Animals were not created to be your food.
And there is no religious festival, regardless of the church, that does not have a banquet where animals are sacrificed and eaten.
And you want to get out of PAIN?
Heads up, it is not, how do you read, a psychography of Chico Xavier, It is a dictated message – spelled – by Chico Xavier. Therefore, where you can read Chico Xavier's psychography, it must be understood that it is a Message that he dictated, From beyond, and that a Sister from Coimbra, from the Allan Kardec Spiritist Studies Group, psychographed. “Spiritists Instruct yourselves. Spiritists Unite.” – Spirit Truth (Elias).
Dear Brothers and loved:
To those who continue to affirm that our Beloved Brother CHICO XAVIER has not yet spoken, IE, has not yet addressed any message to his incarnated Brothers on Earth, we leave this unequivocal proof to the contrary.
In the most underlined way we can understand, our Beloved CHICO XAVIER entered the Prayer of one of our Sisters and, little by little, It was His Voice that we began to hear.
Let us praise the Lord and thank our Beloved CHICO XAVIER for his sweet manifestation of LOVE.
It won't exactly be a Channel, but rather an intuition…
Yesterday, morning 19 January 2016, I was given to know, by intuition, some truths that I hadn’t yet ‘felt’ in this way.
Our Beloved Elder Brothers, our Beloved Guides and Helpers, especially the Lord Jesus, they go, Like this, helping me understand and conclude certain situations, in order to better understand why I am Rebuilding the Temple.
No one is forced to believe this, but, and despite that, I must say it.
Before that, we will offer you our best translation of the first three paragraphs of the Message that the Lord Jesus ben Joseph dictated on the day 12 this same month, through our Sister Judith Coates, subordinate to the Title:
We transcribe and comment on these 3 paragraphs in your own body, with violet color:
“Amado, You are the initiate, the beginning, the one who is searching, the one who wants to find. There is a certain sense of excitement that comes with being the initiate: you want to know everything there is to experience in life.
Now, as we often say, this life is an extension of what you have experienced here and on other planetary bodies (Jeshua begins to tell us that the life we are living in this incarnation is an extension, IE, It is the continuation of what we experienced here previously, This is, It's an extension of our past lives, whether they were lived here on Earth, whether they were lived on other inhabited planets), for this is not your first life here on sacred Mother Earth and it is not your first life, How would you characterize a life?, in the expression (further informing that our current Life on Earth is not the first Life we have on Earth, implying that we have been here before, as it also says that this Life of ours is not the first Life we have had, regardless of the place or planet where we had our First Life).
You knew lives on the sacred Mother Earth like the little beings (says we already live here, on sacred Mother Earth, as or being small beings), like great beings (or that we live being great beings), everything you can imagine as animate – and inanimate – (IE, whether we have been animate or inanimate, to mean, being a non-living being, example: a mineral, or as a living being, examples: vegetal e animal) and experimented with other planetary bodies, in other star constellations (as we also live on other Planets and in other Constellations) also, because you wanted to know (because we wanted it that way, in order to have knowledge and know): “Where can I go? How can I be? How will it be? What questions will I ask myself, and if there are others, What am I going to ask them??” (Everything has always depended on our Will, in freedom, how it continues, nowadays, it depends).
These are the comments I make on these first three paragraphs of this Message from the Lord Jesus ben Joseph, not forgetting to say that the entire Message is an authentic repository of new knowledge and discoveries.
but that they assumed that it would decrease as the Lord Jesus was evangelizing us, However, and on this same subject, what our Divine Mother MARY, no Chapter VI, of His Work CORONARY, dictated to Diamantino Coelho Fernandes in the years 60 20th century, talked about the summary of this VI Chapter:
"The Apple, its origins and growth. – The divine breath. – Integration into the core of lives on the animal scale. – His arrival at the condition of spiritual being. – Possible return to the primitive planet. – Feminine Spiritual Crusade. – Elimination of physical suffering on Earth.”
That is, our Divine Mother Mary, in this decade and this century, had already told us and elucidated about our origin and growth. The Lord Jesus ben Joseph, confirms here everything that His and our Divine Mother MARY said, going further…
Emmanuel, through Chico Xavier, he had also already given us the sequence of our entire evolution, IE, what we were before we came to the Incarnation in the Human condition, to remember: Mineral, Vegetal, Animal, The best, Man, Angel.
All this was confirmed, through the 3 first paragraphs that we transcribe for you.
I don't comment on why Religions don't talk about this (churches) known or traditional, but, the truth is that they don't talk, because what was above remained, for the vast majority it is something new and, Who knows, absurd. However, if everyone thinks about what Man has achieved in terms of Morals, ethic, Truth and Love, will conclude that the Lord Jeshua, His Mother and Emmanuel, you're right.
Let's go, now, to the so-called Truths:
1.ª – CHICO XAVIER, in the message he dictated on the day 23 August 2007, about the New Church of the Way, said:
“Reborn from the ashes.
Millennia after the last supper of the Lord Jesus.”
And, in the spiritual messages of JOSÉ, from which was extracted the little book that our Sister Celeste gave me in Coimbra, read the pages 26 and 27:
– "After the departure of Master, leaving to humanity, as divine heritage, the love that had spilled between men, Pedro, feeling the great responsibility he had assumed with regard to the material and spiritual help of the immense number of sick people in body and soul, decided to found the first Spiritist Home in Palestine, which he called – CHURCH OF THE WAY –, so called because it is located on the side of the road leading to Belém.”
However, JOSEPH OF ARIMATEIA, at work, with your name, which he dictated to Frank C. Tribbe, when talking about the days following the death of JESUS, sometimes refers to ‘followers of the Way’, which indicates that this ‘Path’, It already came from JESUS, so it wasn't Peter who founded it, but rather the Lord JESUS himself.
JESUS, second and going back to what Chico Xavier said about NIC, would have delivered, at the last supper, the command and management of this PATH to the Apostle Peter.
This is how we understand Chico Xavier's information, otherwise he wouldn't have said:
“Reborn from the ashes.
Millennia after the last supper of the Lord Jesus.”
Concluding this Truth, I will say that it all began with the Lord JESUS, having been He, so, the Founder of CAMINHO, even if this PATH was not, in your time, what we know today and call the Church.
However, Your voice, at the end of the years 80 20th century, on Tenente Valadim Street, from Coimbra, told me:
– "Get ready, because you’re going to rebuild the Temple. ”
Now, Temple is Church!
2.th Truth:
The Spirit of Truth in his many Messages/Warning said:
– “Spiritist! Instruct yourselves! Spiritualists! Unite!”
When we read the first sentence, we do not understand that the Spirit of Truth has recommended to Spiritists the duty of educating themselves only through what KARDEC left, but yes, the duty to INSTRUCTION, with everything or through all the Sources of Knowledge!
As for the second sentence, He asks the Spiritists to UNITE.
It is worth remembering here an identical request, formulated by our Beloved Godmother, during a spiritist meeting, taken on Rua do Almada, from the city of Porto, when She wrote a request for everyone to come together in the same place (Temple).
KARDEC, However, also heard and received information from the Spirit of Truth who would have to return to Earth, in a new incarnation, to complete the Work.
We know, today, that this was due to two factors:
First, to Kardec's disease and,
Second, to be impossible to complete the Work in that time, due to the Power that the Church of Rome held.
I believe, except better opinion, that the Spirit of Truth, even without telling KARDEC how he would go, in your next incarnation, complete the Work, referred to a Temple, IE, referred to what our Beloved Brother Chico Xavier said in the Messages dictated on the days 4 and 23 August 2007, referring to the New Church of the Way, as well as what His Voice told me directly.
Therefore, THE WAY-New Temple of the Lord, is this TEMPLE, otherwise, the rebirth of what JESUS founded and left.
I leave this to you.
I am very grateful to have had all these intuitions of Light and Truth.
Peace, Love and Light!
Álvaro de Jesus
Rua de Cedofeita, nº 455, 1º, Sala 9
4050-181 PORTO
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Directed by Alvaro de Jesus
Beloved Children…
When you wish to shift from side to side, Open a path.
Way that it utilizareis for may get faster to the other side, where you wish to go.
I have shown you A WAY, through my Masters that you send, so that you may return to me faster.
Behold the story, and she will confirm what I remind you.
That ye may understand that only by UNITY with me you will be Happy.
That this shall come to concluirdes what you must do.
I'm in you and you are in Me.
Stay in Peace.
I am your Creator.