

When we start a new Life cycle of this temple ' path ', we wish a lot, decoration, have you as walkers.

If you want to find or discover yourself, to know who you are, If you have any Mediumistic Gift, or if you simply wish to help us in the Reconstruction and dissemination of the Temple, would love to know of your availability, in order to be able to find and match your help.

where everyone helps, nothing costs. GOD smiles and Blesses… It's our motto!

Receive our gratitude.

For’ The Direction

Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(President and Priest of the Order of Melchizedek)




Com o NPCR 592005666


Prepared in accordance with article 64 of the Notary Code



Name, definition, headquarters and purposes.

Artº. 1.º

  1. THE PATH – New Temple of the Lord, hereinafter referred to as “Temple”, is the Renaissance of the First Christian Temple, founded by the Lord Jesus, Christ, left under the Coordination of the Apostle Peter at the Last Supper, and it is also, according to information from our Beloved Brother Francisco Cândido Xavier, the First Spiritist Temple, in the Light of the Codification that Allan Kardec left us in the mid-19th Century, adopting, under the Religious Freedom Act, the status of Church.
  2. The Temple has its headquarters on Rua de Cedofeita, n.º 455 - 1 ° floor, Sala 7, 4050-181 PORTO, from the parish of Cedofeita, municipality of Porto.

Artº. 2.º

The Temple has, being the New Temple of the Lord, for purposes:

  1. a) Promote Love for God the Father, in Spirit and in Truth, day to day;
  2. b) Promote Love for Others, as commanded by the Lord Jesus;
  3. c) To study, understand and spread the Gospel of the Lord Jesus of Nazareth, Christ;
  4. d) To study, understand and teach Spiritist Coding, de allan Kardec;
  5. and) Promote artistic activities, charities, cultural, recreational and social, for everyone's happiness, within the fraternal spirit, and non-profit.

Artº. 3.º

To achieve its purposes, the Temple may:

  1. a) Acquire, build, sell and lease real estate, or of another nature, in Portugal and worldwide, necessary for your installation, your departments, spiritual and social assistance;
  2. b) Receive donations, donations, inheritances for the benefit of probate or legacies;
  3. c) Create or join social solidarity institutions.


From the members

Artº. 4.º

  1. The Temple is made up of people of both sexes, designated Walkers of Jesus, that they accept, as a rule of faith and practice, the Message of the Lord Jesus – Philosophy and Doctrine –, Universalist scope, that does not fall into fanaticism, in dogmatics and fantasy.
  2. Walkers subscribe to the Internal Regulations (Declaration of Faith), prepared by the Temple, which constitutes an annex and an integral part of these Statutes.

Artº. 5.º

All people of good repute can be Walkers of this Temple, to introduce themselves, voluntarily, to manifest it, as well as those presented by an effective Hiker, as long as they declare, voluntarily and responsibly, accept and live in accordance with the attached Internal Regulations.

Artº. 6.º

These are the rights of Walkers:

  1. a) Be informed of the Temple’s activities and projects;
  2. b) Be invited to participate in meetings of bodies or commissions of which they are members, being able to them, when using the word, present motions, complaints and protests;
  3. c) Elect and be elected to the governing bodies of the Temple.


From heritage

Artº. 7.º

The Temple's heritage consists of:

  1. a) Monthly dues, paid by all Walkers, as well as donations, donations, legacies and inheritances accepted for the benefit of inventory, that have been accepted by the Management;
  2. b) Real estate or other property, acquired free of charge or for consideration.


Of the organs.

Artº. 8.º

They are the governing bodies of the Temple:

  1. a) The Direction;
  2. b) The Supervisory Board;
  3. c) The General Assembly;

Artº. 9.º

The President of each body prepares the notice with the agenda, local, meeting date and time, directing the work.

Artº. 10.º

The term of office of the Temple's organ holders is one year., renewable, except for that of the Founder and current President of the Board, whose election is regulated as set out in no. 5 do Art.º 13.

Artº. 11.º

Will be plowed, compulsorily, minutes of deliberations taken at meetings of any body of the Temple, which will always be signed by all members present, or, respect the General Assembly, by the members of the respective table.

Artº. 12.º

The exercise of any position in the Temple bodies is not remunerated, unless otherwise, upon reasonable justification, is expressly resolved at the General Assembly.

Section I

From the Board

Artº. 13.º

  1. The Board is a collective body that directs the Temple in spiritual and administrative matters.
  2. The Board is made up of a President, a Secretary and a Treasurer.
  3. The Temple is obliged, by the joint signatures of the President of the Board, and another member of the Board, designated by this.
  4. The President has a casting vote and is replaced in case of absence, impediment or absence by the member of the Board he designates.
  5. Since the reconstruction of the Temple is a spiritual mission brought to Earth by the Founder and President of the Board,, Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus, will this be maintained, annually and automatically, in such functions, while alive and with physical and mental capabilities to perform the same. In your fulfillment, will take the name Brother Caminheiro Mentor.
  6. In financial transactions, two signatures will always be required: that of the President of the Board and that of the Treasurer, or that of the Secretary of the Board, if the Treasurer is unable.

Artº. 14.º

The Board is the executive body of the Temple and is responsible for:

  1. a) Prepare the budget proposal, the activity report, as well as the annual balance sheet;
  2. b) Represent the Temple in and out of court;
  3. c) Prepare proposals to change the statutes.
  4. d) Prepare internal regulations and their amendments;
  5. and) Comply with and ensure compliance with the statutes and other statutory resolutions;
  6. f) Decide on the acquisition and disposal of the Temple’s assets.
  7. g) Manage the Temple’s heritage.
  8. h) To present, annually, to the General Assembly, the bills, financial and statistical reporting.
  9. i) Deliberate on matters that do not expressly fall within the competence of other bodies.

Artº. 15.º

  1. The Direction, within the scope of its competences, can grant full powers to the President.
  2. With the consent of the Management, the President can delegate his powers, namely to oblige the Temple, in another member of the same Board.

Artº. 16.º

The Internal Regulations will contain the Temple’s guidance (Declaration of Faith), in doctrinal terms, spiritual and practical.

Section II

From the General Assembly

Artº. 17.º

  1. The General Assembly is a deliberative and consultative body, being made up of Walkers who are not suspended from exercising their rights.
  2. To direct the work of the General Assembly, a table is set up, composed of a President and two Secretaries.

Artº. 18.º

It is the responsibility of the General Assembly:

  1. a) Admission and exclusion of Walkers;
  2. b) Elect Board members and replace them, without prejudice to what is stated in no. 5 do artº. 13.º, based on a fault that involves loss of confidence;
  3. c) Elect the members of the Fiscal Council and replace them, based on a fault that involves loss of confidence;
  4. d) Elect the members of the Board of the General Assembly.
  5. and) Approve proposals to change the statutes by a majority of ¾ of its members;
  6. f) Approve the Temple’s report and accounts, with the opinion of the Supervisory Board;
  7. g) Approve the merger or dissolution of the Temple, by majority of 4/5 of its members.
  8. h) In the event of the extinction of the Temple, all assets will belong to whoever the General Assembly of the Temple decides to hand over, at the time of deliberating its dissolution, in accordance with current legislation, as well as elect a Liquidation Committee, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 166., n.º 1, of the Civil Code.

Artº. 19.º

  1. The General Assembly will meet in session under the terms and conditions set out in paragraphs 2 and 3, do Art. 173.º, e do n.º 1 do Art.174.º, both of the Civil Code.
  2. The General Assembly must be called by the Administration in the circumstances established by the statutes;
  3. It can also be called, with a legitimate purpose, at the request of a group of members not less than a fifth of its total, if another number is not established in the Statutes.
  4. The call can also be made by any member, if and when the Administration does not convene it in cases where it should do so.
  5. The General Assembly is convened by means of postal notice, issued to each member at least eight days in advance, indicating the day, the time and place of the meeting and its agenda.
  6. Unless a higher quorum is required by law or bylaws, motions are approved by an absolute majority, or in the case of competing motions, by simple majority.

Section III

Fiscal Council

Artº. 20.º

  1. The Supervisory Board is made up of a President, a Secretary and a Member.
  2. The president chairs the meetings and is their rapporteur.

Artº. 21.º

The Supervisory Board is responsible for giving a written opinion to the General Assembly on the annual report and accounts presented by the Board..


Final dispositions.

Artº. 22.º

In the event of the extinction of the Temple, all assets will belong to whoever the General Assembly decides to hand over, at the time of deliberating its dissolution, in accordance with current legislation, as well as, will elect a Liquidation Committee, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 166., n.º 1, of the Civil Code.



(General principles of Doctrine)

  1. We believe in the existence of God Uno, Creative Intelligence Supreme, Almighty, Omniscient, Ubiquitous, First cause of all things.
  1. We believe in the infinite wisdom of God and sovereignty, as to the creation and sustenance of life in all universes, in Divine Providence, in Revelation and Redemption.
  1. We believe in the Lord Jesus, custodian of the Christ, Son-Unified the Father Creator, in His earthly Incarnation, in His spiritual resurgence and spiritual ascension, in His mediation of God, in his second coming, that will become visible, being Light, Love, Truth, Power and glory.
  1. We believe in the plurality of universes, which have, as our, their inhabited Worlds and their Christs.
  1. We believe that these Christs (Creator Sons Unified with the Father) They are Star Brothers among themselves, interacting when and if necessary.
  1. We believe in the Spirit The Truth, the Comforter Promised (The Philosophy of Christic Love), in the Holy Spirit, in His Presence and Activity among Men, by Movement of these.

7. We believe, We bless and promote Human Mediums of all types, conscious or unconscious, Intuition, the inspiration and telepathy, as Spiritual Senses that Man asks for and receives in function of his Mission, as well as in works by such Mediumship received, that, in its essence and message, be and reflect the Divine Truth and Will that, forever, the men arrived.

8. We believe in the Spirit, Divine Spark, created by God in His Image and Likeness, in the condition of Being Simple, Free, and not remember the Being that he is, in its evolution and immortality.

  1. We believe that the Spirit descends into the flesh, by his incarnation and successive reincarnations, in search of your lighting, This is, comes the Physical Worlds inhabited, in search of perfection, enlightenment and Ascension, aided by his guardian angel and other spiritual Guides, as beings of light and Divine authorization, with you, to their aid, If positioning.
  1. We believe, Like this, in the improvement and evolution of the Spirit, that leads you to your enlightenment and ascension by merit, on the Way, The truth and the life, the example of all the brothers who ascended, as well as the example of our Divine and Beloved Master, Lord Jesus, Christ.
  1. We believe that the Temple ‘THE WAY’, Coming from the Lord Jesus, Christ, is a Project of GOD for the New Earth, rebuilt at the beginning of third Millennium, with the mission to evangelize and allow the communion of all the brothers, gathered together in your building, for acclaiming and living according to the Gospel of the Lord Jesus.
  1. We believe that GOD, for Christ, gave this Project His, with character of constancy, three obligations: the Study of Spiritist Science, IE, the Philosophy of Christic Love, the practice of Charity and Unconditional Love for all of His Creation.

13. We believe that it is the duty of the Temple to ‘THE WAY’, by the action of its Walkers, wherever they are, for the sake of Peace and Concord among Men, strive to make disciples and followers of the Christ of all men, in all Nations, announcing to them the Truth of the Holy Gospel, coordinated by the Spirit The Truth, and codified by Allan Kardec in the second half of the 19th century.

  1. We believe, so, that it is the duty of every Man to respect and study the Philosophy of Christic Love, for be it, Naturally, the Spiritual Science that studies you as a spiritual Being.
  1. We believe that one should not confuse the Philosophy of Christic Love, with Mediumship, Since this, being an inherent gift to any Man, believer or not, is in all people, regardless of your Religious Creed, while that, is a scientific instrument that allows man to know himself, studying of course your Mediumship without, However, with her get confused.
  1. Mediums exist in all religions, and Spiritists will be all those who study Spiritist Science/Doctrine, called, now how “The Philosophy of Christic Love”, and may be, or not, Mediums, while those can be, or not, Spiritualists.
  1. We believe, in fine, not to be confused with each other, that cannot be called a Spiritist meeting, what is commonly known as a Mediumistic session.
  1. We believe that the Lord Jesus, During his stay on Earth Physics, by his divine authority, integrated in BOTH the ten commandments of Moses, simplifying, Like this, the revelation of God, for He brought to Man.
  1. We believe that the Man must love, in obedience to the first Precept, Father God above all things, in Spirit and in Truth, and, in the second, Love your neighbor as you love yourself, promoting, by virtue of such precepts, peace between them, as well as cooperate with his brothers of different thoughts, in order to achieve God's Planetary objective, which is that there is a single TEMPLE, only one way, There only one God, and because His Truth is equally Unique.

20. We believe that this temple, being God's Project, is the Cosmic Religion of the New Earth, or the New World that, gradually, will appear in this third millennium on the horizon of man, incarnated or disembodied in the earthly orb, as our Beloved and Missing Brother Francisco Cândido Xavier announced (Chico Xavier) in 05 January 1954.

21. We believe that because it is the Project of our Divine FATHER/MOTHER/CREATOR, it operate, spiritually, Celestial hosts, in them including our beloved Angels and Archangels, Cherubim, Seraphim and Heloin, Ascended Masters, the Lords of the Seven Rays, the Lords of karma (Karmic Advice), those of the Galactic and Inter-Galactic Federation, as well as those of the Command of our Beloved Commander Ashtar, and all those who, loving Jesus, love us too.

22. We believe, Finally, that Earthly Humanity will know, moment to moment, of this Temple ‘THE WAY’, understanding it, loving it and accepting it, entering it as a Walker of JESUS, helping in its Reconstruction and dissemination, all contributing so that our Sacred Mother/School EARTH Ascends to the 5th Dimension and becomes a Regeneration Plan, and no longer be a Plan of Trials and Atonement.

Na Light,

By the Directorate of “THE PATH – New Temple of the Lord”

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus
