physical effects medium, permitted activity, as explained, by merciful entities. But the same spirituality guided him to move away from that line of action., focusing on literary work. “I am retired”, he explains, “and I have, so, time to dedicate myself to this task, which I carry out with great affection and respect for the spirits, every day, from six-fifteen in the morning”.

He says that, at first, received many messages, looking for guidance in people he always considered exemplary mediums. However, it was spirituality itself that was responsible for motivating and supporting him. “I see and hear friends on the other side, and I cannot fail to express my gratitude for the life lessons I received from them. The spirits Philip, Xisto Vinheiros, Cornélio Pires and Nina Arueira are those to whom I serve as an intermediary, no moment”.

The Minas Gerais medium actively participated in the Minas Gerais spiritist movement and, nowadays, performs his mediumship work in the group he helped found, also carrying out social assistance tasks.

Several spiritual lines talk about a place of darkness, where creatures that disincarnate in situations of great pain, hatred, suicide, etc. end up going. How and when did the word Umbral appear in spiritualism??

Widely used by André Luiz through the psychography of Chico Xavier, Today it is part of the spiritist language to define areas of pain and suffering. Defined in dictionaries (Aurelio) as: “Entry Threshold”, This has always existed as a natural consequence of the human mind. In the work Nosso Lar we find, in the words of Lísias: “The Threshold begins in the Earth’s crust. It is the dark zone of those in the world who have not decided to cross the doors of sacred duties in order to fulfill them., lingering in the valley of indecision or in the swamp of numerous errors.”.

As a rule, How long can a soul spend on the Umbral? Under what circumstances can the soul be rescued and go to a higher dimension?

  1. The) The time your conscience determines.
  2. B) From your awakening to eternal truths. A dirty mirror cannot reflect light.

The Umbral also has several planes of existence?

In the Book of Spirits, the questions 101 a 106 and following, handle the subject well, explaining to us the different categories of spirits. Therefore, the groupings are determined by vibratory affinities, forming nuclei by the concentration of general tendencies and desires. We understand that each creature lives from what it cultivates on any of the planes of life.

In the book Memórias de um Suicida we have an at least ghastly account of this region and the spirits that live there.. Some seers say that whoever is there cannot see, many times, comforting spirits, so dense are their etheric bodies. Could you tell us a little about that??

Allan Kardec, in the Book of Spirits, chapter Theoretical Teaching of the Sensations of Spirits, question 257, dream: “Having no sensory organs, they can, freely, make your perceptions active or null”. They are obliged to hear only one thing: the advice of good spirits. At sight, this is always active; but they can make themselves invisible to each other. Depending on the category they occupy, they can hide from those below them, but not those who are superior to them.

Many say that the Threshold is the global thought of sufferers shaped in the ether close to the Earth's crust.. That is true?

Manoel Philomeno de Miranda, through Divaldo's mediumship, in ‘On the Borders of Madness’, this is how you describe it: “Composed of elements that escaped me, were and are, However, vitalized by the successive mental waves of the inhabitants of the planet, that somehow suffer from pernicious condensation”.

There are spirits beyond all possibility of rescue? Is it possible for a spirit, so evil, have your divine spark extinguished forever or reincarnate in the body of an animal?

It would be to deny divine justice. All of us, for moments or centuries, we cross these regions. We were all created with the aim of evolution, and be condemned to eternal punishment or retroactively punished, is to deny the principles of love and forgiveness preached by Christ. In the question 194 from the Spirits' Book we find: “The soul cannot regress, To assert otherwise would be to deny the law of progress.”

How does the reincarnation of spirits that cannot leave the Threshold occur??

The question 330 from the Book of Spirits answers us: “Reincarnation is then a necessity, just as death is a necessity of bodily life”. Still in the Spirits' Book, question 1006, we find the teaching of Saint Louis that “no one is totally bad”. And in John, cap. 1 a 12: “Truly I tell you, No one will be able to see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”. Sooner or later we all wake up to the light. God offers everyone, equal opportunities, providing each person with what suits them best, as long as you want, inside the heaven or hell you built for yourself. We are slaves to our faults, but also builders of our tomorrow.

Which of your books deals most closely with the existence of the Umbral??

In the Shadow of the Light.

There is a hierarchy among the inhabitants of this plane?

Yes, within the achievements of each one, in accordance with the ideals that nourish.

What is the link between these entities?

Through the psychography of Chico Xavier, in Action and Reaction, André Luiz tells us, no chapter 19: “…situated amid painful region of shadow cultivated by the minds, generally, rebellious and idle, wild and sick.” In Our Home, chapter 12: “There live and gather rebels of all kinds, equally form, invisible cores of remarkable power, by the concentration of common affinities.”

The information that the umbraline plane involves our planet is true, in a true vibrating “belt”?

In our search for Knowledge, we found the clarifying words of Manoel Philomeno de Miranda, in his work ‘Nas Fronteiras da Madness’, psychographed by Divaldo. No chapter 19 lemos: “…I realized there were around the Earth, concentric vibrating bands, that involved her, from the most condensed, close to the physical sphere, even the most subtle, distanced from the human movement of the crust”.

It is possible to mention some of the fraternities that are dedicated to supporting and rescuing the spirits that, meeting at the Umbral, regret their mistakes, praying for God's mercy?

Our spiritual friends advise us that these aid stations, service and support centers, are created and sustained by those focused on good who have long had the conditions to work in higher spheres, however, they prefer to serve in the practice of love where the pain is more acute. Note that we refer to teams existing on the spiritual plane. As there are numerous and avoiding errors, because due to forgetfulness and ignorance of them, we would naturally omit many, We prefer not to mention those that are known to us.

It is recommended to vibrate or say prayers for the spirits that are on the Umbral?

Jesus tells us through Matthew, no chapter 9, towards. 10 a 12 of the Gospel According to Spiritism: “It is not those who are healthy who need a doctor”. See still, no chapter 27, question 18 (prayer for the dead and suffering spirits): “… prayer has a more direct action on them, revive them, instills in them the desire to elevate themselves through repentance and reparation…”. As spiritualists, We understand that prayer is a sublime opportunity to practice charity.

Spirits in a higher condition transit – if they so wish – through the umbraline regions?

In the work Action and Reaction, by André Luiz, we found no chapter 15 the description of one of these many incursions made by those who go there to practice fraternal service in the name of Jesus, which makes us understand that the support of the Most High is nowhere scarce.

Those who are there can influence the incarnates? Describe, if it's possible, How does this influence happen?.

Manoel Philomeno de Miranda describes, through Divaldo's psychography, in On the Borders of Madness: “In many of these places, sordid attacks against men are planned and activities are carried out that aim to extinguish the good, as well as the installation of the primacy of brute force in the world. Through the tuning process, disembodied people magnetize themselves to those who are similar to them, always combining the moral values ​​that characterize them”.

Those incarnate – in dreams or in developments – are able to penetrate these suffering regions?

We search in the Book of Spirits, chapter 8, the question 402, which we illustrate next: “… the spirits dedicated to good, when freeing themselves from the carnal garment they will join other spirits with whom they instruct and work. However, the mass of men go to lower regions or worlds where old affections evoke them.”.

The Valley of Suicides – mentioned by many spiritualists – really exists?

We believe so, because attunement attracts similar vibrations that bring souls closer and link them. Vive-se, so, in constant communion with those to whom we psychically tune in.

There are disobsession works in the Cenáculo Espírita Fraternidade to help the spirits that are in the umbraline regions?

Help and clarification meetings for suffering brothers are part of the routine activities of our house.. The disobsession sessions are carried out following the guidance of our mentors, when they deem them necessary and if we are able to do so.

The Threshold would correspond to the Greek Hades or the purgatory of the Catholic Church?

Description of our mentors and spiritual brothers, in the many works that deal with the subject, lead us to believe so. We will quote, For reference, the works of André Luiz, through the psychographics of Chico Xavier, and we will illustrate with the words of Manoel Philomeno de Miranda through Divaldo, in On the Borders of Madness: “… specific colonies for their evil built, in which they suggest that they are purgatories and hells governed by true evil geniuses…”.

Talk about your latest book, which is being launched by Petit Editora.

Filipe tells us in detail the formation of an aid station next to the shadows, describing in great detail these regions of pain and suffering, when we are given the opportunity to meet one of its leaders, in front of countless followers. The entire report made by this brother of ours takes place in these regions of pain and suffering.

Finalize, Alcaeus, with a message for the readers of Espiritismo magazine & Science.

If it were possible for us to know the extent of our today, We would certainly know better how to take advantage of the opportunities offered to us by God. The Comforter promised by Jesus came at the right time, finding many already ready to assimilate its principles, while others, still on the side of the road, insist on remaining absent from the commitments that fall within their opportunity for evolution. Still others, as they approach the consoling doctrine, they do so by molding it to their discretion, forgetting that this is the only one who can face reason face to face, at any time in humanity. Therefore, as spiritualists, We have the duty to execute the words of Jesus, which determines us to “Love God above all things and our neighbors as ourselves”, and the Spirit of Truth provides us with the direction that is the light, the correct way to benefit from the opportunity to be Christian Spiritists. “Spiritist, love each other, spiritualists, teach you"; These principles are essential to any action that leads us to achieve our evolution. Let us become, so, the bridge between pain and hope, the shadow and the light of enlightenment, bread and hunger, hate and love, shortening the distances between us and Jesus.

Books by Alceu Costa Filho:

On the Banks of the Grand River, Sofia's Diary, At the Dusk of an Existence, From Love, Forgiveness is Born, Between friends, In the Shadow of the Light,

Little Publisher: (11) 6684-6000




Reviewed by Álvaro de Jesus – THE WAY-New Temple of the Lord

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