Elucidating 2


By Alvaro de Jesus



Más Escolhas!

O problema não está a jusante, mas a montante, IE, o Papa Francisco antes de condenar o aborto, ou falar dele, devia alterar a Doutrina da sua Igreja, no referente a negar a Reencarnação, e dizer por que razão vimos muitas vezes à Encarnação, e quiçá, disabled.

Devia falar da Lei de Causa & Cause law, também conhecida por Lei de Acção & Reacção, ou ainda, Lei do Retorno.

De facto, o provérbio Popular “aqui se fazem, aqui se pagam”, expressa totalmente a Verdade espiritual, e está regulado pela Lei de DEUS.

Depois disto é que ele teria apoio espiritual para poder afirmar que o aborto é, next to me, um crime de homicídio, pois segundo a Lei de DEUS é isso mesmo.

Like this, tratando as coisas somente pela vertente material, perde esse apoio, e ouve o que não quer.

Quem comete aborto, and, clinicamente falando, quem o executa, vê-lhe ser negada a Entrada numa Colónia Espiritual, após o seu desencarne, ficando perdido e em muito sofrimento, pelo Umbral.

Vir deficiente tem a ver com todos os crimes (o negativo) que vamos praticando.

Um dos Atributos de DEUS é ser Soberanamente JUSTO e BOM.

Tal como se lê, a Sua Justiça anda sempre à frente da Sua Bondade.

Se não houver Justiça (Mérito), não haverá Bondade.

Estude-se Allan Kardec, começando por “O Livro dos Espíritos”.




Of 08-05-2020


Speak up, here, of Truths that were hidden by who is said to be the Church of the CHRIST.

Yes, but, while I tell you this, I tell you that I do not accept that it is said that there is no need for a real TEMPLE, Since, even in the Higher Worlds this TEMPLE exists.

Because I tell you this?

For the simple reason that we know little or nothing about Us, While Spirits, created by GOD.

Little or nothing we know about what is called Spirituality.

Little or nothing we know about the New Comforter that the Lord JESUS ​​promised 2.000 years, and that has come to us, through the Work left by Allan Kardec, in the second half of the 19th century.

The Temple We Are, Yes, but, please, stop saying that a physical Temple is not necessary, a place sheltered from the weather, where we can get together to know about GOD and ourselves, while Your Beloved children, students that we are from LIFE, in this Sacred Planetary School that is our Mother EARTH (GAIA).

Be humble to know that we are these students, very in need of knowing ourselves.

Let there be humility to know that we are, still, far from the Knowledge of CHRIST, which is THE PATH, TRUTH and LIFE, that takes us, or leads, to FATHER.

There is humility to recognize that we were created by GOD in the condition of Beings single, books it's at ignore or be who we are, or, put another way, that we were created without being aware of the Being We Are, as Children of GOD.

This is the Work we came here to do, through our many incarnations.

If a student at a school does not achieve a PhD in a single academic year, also the Spirit does not reach his Ascension in a single coming to the flesh.

Be humble to understand and accept this Truth, knowing how to be a STUDENT.





Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Priest of the Order of Melchizedek)




Cosmic Revelations:

– “Be more Love, Be More Forgiveness, us and others, stopping, thus the wheel of karma. ”

– "We need to focus on serving others more on a daily basis."

– "We have to focus on increasing our vibration and awareness."

This was the message!

Dear Brothers and loved:

What these Galactic Brothers came to remind us of, it was the same as the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, stated in the Message that made us arrive in 31 December 2009, which was announced to us in the middle of that month, and in which He affirms, in the form of a complaint, that Your Message, left there 2.000 years, it hadn't been the fault of the priests, of pastors and spiritual guides, which have been corrupted by the worst pride: spiritual pride. (SIC).

Earthly Humanity must return to Holy Unity with its Creator, to be able to stay and ascend to the 5th Dimension together with our Sacred Planetary School TERRA.

It is necessary to understand that the current system has its days numbered, and worthless, To nobody, fight the will of the CREATOR, because the Earth, being our current School, it's not our house, since nobody is from here.

It is urgent to return to that Holy Unity with the CREATOR, being and living Unconditional Love.

Understand that the EARTH is in the process of Ascension and Cosmic Reintegration, and that if we don’t accept this Cosmic Truth, ascending with her, we will be taken from it through the millions of ships that are already positioned and prepared for the great evacuation, being exiled and taken to other orbs - Inhabited worlds - that are in 3D.

Search the Internet for ‘Chapel Exiles’, and you will understand what can happen, now, Us.

Once again the Choice is ours, of each.

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Priest of the Order of Melchizedek)


“The Message for Humanity [Blue Aviaries / Corey Goode]”





Beloved / Beloved Brothers:

Listen, in the audio, the reason for the Title!

Yes, we must understand the designs of our Divine Creator Father, when He uses certain procedures to re-educate us.

Do not fear, because He is in charge of everything we cannot see and / or understand ...

Do, Yes, is always, our best, being unconditional LOVE, because if we are not located in fear, and we are this Unconditional Love, we will vibrate loudly and, There, the virus cannot exist and will die:

Everything is Energy, everything is Movement, and everything is Vibration ...

Knowing this, fulfill us, for our own defense, know how to be energy, this evolutionary / ascensional movement, rise, because of that, in Vibration, and be that LOVE.

but, for Loving… even if you don't manifest. LOVES Everything and everyone, it's him, the father, that is in you as it is in everyone, will know to see what you are being, and will bring you happiness.

Hugs in the LIGHT (GOD) and in that LOVE.

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Priest of the Order of Melchizedek)


“The Virus that came to serve the Progress of Humanity!”


If you like it ...! Always do your part ... and nothing will be difficult for you, knowing that, if you have merit ... YOU WILL RISE!

HE is Sovereignly Fair and Good!



Excellencies: (Sent to the Highest Political Figures in Portugal)


It is known that the American citizen Neale Donald Walshc, being afflicted with what Life showed and demanded, solved, in an act of desperation, unburden, writing a letter to God.

When he gave this outburst at the end, and wanting to put the pen on the desk, he realized he had no action on his hand, failing, so, pousá-la.

This instant, after a few seconds, the hand, that he no longer mastered, started writing again…

And, Neale, when the hand stopped, leu:

– “You are just venting, or do you really want to talk to me!?”

Was born, There, the 3 Volumes he edited, entitled ‘Conversations with God’, Book 1, Book 2 and Book 3.

Many years have passed, near 30, and Neale continues to write things that we can verify are very close to his certain contact with the Creator.

One of the last… Entitled “GOD - Message to the World”, on the cover, under the Title, pear-se:

"They didn't notice anything I said."

GOD said this!?

Looking at what He is elucidating, daily, in Your messages, called ‘The Creator’s Ringtones’, we believe so. Is that, we learn to know Him, in these ‘Conversations’. Yes… That knowledge happened, and we saw that He was starting a Great Spiritual Revolution.

In day 6, there is 3 days, in a message dictated by the Spiritual Mentor Alex Bardonnie, psychographed by Medium, Mrs. D. Elizabeth Oliveira, we learn what He has offered us, to which he gave the following title:

“LAST MINUTE! – Humanity is under observation by 180 days”

See here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DM_YzPPRf4

That is, the Greater World (the TERRA Command), that has the Guardianship by the Spiritual Government of our Beloved Planet / Earth School, gave us 180 days.

This Beloved Mentor said the time has come for us to be Unconditional LOVE, because we know that EARTH is experiencing its Planetary Transition (Rise), for the 5th Dimension, as well as His Reintegration into His Cosmic Family, and you need to see and receive, All of us, Good Vibrations, to be able to do all this, Us, without being forced to make a very painful choice.

However, the creator, in day 01 of April, via Covid -19, in the Touch 'See the Present', said:

"At this time, it may seem that the future of your world is uncertain. However, there is one thing the Universe would like you to know during this difficult period: everyone is in the process of relearning what your societies have forgotten.

1 – The joys of human connection!

2 – The importance of family time!

3 – Growth and learning, arising from a connection with yourself, and with the Universe!

4 – Restoring your connection to Earth and Nature!

5 – The rediscovery of a deeper level of kindness and compassion for the people around you!

Think of it as an intensive course to remember what's important.

You may not understand, completely, what is happening, or what may be to come, and it's ok.

The Universe asks you to see yourself being present, fully involved in this moment, and alive, as a gift that still needs to show all its benefits..

The Creator

here's the reason, seen from another prism, why these 180 days.

We know why all of this... And we are, here, trying to take, in the last instance, some awareness about the Spirituality spoken and explained by the CHRIST, there is 2.000 years, as well as the New Comforter, that, according to him, the FATHER would send us in His name, but what, unfortunately, neither one nor the other, have been offered to this Humanity, which is, quoting Pope Francis' expressions, immersed in a very sad spiritual illiteracy. I'll say, since the 4th century.

Many WARNINGS are coming to EARTH from the Higher Life Plans, as never before, can we say it, They arrived, but what, through this spiritual illiteracy, does not find enough CULTURE to settle in the Heart of this Humanity.

We have 180 days to learn what in 17 Centuries we don't understand.

Six months… It's the time that Alto just gave us.

Yes! There are a lot of People in our System, in our Galaxy, in our Universe and in the Cosmos waiting for us to learn to be Divine People.

Serves this exhibition, to take you to the thought of a Young Astrologer who, through that Science, tell us about…

Coronavirus: A Gaia strategy? Or a stroke of fate? | 06.04.20”



I am Manuel Álvaro da silva de Jesus

(Priest of the Order of Melchizedek, and Reconstructor of O PATH, that was demolished in the said 4th century)




Excellencies: (Sent to the Highest Political Figures in Portugal)


I accepted the ‘challenge’ that the FATHER threw me, and I came…

I came and I'm, at my Sentry Post, watching everything around me, so that you lack nothing, with regard to your Security and Light.

I am a Servant of GOD who, in this current Incarnation, is called Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus, Priest of the Order of Melchizedek, and i am here, as I have always been, to SERVE you.

We join our efforts and purpose to the Beloved Mentor Alex Bardonnie, that speaks to us in this video / audio, through the psychography of our sister Elizabeth Oliveira.

Take your notes from Him and do it by loving you, LOVING, furthermore, all creation, our neighbor, referred to by Christ Jesus.

This will make you earn everything that the FATHER has to donate to you!

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus


“LAST MINUTE! – Humanity is under observation by 180 days”



Text, revised and adapted:

Monday, 6 April 2020

HUMANITY – under observation by 180 days



Psychographed Letter:

Alex Bardonnie

Medium: Elizabeth Oliveira.

Uberlândia / MG – Spiritist House


"Good evening, to all navigators on planet Earth!

Despite the fact that the entire planetary crew is apparently alarmed by the pandemic that is spreading across the globe, know that each one of you, during your reincarnation plan I was already aware of this challenge, as well as the importance of going through this unique moment.

I know you're fed up with news, clarifications and information on the current moment lived, but let me give you an overview of the whole situation, from the perspective of our plan, the spiritual plane. First of all, allow me to introduce myself:

My name is Alex Bardonnie, I am a member of a spiritual egregore called the Nova Luz Project, and, today, we work hard in this new transitional process in which the planet is, once, as you have been widely informed by our brother Francisco Xavier (Chico Xavier), drastic changes are taking place, and here I am to explain to you our project for this great leap that you are witnessing at this moment.

First of all, antagonistic as it may seem, see this period as a great gift given to you, for pure merit.

When we are on the spiritual planes, we were unable to absorb some feelings related to hunger, the scarcity, the bear, insecurity, illness and death.

We fully understand them, but we don't really feel them. I've felt them a few times, since I was incarnated on your planet. I know you must be questioning yourselves: how can so many bad feelings be a gift? And the answer is very simple.: there is no greater learning, greater evolution than feeling, live intensely. Sometimes, a few days incarnate lapidate us for all eternity.

But back to current facts, we are going through this moment, and I include myself in this sentence, since we are working here, in our energy field, hard, for a very clear reason.

With the planetary change that is taking place, within a few decades the planet will be much more connected with spirituality, around the year two thousand one hundred and fifty (2150). But to reach this result, an important step has now been taken.

when we live in the spiritual plane, there is no division of gift, past and future: we live, simply, the now, the instant, or press, the feel, and that's all we have. If planet Earth doesn't learn to live now, it will be impossible for us to evolve and create a broader link with spirituality.

If we look a few months ago, you live a totally antagonistic behavior in relation to an incarnatory experience, nothing else was being felt, vivid, savored and learned.

The focus was always on the future, the next weekend, the next party, the next holiday, the next material objective. In other words, the majority (about eighty-five percent of the Earth's population) was underusing its existence.

And that's why this pandemic occurred, to stop humanity, that was in a movement without purpose and without destiny. After this brief introduction, I will introduce you to our goals:

First of all:

It is to forget about future achievements and place yourself in the now, as the moment demands living one day at a time. It is no longer possible to sacrifice today to project tomorrow, since if you don't take care, now, of yourselves, of your neighbors and society, getting focused on the present, the future, simply, will not occur.

second point:

We understand that there is still a large and erroneous division of wealth, and we know that even in cases of illness, lucky people will have better treatments, but we managed to curb greed, the superfluous, the foolish vanity.

Before, many made a point of being admired for enjoying exclusive situations, or for obtaining unique possessions, but at this point these people have realized that it's not worth anything to them anymore..

third point:

When we reincarnate we bring, often, karmic situations from past lives to resolve and evolve. Sometimes, four and five incarnations pass, and the spirit perpetuates, simply, this situation.

The present moment serves, just, for an intimate reform of each one of you. If your problem is familiar, it will be at the center of your incarnatory question to solve it. If your problem is greed, or greed, you will notice that the future can change at any time, and that your riches, in a matter of moments, they will be worth very little to you.

If your problem is an addiction, the time has come to choose to eradicate it, or expose the health of all those around you to obtain, simply, an ephemeral pleasure.

In the case of people of little faith, within a few days the emptiness will consume them and they will have the opportunity to seek a greater existential meaning.

fourth point:

even if they meet, now, in your home, protected, with health and earnings, it will be impossible to be totally happy and at peace.

A feeling of sadness and lack of fullness will always accompany you.

This is the main reason for the entire process., precisely so that each one of you realizes that it is not possible to be happy alone.

You will realize that as long as a family has a patient, or someone starving in some isolated place, happiness will not be, simply, complete, and will stay, therefore, crystal clear the evidence that we are part of a large constellation, and the brightness of a star will never be greater than its whole.

Finally, we want to remind you of the scarcity of time. Every person who is born on Earth is already certain that one day he will leave, and that we have a finite period of time to evolve.

this pandemic came, just, to demonstrate it. We have to face our conflicts now, not next month, or next year.

Take advantage of this period for a deep reflection and measurement of your existence. We all have, instinctively, the critical sieve of right and wrong, allow yourselves, only, use it.

As for the elderly who are disincarnating, stay calm, they are being very well received here, and its passage is strongly ennobled by serving, just, of lesson and example for the other inhabitants of the planet.

But then, what should we expect going forward?

The Planet will be in “observation by 180 days”, if all the awareness gained does not result in practical behavioral changes, a second pandemic wave, this time more rigid, is being prepared to fix, just, all learning.

in our plans, if behavioral evolution continues as it is today, with love, compassion and faith, the beginning of the reversal of the world board will begin on the 17th of May of this year.

Doctors will begin to find effective treatments to reduce the pandemic, and a month after this milestone, everyone will have the chance of rebirth.

We are confident that it will not be necessary., since many gestures of love, understanding and reflection are being noticed.

The human empathy that once ruled, is gradually being diluted and these good feelings explain the last issue I would like to clarify in this message: the chosen form was a pandemic and not a war, just to not generate feelings of anger, division, or rancor, and the fact that the contamination is global and not punctual, it was precisely to break any creedal prejudice, ethnicity, social position or nationality, showing everyone's equality.

If you have received this letter and read this far, it's not simply for clarifying reasons, but because it is being summoned. Summoned by love to help us. We need the vibration of the embodied ones to emanate all the aid energy, elucidation and cure that we have in our plan.

you are important for this moment. It is our bridge to pass all this energy charge to the planet. All we ask is that, once a day, retreat to a quiet place, which can be in your bed, and connect with us through thought. Remember this letter and mentalize, just that it is able to vibrate and donate all the necessary energy to all who need it..

You can direct your vibrations to whoever comes to your mind. Doing this will help the entire planet and strengthen, also, all your spiritual reserves.

Thank you very much for reading, know you are not alone. I am just one of thousands of mentors who meet with you on this journey..

Stay with God!”

Facebook; Shargran Oceanic Center


Canal Youtube : Essence Ayam I Am Spirituality


Blog: Ayam Essence



Text revised and adapted to European Portuguese by Álvaro de Jesus

THE PATH – New Temple of the Lord

Porto – Portugal





Listen to this Brother ...

And, as you hear it, remember what our Divine Mother MARIA told us, in one of the messages that O CAMINHO has read many times, that the Earth will be a Single Nation, the Nation of the Children of Light;

Remember what Salazar said in message nº 9 ‘First Day of a New Day’, on that same subject;

And remember what our Divine Creator Father told us in His 3 Last touches.

This Brother, which appears to be very simple, humble and honest… go, video to video, repeating everything that THE PATH already told you.

The Political-Social Regime that this Brother talks about at the beginning of his video is the same as GOD spoke to Neale Donald Walshc in ‘Conversations with God’, where everyone works for the Whole, for the same Cause, earning a fair wage, it is up to the State to collect all the goods produced to distribute them to all, in perfect equality.

There will be no money, but for each day of work the employee will earn a certain Credit, which will be noted in a booklet…

It will be with this passbook that this employee, whoever he is, will buy the state what it needs for its home, discounting, in your book, the credits that these goods cost.

Everyone will have everything they need and there will be no Classes ... Because everyone will win the same ...

This is how it is in the Higher Worlds and it will be so in the 5th Dimension Earth, Where, Naturally, there will be a single nation and a single government, at the same time that there will be, himself, a single Temple.

God is not a mercantilist, nor do you want us to be in the 5th Dimension.

Listen to this Brother, and remember everything you've heard from us, as well as 3 Creator's last touches…

Because things are happening much faster than expected, as FATHER said today, don't wait for tomorrow, what you can and should do TODAY.

What our Divine Creator Father said today pre announces that the Event is coming soon, maybe later this year.

For Him to come and say: “We are moving towards the New Way”; "Change your perspective"; "Deep in Your Heart."

Na Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus


Open and listen to this video…




Porto, Portugal, 03-04-2020



I learned that nothing is, or, it happens, just in case...

What you will hear is the Truth of Life and, the life teaches!

I will not claim that this is my last submission, for the future belongs to GOD, but, could be...

Yes, Since, from what you will hear, of two, a: or do we all change course, or, May God have mercy on us all...

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Priest of the Order of Melchizedek and, according to the Will of the Creator, the First Responsible, in the land, for the Reconstruction of ‘O CAMINHO – New Temple of the Lord’, that the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, left under the Coordination of His Apostle Peter, at the so-called last supper, hours before being, by Your Will, crucified)


LETTER – It was written



P S. – I recommend drinking Lemonade throughout the day. A Lemon a Day, and give hugs!

It was not a joke that the BREEDER decided that the Lemon Tree would bear FRUIT all year round.

Make your body ALKALINE, ceasing to be acid!

Do not allow Covid-19 to enter and take revenge on you, KILL HIM, with lemon! Here's the VACCINE!



(Letter or Plan of Life)



When I talk about crimes committed by pure omission, or impure, I'm not inventing anything, much less am I kidding…

There are crimes like this committed?

Yes, and many of them are...

With regard to Spirituality, therefore, it's not good to talk...

hence, a seeker of truth, when you find something you wanted to find, buy it soon.

I already told you why I left the Church where I was baptized, where did the two communions, the private and the solemn, the chrism, the Course of Apostolic Life and my Marriage, these two in africa.

Why did I leave her, you will ask?

Why am I picky, and why did I want to know what she never taught me, coming to find it in the Works of a Buddhist Lama, called LOBSANG RAMP.

I became a Buddhist!?

No! I remain Christian, but I learned in Buddhism what my former church never told me.

Devo, However, talk about the Plan of Life that we elaborated before coming to the Incarnation, because I see that many Brothers continue to ask God for this and that, for not knowing that they are living what they have already asked and that they have included in their Life Plan, and than, so, have already been authorized, having to live what they asked, be good or less good, thanking, Yes, bye, for all that He allowed them to live.

This comes with regard to what is still heard out there, depending on what you're going through, even hearing it said:

– “What harm have I done to God, to suffer what I'm suffering?”

As if it were God who decided what we are going to live, or as if this were a divine punishment.

About this I will say:

  1. – The Choices, according to our needs, are evolutionary, be karmic, are always ours;
  2. - That's why, God only authorizes what we ask of him, being able, However, advise not to bring so many difficulties. Yes! He is LOVE and he is a FATHER;
  3. – For such a fact, We live nothing that we didn't ask;
  4. - Therefore, if it was the pain we chose, we were the ones who wanted to live it, knowing that, if we asked, does it have to do with debts of past lives..., now, what we sow.

Viva, because, each one, what are you living, without thinking that it was God who wanted it that way. No, it wasn't God, it was us, and period.

Instead of asking God for this or that, we must always bear in mind that all of this we have already asked for, before coming to incarnation, and that our request obeyed what we wanted to live, close that we went to physical life.

when you study, seriously, Allan Kardec, we found out about all this. Therefore, we advise you to study the New Comforter, for what will be the Cosmic Religion in the Future.

Wishes for Good Health, taking the utmost care in this current time, and much peace.

Na Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus




(Listening to Divaldo)

“Stubborn Rebel Spirits Will Be Cast Out To Inferior Planets – Spiritist Vision”


The title above, meets what CHRIST has stated in His Letters, dictated to a sister from South Africa, between the years 2000 and 2002, Sister who was prepared by Him during 40 years, to be able to receive these Letters of Yours, that are, as he himself stated, The New Bible of the Coming 2.000 years.

However, Our Divine Mother MARY has already come to say that the Spiritual Teaching that is coming to this Earth Plane, since the second half of the 19th century, is part of the ‘New Comforter’ that CHRIST announced 2.000 years, and that came to us through the work of Allan Kardec, which was, however, excommunicated by the Church of Rome, founded by Emperor Constantine, the big, in the year 325, Fourth century.

But PORTUGAL was given, but and one more time, a big task: to Give New Light to the World, through the Reconstruction of the Temple THE WAY, that Christ left at the Last Supper to His Apostles, in the Person of the Apostle Peter.

It was not, because, By chance did Salazar come to say, in message number 9 from 'Firstfruits of a New Day', after asking the Portuguese people for forgiveness, that PORTUGAL will be the 'Holy Spirit of Nations'. (SIC)

What do you mean!?

Read Part Two of ‘Posthumous Works’, de allan Kardec, where he tells us what he was told on the day 30 April 1856, at mr's house. Roustan, in Paris, France, about what he would come to accomplish in a new Incarnation, IE, in new physical body, and you will understand why Kardec would be (it's already being), the Worker who rebuilds what has been demolished.

Open your Eyes and Ears, site, in short, Worthy of Being Called Children of the Creator.

Listen, here, Divaldo Pereira Franco and you will know why I defended the Thesis of No to Abortion, to same-sex marriage, and to euthanasia.

Let us be worthy of having already reached the Hominal Species and being, so, rational.

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Priest of the Order of Melchizedek, and Responsible on Earth for the Reconstruction of the First CHRISTIAN Temple, founded and left by JESUS, CHRIST).

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com




Beloved Brethren:

Yes, I defend and I am with the New Comforter, for I cannot deny What Christ has promised us, and that the FATHER sent us, by Allan Kardec.

Hence the Lord JESUS ​​also told us:

– “One day you will find the Truth and it will set you free!”

as it turns out, He spoke of Future.

Ask if, therefore, and naturally, why did the Lord JESUS ​​announce to us this New Comforter?

Because He was unable to fulfill the Mission that brought Him to Earth. He, the father, and the entire Earth Command decided to postpone the Instauration of the Divine Plan on Earth, for more 2.000 years.

And why was this New Comforter excommunicated by the Roman Church?

For the simple fact that that Church did not want to subject itself to the dictates of the Message of Christ, renewed in this New Comforter.

Do not forget what Christ said in His Letters, about His Message not getting through, as well as the New Testament having very little of Him.

Whose fault is it that the New Testament has so little of it??

Whose should it be?, Beloved Brethren? Whose should it be??

The Roman Church did what the Roman Empire did: IMPOSED ITSELF, Oh ok, or in pain, for it is known what happened in the Middle and Modern Ages, and still a little, nowadays, although I can no longer impose anything on anyone.

Science and Politics forced her to lower her crest...

Therefore, study Allan Kardec, because you will be studying What the FATHER sent us in the second half of the 19th Century, just as Christ had promised us, and let go of whatever is to let go.

stay, because, with the First 13 Questions from ‘The Spirits’ Book’:



Chapter 1 – DEUS

I - God and the Infinite

  1. what is god?

— God is the supreme intelligence, prime cause of all things.

  1. What do we understand by infinity??

— That which has no beginning and no end; the unknown; all the unknown is infinite. (1)

  1. We could say that God is infinite?

— Incomplete definition. Poverty of the language of men, insufficient to define the things that are beyond their intelligences.

Comment by Kardec: God is infinite in his perfections, but the finite is an abstraction; To say that God is infinite is to take the attribute of a thing for itself., define something not yet known, for another one that isn't either.

(1) Spirits refer to the Universe. Everything we know about him has a beginning and an end.; everything we don't know is lost in infinity. Application of the French expression: go from the known to the unknown. (N. do T.)

II - Proofs of the Existence of God

  1. Where can we find proof of the existence of God?

— In an axiom that you apply to your sciences: There is no effect without cause. Seek the cause of all that is not the work of man, and your reason will answer you.

Comment by Kardec: To believe in God, it is enough to glance at the works of creation.. the universe exists, he has, so, a cause. To doubt the existence of God would be to deny that every effect has a cause., and advance that nothing can do something.

  1. What consequence can we draw from the intuitive feeling, that all men bring with them, of the existence of God?

- that God exists; where does this feeling come from?, if he didn't lean on anything? It is a consequence of the principle that there is no effect without a cause..

  1. The intimate feeling of the existence of God, that we bring with us, would it not be the effect of education and the product of acquired ideas?

— If so, why would your savages have that feeling too?

Comment by Kardec: If the feeling of the existence of a supreme being were nothing more than the product of a teaching, would not be universal and would not exist, like scientific notions, except among those who could have received this teaching.

  1. We could find the primary cause of the formation of things in the intimate properties of matter?

- But, therefore, what would be the cause of these properties? A primary cause is always needed..

Comment by Kardec: To attribute the primary formation of things to the intimate properties of matter would be to mistake the effect for the cause., because these properties are, in themselves, an effect, that there must be a cause.

  1. What to think of the opinion that attributes primary education to a fortuitous combination of material, IE, by chance?

— another nonsense! What man of common sense can consider chance as an intelligent being? And, furthermore, what is chance? Nothing!

Comment by Kardec: The harmony that regulates the forces of the universe reveals determined combinations and ends., and therefore an intelligent power. Assign primary formation at random, it would be nonsense, because chance is blind and cannot produce intelligent effects. An intelligent chance would no longer be a chance.

  1. Where can you see, in the primary cause, a supreme intelligence, superior to all others?

- You have a proverb that says the following: the author is known by the work. Well: see the work and look for the author! It is pride that breeds unbelief. The proud man admits nothing outside himself, and that's why it's considered a strong spirit. poor being, that a breath of God can bring down!

Comment by Kardec: The power of an intelligence is judged by its works. As no human being can create what Nature produces, the primary cause must be in an intelligence superior to humanity.

Whatever prodigies performed by human intelligence, this intelligence also has a cause and, the greater your achievement the greater must be the primary cause. This higher intelligence is the primary cause of all things., by whatever name man designates it.

III - Attributes of Divinity

  1. Can Man Understand the Intimate Nature of God?

No. you lack, both, a sense.

  1. Will one day allow man to understand the mystery of the Godhead?

“When your spirit is no longer clouded by matter and, for your perfection, if you approached her, then he will see and understand.

Comment by Kardec: The inferiority of man's faculties does not allow him to understand the intimate nature of God. In the childhood of mankind, man often confuses him with the creature, whose imperfections he attributes to him; but, as your moral sense develops, his thought better penetrates the bottom of things and he makes, therefore, about you, an idea fairer and more in accordance with good reason, although always incomplete.

Note: This is what Allan Kardec identifies us in his comment, what Pope Francis did in Africa, when he stated that the Way to the Cross was the Failure of God! Francis still confuses God with the creature itself, whose duties it assigns. That is, Francis does not know WHAT GOD IS (question no. 1), he doesn't even know what his attributes are (question no. 13). It is not, because, With no reason, that we have been asking this Church to resurrect the Work of Allan Kardec, studying it seriously together with the People, if you don't want to die a natural death in the next few years.

  1. If we cannot understand the inner nature of God, we can get an idea of ​​some of its perfections?

— Sim, of some. Man understands better, as it rises above matter; he glimpses them by thought.

  1. When we say that God is eternal, infinity, immutable, immaterial, single, almighty, supremely fair and good, we do not have a complete idea of ​​its attributes?

— From your point of view, Yes, because you believe to encompass everything, but know that there are things above the intelligence of the most intelligent man, and for which your language, limited to your ideas and your sensations, does not have expressions. Reason tells you that God must have these perfections in a supreme degree., because, if you had one less, or that it was not infinite degree, would not be above all, and, consequently, would not be God. To be above all things, God must not be subject to vicissitudes and cannot have any of the imperfections that the imagination is capable of conceiving..

Comment by Kardec: God is ETERNAL. If he had a start, would have come out of nowhere, or, therefore, would have been created by an earlier being. That's how, little by little, we go back to infinity and eternity.

IS IMMUTABLE. If he were subject to change, the laws that govern the Universe would have no stability.

IS IMMATERIAL. To mean, its nature differs from everything we call matter, otherwise it would not be immutable, being subject to the transformations of matter.

IT'S UNIQUE. If there were many gods, there would be no unity of views or power in the organization of the Universe.

IS ALL POWERFUL. because it's unique. If I didn't have the sovereign power, would there be anything more powerful or as powerful as him, that then I would not have done all things. And those he had not made would be the work of another God..

IT IS SOVEREIGNLY FAIR AND GOOD. The providential wisdom of divine laws is revealed in the smallest as well as in the greatest things., and this wisdom does not allow us to doubt his justice, nor your kindness.

Logo of THE WAY offered by the Lord JESUS



(We are all unique, different and brothers)


Between the 4.194 friends i have on facebook, some contact me via Messenger, and let's talk...

What are we talking about, one of the highlighted themes has to do with the beliefs of each one, and, because of what they say to me, I verify that the great part knows nothing of what our Sacred Planetary School EARTH is living, as they don't know the New Comforter, promised by the Lord JESUS ​​there is 2.000 years, How could His body have appeared in a cave at Nazareth?, brought us the Truth that would set us free.

Yes, remember what the Lord JESUS ​​said when, there is 2.000 years, told us about that:

– “The FATHER will send you a New Consoler who will tell you about everything, even what I cannot tell you now.”

IT'S, because, true, by way of what we have just remembered, who also told us:

– “One day you will find the Truth and it will set you free.”

Ask if: This Truth has already arrived?

Already! It came to us in the second half of the 19th century, through the Work of the Illustrious French Academic, Professor Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail, whose works he signed with his pseudonym ALLAN KARDEC, name that was yours in a previous incarnation, when he was a Celtic Druid.

Between JESUS ​​and KARDEC mediated 19 Centuries, proves a lot of the difficulty that ALTO found in us, due to our continued difficulty in Being Light.

This proves, as the Lord JESUS ​​exposes in His Letters, the great difficulties He encountered to fulfill His Divine Mission.

As Lord GAUTAMA told us, in psychographic message, there were two millennia of trampling, wars and death, these situations force us to rethink what we are, still, and nowadays, before the Message of Love that CHRIST brought us and left.

To the Catholic and Evangelical Brothers I must remind the Words of CHRIST, left in these so-called Letters:

– “The New Testament has very little of Me!”

This means that the existing Bible, namely in regard to this New Testament, is falsified, should be removed from the pulpits, studying yourself, now, not only the New Comforter, like these Your Nine Letters, because they are, as he himself stated, the New Bible for the next 2.000 years.

Know yourself, furthermore, that no one from ALTO entered or went on vacation, and than, if they let us live two millennia of death, wars and riots, this was due, exclusively, to have free will, being, now, However, in confrontation with the New Golden Age, entering this new millennium, and New Age, that of Aquarius, after the turn of the year 2012, where the end of yet another Cycle of 26.000 years.

give up, because and quickly, rest to the old bible, and study the New that enters, since the 19th century, everyday through our door.

It's LOVE and it's Unconditional? through Mine and Your Work, leave the old and study the NEW!

Let's know how to be, because, unconditional love, how was Jesus, loving everyone, being, However, with who is with us.

OIL-SE, because, each one, because we know that no one is like anyone else, for each being UNIQUE and, Naturally, different from everyone.

We are all unique and different, Yes, but we are all BROTHERS, Beloved Sons of the ONE GOD, that Christ has identified us, as a FATHER of LOVE and KINDNESS! See if, from Question No. 10, from 'The Spirits' Book' by ALLAN KARDEC, "GOD'S ATTRIBUTES", so that there is no one who calls Him FAILURE.

By being ACCEPTANCE, by virtue of Each One Being One… We will be revering the SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS, How could His body have appeared in a cave at Nazareth?, told us in one of His last 'Touchs':


So, if We Are Part of All That Is… We are IT Himself, in Action.

Let's be it, because, consciously, always having him with us inside, and never outside.

If this we know how to be... This reincarnation of ours will win.

May the Roman Church bring to the Light of Day the New Comforter, taking him out of the dungeons, under penalty of this Church going to these dungeons.

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Priest of the Order of Melchizedek)

First Responsible on Earth for O CAMINHO – New Temple of the Lord

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com




(Finally, the truth!)


Today, 32 years after the Lord JESUS ​​told me that my Mission would only start after my retirement (reform), I knew why.

As he asked me, I was preparing myself... But without knowing why I would start this Mission of mine only after I had retired.

I was studying, reading, analyzing, listening, and only today I 'HEARD' why He told me what He said.

What would have to happen so that I could start this Mission of mine only after being retired??

Remember what Christ said about the Churches in His Letters, dictated between 2000 and 2002? In one of them he stated:

– Allan Kardec explained, Allan Kardec explained 30 Allan Kardec explained

That is, with THE EVENT, or the CHANGE, what is not of LOVE and TRUTH, for not being able to rise to the 5th Dimension, will leave the earth. The New World Order is, because, condemned!

What does this about the Churches have to do with my Mission?

It has everything to do with it… For the PATH, by the will of our Divine FATHER, it will be the TEMPLE that will appear on the Human horizon, after the end of the churches, for being the truest, belo, great and worthy of the Creator, having been the Creator himself to send me, this time, as the Lord JESUS ​​told me.

Everything is, because, sure, in truth and almost on point (Tempo).

Let's look, again, what ALLAN KARDEC tells us, about what happened that day 30 April 1856 at Lord Roustan's house, in Paris, and let's connect what we are going to read with the reason why the LORD JESUS ​​told me that my Mission would only begin after my retirement.

First revelation of my mission, 30 April 1856

30 April 1856

(at Mr.. Roustan, med. Ms. Japheth.)

I followed, some time ago, the sessions that took place at the home of Mr.. Roustan, and there began the verification of my work that should, later, form The Book of Spirits. In an intimate session, attended by only seven or eight people, talked about different things, relating to events that could bring about a social transformation, when the medium, grabbing the basket, spontaneously wrote the following:

“When the great bell rings, you will leave him; you will only relieve your fellow man; individually, o magnetizareis, in order to cure him. After, each prepared at their post, because everything will be needed, once everything will be destroyed, especially for a moment.

There will be no more religion (1), but one will be needed, truer, grande, beautiful and worthy of the Creator... Its first foundations are already laid...

your, rival, your mission is there. (Free, the basket returned to my side, as would a person who wanted to designate me with his finger.) And you, Sr. M… the sword that does not hurt, more than kills; against everything that is, you will come first. He, rival, will come second: he is the workman who rebuilds what has been demolished.”

NOTE: This was the first positive revelation about my mission, and I confess that, when I saw the basket rush towards me, and name me, I couldn't defend myself from a certain emotion.

O Sr. M…, who attended this meeting, was a young man of the most radical views, engaged in political affairs, and that he was obliged not to put himself too much in evidence.

Believing in a near disorder, prepared to take part in it, and combined his reform plans. Era, Rest, a nice and harmless man.


(1) This phrase is in accordance with what CHRIST said about the churches having a natural death. Therefore, at the end of these 30 years mentioned by him, “There will be no more religion.”

My Mission will begin, truly, from now on.

That's why he, knowing this, announced to me that only after I had retired would I start my Mission.

He knows the FUTURE and speaks what he must speak, even though, at a certain moment, don't say everything, knowing, However, that, in time, we will find out why you told us what you said.

Therefore, from this sacred moment everything is clarified about who I was, on, and what will I be, because I will do everything not to fail.

Place isto, I have to tell you that, if GOD wants it, and if the CHRIST says so, we will go, now fully aware of everything, prepare ourselves more seriously, for that, in a few 10 years we can TAKE OFF and Be What GOD wants us to be, and than, for such, mandated us.

He wanted it to be reflected in 'Posthumous Works' by Allan Kardec, what would this come, in the future, accomplish, and the Lord JESUS ​​just reminded me of what was written since the second half of the 19th century.

Let us praise the LORD, with all our LOVE and GRATITUDE!

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Sacerdote Melchizedek)

THE WAY - New Temple of the Lord

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com

Logo offered by the Lord JESUS!



(Addendum to the previously sent on Euthanasia)





Crime by Omission!

When we drive on a road in our car and we encounter an accident, Our Law tells us that we are obliged to help the victims, assisting them in whatever way we can, either by providing them with direct assistance, either by calling institutional means of assistance, as an ambulance, nurse and doctor, if necessary for that.

If we don't do this, we will practice a Crime by Pure Omission, or own.

My Dear Friends and Brothers in Christ:

It's like that in everything... In Social Life, in politics, and in religion.

Therefore, if someone has omitted something that causes harm to others, namely that causes spiritual ignorance, whatever, for example, in religion, by not Evangelizing According to the Truth of GOD, left by the CHRIST, this someone, whoever he is, from a simple citizen of the world, to the POPE, will always be held responsible by the Major LAW, since the Law of Men, through this Grave Pure Omission, may even contribute, or help, by legislating on situations that should never be the subject of such legislation, aggravating, Like this, the result of this Pure Omission, for what was legislated, HURT THE MAJOR LAW.

A Captain on Board of any Aircraft, namely an Airbus A-380, before taking off, elaborates, always, the necessary FLIGHT Plan.

One Spirit, before coming to the Incarnation, and with the loving help of your Spirit guides, always elaborate, also, your necessary Life Plan, that will be, absolutely, subject to Order and authorization of the Divine CREATOR FATHER.

Do you want the Commander on Board, wants the Reincarnating Spirit, never take off, or come, without this Flight Plan, or of life, be duly authorized.

And only the Control Tower, and God, respectively, case by case, is that they authorize, whether to take off and travel (Flight), or to come, by Reincarnation, life, and nobody else.

May this be understood and assimilated, and that the necessary corrections be made to what has already been legislated, contrary to the Greater LAW, that regulates these issues.

Have Sex with Love, and in Responsibility, teaching yourself about responsible sex since primary school, as in catechesis, allowing himself to come to the Incarnation who is to come, and let those who are Incarnate live, cleaning Karma from past lives, inscribed in this Charter of Life, authorized by those who can: GOD

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Priest of the Order of Melchizedek)

Logo offered by the Lord JESUS


Mr President of the Portuguese Republic!

President of the Assembly of the Portuguese Republic!

Presidents of the Parliamentary Groups of the Parties with seats in the Assembly of the Republic!


Beloved Humanity!


(Abortion and Euthanasia! Yes, or not!)

Who are we?

We are just a physical body, or will we be something more?

If we are something more, which body is the most important, the physical or the spiritual?

We were created by GOD? How it was, or how it happened, this our creation?

He created our spirit, in His Image and Likeness, and promoted, Divinely, that we had a physical envelope, whenever we were Incarnated in a Planetary School of the COSMOS, in evolutionary stage.

It all started as an Idea in the Mind of the Creator! everything we are, today, it started there!

How long have we been that Idea in the Mind of GOD, or, put another way, how old are we, since we were that Idea in the Creator's mind?

many millions of years!

What happened to this Idea that we were? We came soon, by the Incarnation, to a human body?

No! Before we come to Incarnation in the Human Species, we pass through all the kingdoms of nature, from the mineral.

This Idea that we were for many years became a mineral?

SIM! GOD, being omnipotent, Everything Can, and, so, try everything.

HE experiences himself through us…

We have no way of understanding, because we don't own, still, this spiritual ability, because we are, only, infants. let's admit, yes and only, that HE is OMNIPOTENT, and it has no limits.

We can never and must never reduce it, make him less of what he is, being GOD!

Yes! And why everything changes, we have been modifying, evolving, according to His Divine Observation, Omnipotence and Will, over millions of years, moving on to the plant kingdom…

Exactly! Everything tends and ascends to GOD! All!

We are, at this very moment, in Ascension process, together with our Sacred School and Mother Earth (GAIA spirit), who lives Her Planetary Transition (THE EVENT), and His Cosmic Reintegration, in Yours and our Family that lives in the COSMOS, where everything is inhabited, including the stars (here for spirits).

After our experience as a vegetable, that lasted another million years, we move on to the unicellular and invertebrate animal kingdom.

Things, in God, they are like that… HE is always CREATING.

we were evolving, evolving, thousands and thousands of years, and we arrive at the Multicellular Animal Kingdom and ferocious irrational vertebrate… We were ANIMALS, in the good sense of the term...

Thousands of years passed, always evolving and rising, until we started to come like domestic Irrational Animal, like dog, cat or horse, cohabiting, Finally, with the man.

And this was our last evolutionary stage as a mindless animal., not yet Entity (Individuality).

And us, therefore, that the time has come for our first Incarnation in the Hominal Realm, in the Human Species, BUT on a primitive Planet, as the Earth once was, devoid of any Spiritual Knowledge and Light.

We stopped being AN ANIMALS and became a BEAST, as Big World tells us, without wishing, However, offend-us.

If we pay attention, we see and know that many humans, even on EARTH, still are and act like that. Therefore…

Another ten to fifteen thousand years passed, and here we are, given the experience obtained in the meantime in the many dozens of Reincarnations in these Primitive Worlds, bearers of some spiritual values, which, with the necessary authorization of the Karmic Board, allowed us to come, for the first time, Incarnate on EARTH, on this Planet/School of the 3rd Dimension, one of the most beautiful in the universe, but still of Evidence and Atonement, where we continue our evolutionary work.

Dada, However, our little spiritual wisdom, because we are young human spirits, we are falling many times on our evolutionary path, either because of our Human inexperience on this Earthly Plane, because we come from primitive planets, either because of our negatives such as pride, the envy, greed, despotism, vanity, the arrogance, the superb, The jealousy, the avarice, gluttony, the sensuality without love, accumulating, Like this, Lots of Negative Karma, that we will have to clean in future incarnations, through PAIN.

We arrived at the Point where I wanted to arrive…

After all that we have lived and experienced in other Kingdoms, and having achieved merit so that we can incarnate in the Human Race, WE MUST understand why we can come with a disability, or go through serious experiences of illness, suffering and pain.

Here arrived, by our IQ and manifest intelligence, it is up to us to ask:

In this everything I live, of longing, or of happiness, Where is it, or where is GOD? Better saying: What does HE have to do with all this that I live?

GOD is not in what we CHOOSE to live and that we present to you, through our Beloved Spirit Guides, because at this stage, We still don't have the conditions to ship directly with him.

He, through our guides, who are Superior or Pure Spirits, (see questions nº 111, 112 and 113, from 'The Spirits' Book' by Allan Kardec), it only authorizes what we are requesting, second our need and will.


For creating us simple, Free and Unaware of the Being We Are!

Yes! We are Free and we have no conscience of the Divine Being that we are, by Him Created perfect, cigars, Yes, but without having this awareness.

For being FREE, and by GOD never violate our FREEDOM, the CHOICES, whatever they are, will always be ours.

Reason has Lord Siddhartha Gautama to tell us:

– “Your Freedom is absolute and unchallenged. You are Masters of your destiny and you can do what you like.”

But… Next, he didn't forget to remind us:

-“You will be the Judges of the Court where you will sit as Defendants!”

That is, We are the ones who judge ourselves. Hence we have chosen to come disabled, for having offended the Greater Law, or any brother of ours, our neighbor.

This Neighbor is everything that is part of GOD's Creation… From minerals to man.

GOD does not judge, nor condemn. HE just watches us and lets us decide, and to choose, according to our will, daughter who is of our Liberty.

The only obligation He imposes on us is to come to Incarnations, because without them we would not be able to evolve…

Planets weren't created just for fun. they are SCHOOLS, and all are inhabited (see answer and comment by Allan Kardec, in question no. 55 from 'The Spirits' Book').

Do not attribute blame to GOD for what is our Responsibility and Choice.

So, and knowing that we have to CLEAR all our negative Karma (Past life debts), we can Choose to come into a new Incarnation, bearer of some disabilities.

GOD only authorizes us, being able, as Divine FATHER, advise us to clear these debts of ours, or this karma of ours, more smoothly!

Who read 'Memoirs of a Suicide' by Camilo Castelo Branco, dictation from the Beyond through Ivonne do Amaral Pereira, Do you know why your friend Mario came to Encarnação?, another suicide, without bringing both hands.

Mario was advised to come with a, but did not accept, responding:

– “I killed with two, I'm going without both!“And so it happened…

Neither GOD, I don't know, on the other side', we made a mistake, Since, leaves, being the Homeland of TRUTH, nothing can be disguised or hidden...!

Responding to the two questions posed in the subtitle, we will say:

1 – With voluntary termination of pregnancy, at the woman's request, a spirit is hindered, who knows if a former family member, to go back to school, by Reincarnation, and through the one he chose to be his Mother, in order to continue its evolution, and clean, Who knows, together and with their parents, some karma. This impediment is not only SERIOUS, as HARMFUL, for the aborted spirit, instead of being Beloved Son, can become Enemy and Obsessor. if this happens, this woman's life will be hell!

2 – with euthanasia, a Spirit is prevented from cleaning the Karma that it is cleaning. And if he asks for help to die, will come back to clear the karma that has not been cleared.

Example: Camilo Castelo Branco, in the story that tells us, he committed suicide because he had gone blind and lost his friends. But, and as he himself informs us in the final part of his work ‘Memoirs of a Suicide’, REINCARNATED, by 60 years, to be a Healing Medium, going blind again from the 40 years.

To be a medium is to be a suffering and indebted spirit..., let there be no vanities...

This tells us that the LAW of GOD is not PLAYED, for and as HE stated to Neale Donald Walshc in 'Conversations with God':

– “I do not pay your debts.”

as it turns out, are two areas that GOD does not prevent anyone from, before authorizes them, and if GOD does not prevent them, and authorizes them, will not be, nor can man prevent them. understood!?

if you stop them, you will have to answer for that, either before the greater LAW, either before the spirit that did not reincarnate, if it's an abortion, or before the patient who was helped to die before his time.

As in GOD nothing is IMPERFECT, oil, therefore, The man, what HE authorizes. Don't go back to the Middle Ages and Modern!

Place isto, the answer is obvious:

Abortion and Euthanasia, NEVER! No way, whatever!

each one lives, evolve and pay, according to your will, even though, by the Law of Oblivion, don't remember what you should, and God, as the Divine Father who is, and who knows everything, never abandons any of his children, always giving new and new Opportunities!

Do not want, because, Man to legislate where only GOD can do it.

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Priest of the Order of Melchizedek and, by Divine Grace, First Responsible on Earth for the Reconstruction of 'THE WAY' - New Temple of the Lord)

Porto city, Portugal, 21 February 2020.


Logo offered by the Lord JESUS




Though I am Your Beloved Son, as you all are, I never thought I would be the recipient of Messages from the Divine Creator Father… Having been greatly astonished, How could His body have appeared in a cave at Nazareth?, to hear the Lord JESUS ​​tell me that, this time, had he not sent me, but the FATHER, having made myself, There, understand, why did i feel, as a child, very close to GOD.

There is, because, is always, as it is proved, one reason, or a Cause, so that there is, or happen, any and all effects...

Place isto, let's do, therefore, a careful review of the last two Maker Touches:

ringtone of the day 26-01-2020:

“You are not responsible for personal growth, spiritual, or someone else's physique.

You have been placed here as a guide and beacon for, whereby, others, if you are ready, can seek help.

Taking credit for someone else's growth is ego.

Instead, gladly accept your role as teacher and student, in your existence on the Earth plane.

The creator"


ringtone of the day 27-01-2020:

“As challenging as it is, see others go their own way, it is important to remember and understand that, that, it has nothing to do with you.

Moments worth the creeps will happen, and you can say to yourself: “Oh, boy! I'm glad it's not me!”

But, have a conscious awareness, and empathy to provide support, be requested, will always be positive.

Release the need to be lulled into distraction for those moments.

Sometimes, it might be easier to look and point away, than for yourself.

Your focus must always be on your way, and how do you relate to the world.

That's when big growth occurs..

The creator"


What should I withdraw, as conclusion, of this Teaching or of these His advices?

1.º – That everyone is free and is where they want to be, period.

2.º – If that Brother wishes to hear what I have to say to him, in order to fulfill the Mission that the FATHER gave me, optimum, if you don't want, great at the table.

3.º – that I owe, Yes, always take care to concentrate on my Path, to always be with him.

Therefore, Temple THE WAY that Christ founded and left to this humanity through His Apostles, and which was demolished in the 4th century, it's been rebuilt since the day 04 August 2007.

If anyone who knows why this Reconstruction wants to be another 'brick', the door will always be open, if you don't want, nothing to opportunity.

I don't think I can be more explicit..

Any and all that come, will be received as a Brother and will be the recipient of all the Teaching that we receive, or finding about the Message of CHRIST, never mind knowing who gives this Teaching or who receives it.

one and the other, All of us, so, WE ARE and MUST continue to be Spiritual Brothers, loving us as Christ asked us to, or warned us, without vanities, proud, or other evils of the Ego, for that will never enter the Temple THE WAY.

Here, We Love and Serve in Unconditional Love, according to the Message of Christ, and so it is.

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Priest of the Order of Melchizedek)

PATH – New Temple of the Lord, At the Service of GOD and Humanity

Religious Corporate Person

Porto – Portugal

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com



In the Texts I left in the 19th Century, by my physical death, and which gave rise to my ‘Posthumous Works’, what is read in the Second Part of these ‘Works’ was written, as for what i heard about what i would have to accomplish, when I returned, in new body, in order to complete the work.

Just know how to read, to read this… And it won't take anything else to understand it.

The Spirit who signs today by the name of Aníbal, it's very clear here, about this, affirms us:


having been, this time, our Divine FATHER/MOTHER/CREATOR sending me, how you enlightened me, in the years 80, the much Beloved and Divine Master JESUS, not only wanted him, the father, as Authorized that, in these 'Posthumous Works', to register what my Mission would be, when he returned in a new incarnation, This is, in new body.

And, when everything was READY, or LAST, then, in 2019, HE determined that, to ALLAN KARDEC reincarnated to come, through a thesis elaborated by Dr.. Weimar Moniz de Oliveira, enough for him and everyone to know where he was, as well as what I was doing, giving, Like this, validity to what is read in these so-called ‘Works’!

Said that, nothing more is left to say, enough for each one, in sound mind, understand, accept and help Allan Kardec Reincarnated, in this Work Completion.

Let this be understood, and that the Father's will be fulfilled.

Allan Kardec




Remember what JESUS ​​told you, CHRIST, in 31 December 2009;

Remember what His Excellency Mother MARIA told you, in 13 from May of 2014;

Remember what she told you again in 14 January 2020.

Everything you read these days, coming from them, had nothing to do with me, unless, your I the dispatcher, the one who sent it to you, it's just that…

But, remember, in what capacity did I address it to you, IE, if it was the citizen Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus, or gone, to the contrary, the missionary of GOD, which is so called in this Incarnation.

After you judge about it, that the LIGHT be made in your Hearts to be, consciously, True Sons of the FATHER, and brothers of Christ.

I have been a Sentinel who is, at the request of the father, at your service…

This has been my Mission with you.

And it's not me you have to answer to, but the one who sent me, IE, to him.

remember, in fine, what Christ came to tell us in 2005, in the Message “To the Children of Light, ALERT!” that came to us from Ernesto Shima:


– “you are the Light Warriors!

Be aware in these times of tribulation, for you, as frontline fighters, you will be the first to suffer the impact of the great battle that is approaching.

you will be the “cunha” that will open the breach in the ranks of darkness.

You will be the first to fall, if you weaken!

That is why, prepare yourself!

put on your armor, take your swords of Light and follow the only voice of command that you will hear in these hours: the voice that comes from the heart.

The Voice of your Inner Christ!

I will be with each of you in these difficult times..

Seek My Guidance within the sacred heart of each one of you..

Focus your attention on the Divine Three-fold Flame.

It is where you will find My Strength and My Energy that will sustain each one of you in this great battle..

The last in this earthly dimension.

The victory of the Light is consummated!

You, my dears, you are scattered all over the face of the planet and you are millions of incarnated beings who came from different worlds, heeding the call of our Creator God!

You carry the Christ energy in your hearts and you have come to anchor this energy on Earth..

May this commitment be honored now by every Warrior!

May the will of him who sent you be fulfilled!



These Words Are Eternal… And they will never cease to be in force!

if you recognize yourself Light Warriors, know that you are in direct dependence on the CREATOR FATHER, as the CHRIST here stated it, and I told myself, in 28 August 2005, remembering what he had already said to me in Coimbra in the years 80, because I heard him say:

– “The Mission That Brought You to Earth, this time, I didn't give it to you, was the FATHER. You are at the service of the FATHER.”

That's why the Lord told me KRYON in 13 October 2018:

– “You are at the service of the cosmos and you don't have to prove anything to anyone.”

I do not remind you of this for vanity, but only so that you can judge that, each one, you have to accomplish what you came here to do. That's why I remember you.

beware, because, and do your part.

In Your Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus


Understand this who is able. – To the Spiritist Confreres I will say that, every moment we do something different. Yesterday was what it was, today is what it is.



(Do you have notion?)


Still about yesterday's CREATOR's Touch, morning 16 of January, in which He advised us not to forget and to live being Compassion and Kindness, we will have to add you a few more words.

Of course he, being our Divine CREATOR FATHER, wants to see us Being and Living the LOVE that He Himself IS.

However, we know that it will not be easy for us to go there, and for many reasons, all of them linked to the situation of being Free Entities and Lords, so, of our Ego, 3rd Dimension.

I had asked you, days before, if you believed in my Mission and if you had the WAY as being the True Temple, since it was What the CHRIST left to this Humanity of ours, through His Apostles.

And what was your answer?!?

Salvo as 3 answers obtained, of the vast majority, it was none!

So, before that, what will be my normal attitude?

Being Compassion and Kindness!?

Yes! As hard as it may be for me to be…

As!? You must be Compassion and Kindness!?

Yes! Because that is the only Path that leads me to Holy Oneness with Him.

I know the REASON that makes this difficult for you to understand and accept, but, what did Christ tell us, in 31 December 2009, about this?

let's see?

Come on…

“You must now define yourself by love. There is no other way. Okay luz, harmony and love. Stop hatreds, grudges and aggressiveness. Immediately forgive everything you have to forgive. avoid disagreements, fights, discussions. There's no time for that nonsense! spread it, spread, spread the Plan, My Message.”

remember this?

This, and what the FATHER told us in yesterday's Toque made me go back, as I told you, to your email box, and I came back, but…

But, without your authorization, I must not keep coming, for you are free, and I, no matter how much you AME as your brother who I AM, I have no right to impose anything on you..

He understands!? As much as I see you fall, I can't give you a hand! I can't because you're the one who doesn't want me to give it to you, and i have to respect you, even if I see you 'die'. (1)

I will be Compassion and Kindness, Yes… but if you don't allow me to be with you inside, I will have to be with you outside. Do you remember who said this to Cristina de Paços Ferreira?

As long as you don't understand that the FATHER ordered me to come, this time, to tell you about what CHRIST left us, and accept that I am, upon your request, in Divine Mission, like so many others have come and been, I WILL NOT BE YOUR FAMILY.

Kisses and hugs.

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Priest of the Order of Melchizedek)


(1) – Do you have any idea what I just told you?? What I had to Study and Know to be aware of this Truth and be able to tell you? Do you have any idea!?



(Remembering the Message of Christ, dated from 31 December 2009)

– “Father God exists! I exist! You the market is liable to! It's the miracle of life, and everything that directly affects, or indirectly, against life, it's not from the light, it's not from love, It's not from God.”

After reporting who reported, for the reasons he indicates, stated what you just read.

“… and everything that directly affects, or indirectly, against life, it's not from the light, it's not from love, It's not from God.”

Everything we've built, or accomplished, to the taste of our navel: abortions, euthanized, torture, bullfighting, dungeons, bonfires, inquisitions, crusades, ‘holy offices’, wars and other crimes against the Life and Liberty of People, it's not from the light, it's not from love, is not of God.

This is what He came to remind us of in this 31 December 2009.

And no one who is Catholic or Evangelical, understood and opined, whatever it was, in the good sense of the above, about this Your Message, of this Your Touch to Rebate, and he knows it very well.

They read and shut up, continuing to be Catholic or Evangelical, also knowing that, in His Letters, He dictated the natural death of all churches, until the years 2030/2032, who followed a certain erroneous Christianity.

You, who am I addressing here, you know what our Divine FATHER wants, because I'm not tired of coming to tell you, and repeat.

The Earth world is turned upside down, and the proof is in the shooting down of the plane of the Ukrainian airlines by an Iranian missile, and the Government of Iran has already recognized it…

Generals are killed and then, through hate, there are these 'unforgivable mistakes'.

sisters, Brothers! I know what the will of the Creator is, How do I know what the Lord Jesus said to me in Coimbra in the days of 80 20th century, about this Divine Will.

And, without ever failing to understand, I have come to tell you, several times…

Stay in the comfort of your borralho, absent, or without understanding what the CREATOR has come to ask of us…

keep on allegory, pretending, as if you were children of nothing…

To the spiritists I leave the warning: Yesterday's Kardec is back, same as yourself, its alive, and alive will be, in the performance of his divine mission.

In this divine light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

The Rebuilder of What Was Demolished.

THE PATH – New Temple of the Lord

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com/missao



(To Each His Place)

Beloved Brethren…

Yesterday I sent a video where we see and hear the Honorable Judge of Law. Dr. Haroldo Dutra Dias, lecture in the city of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

As always, I loved listening to you, but, here and there, there were some untruths, or inaccuracies, in what he enlightened us.

No video, between the minutes 25:27 and 27:53, he talks about two young people: Tiago Maior and João Evangelista, and claims:

– “If you looked at the boy, the boy John the Evangelist, from 15 years, would you be able to see the Spirit who was going to direct the Spiritist Codification?

So, perhaps you think that Christ called John to carry out a work in the world, but JESUS ​​called him to accomplish in him, a job.

And, com base no Chapter 15 from the book “Chronicles from Beyond the Grave” by Humberto de Campos, we know that John the Evangelist was entrusted with responsibility for the Promised Comforter on the face of the Earth, our director.

Who directs Spiritism in the world is João Evangelista, or, if you prefer, Francisco de Assis.”


My Beloved Brothers…

we have heard, coming from Brazil, some serious claims, uttered by People who should have better interpretive power than they are reading, and pay, so, pay more attention to what they say, in order not to go through ridiculous situations, that only these Persons bring disrepute.

One of these untruths is to say that Beloved Chico Xavier was Allan Kardec Reincarnated, when you know that “Nature does not jump“, and “That no one changes from one day to the next“, and when it has been read, coming from Beloved Chico Xavier, the next:

– “I love Kardec deeply and thank you for the light. I was not, really!”

Analyze what the Person was, a Vida, the values, the Constitutive Principles of its Psychology and Character, do Professor Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail (Allan Kardec), since his birth in Leon, France, a 03 October 1804, until your death, occurred in 31 March 1869 in the city of paris, and compare this Person and this Life, with the Person and Life of Beloved Chico Xavier, with your values, Constitutive principles of its Psychology and Character, since your birth, in 02 April 1910, in Pedro Leopoldo, Minas Gerais, Brazil, and your death, happened in 30 June 2002, in uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil, and you will find nothing that is the same, unless, Greatness of Character.

They were and are Two Noble Souls, Two Spirits of LIGHT, divine, Yes, but are, of Fact and Law, Two souls, Two Spirits, in which one of them, Beloved CHICO XAVIER, came to SUCCESS to Allan Kardec, in the writing part, without being able to do, However, What Allan Kardec would come to do, or perform, in new incarnation, in new body, This is: COMPLETE the WORK.

COMPLETING the WORK is what separates and identifies them, individually!

one is one, the OTHER is the OTHER, CHICO is CHICO and KARDEC is KARDEC, and period!

As for what Beloved Brother Dr.. Haroldo Dutra Dias stated and that we transcribe, let's say this:

John the Evangelist was the Beloved of JESUS… Yes!

João Evangelista lived to a very senior age, receiving the apocalypse… Yes!


Beloved John the Evangelist WAS a contemporary of the one who would come in the 12th century (1182, Assis, Italy – 3 October 1226, Assis, Italy), to be Francisco de Assis, IE, of the Mage King Baltazar, currently our beloved MESTRE KUTHIMI, who came there from Ethiopia, up to the boy (Baby) YESHUA ben JOSEPH, in Belem, to offer you incense.

Balthazar and John the Evangelist they were, because, contemporaries. Elder Balthazar, Yes, but contemporary. Logo, each one, was and is one.

Also here, John the Evangelist is an Entity, and Francis of Assisi another entity, and none of these Two Entities has as its Task to be Responsible for the Promised Comforter, the same is to say, None of these Entities direct Spiritism in the Earth World.

This was and is delivered to Spirit the Truth which is neither of these two Entities, and that is not the Lord JESUS, as some suppose it to be.

MESTRE KUTHIMI (Francisco de Assis), It is, since 1956 the world teacher, beside the Lord JESUS.

tell yourself, However, that, in this moment, there may have been some change in His Divine Pledges, because we are in Advanced Process of Planetary Transition.

In the WORKS that constitute O NOVO CONSOLADOR is all the Truth, known how the Spirit of Truth corrected Allan Kardec, whenever this was not situated in the Truth.

By virtue of this, let no one believe that the Work left by Allan Kardec suffers from something other than the Truth.

with due respect, one thing is what the Beloved Spirit of Humberto de Campos says, and another thing was what the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, told His Apostles, in life, about Him who would be the Spirit the Truth.

Read the number 3, from Chapter IV of 'The Gospel According to Spiritism', and you will know of whom the Divine MASTER spoke, that would come and that Spirit would be the Truth.

You have this number 3, two information: A reference to the FUTURE, and another, referred to the recent past.

It is that of the FUTURE that relates to the Spirit the Truth, although the second also has to do with Him, but from a previous incarnation.

In another time, the Lord JESUS ​​even spoke in the Spirit of Truth.

was and is, today, this spirit “The truth” who continues to be the Coordinator of Spiritism on EARTH, introducing yourself, nowadays, to the mediums who see him, with the body that He had in one of His Incarnations, but, repeat, is not the Lord JESUS.

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus


To find out about Mestre KUTHUMI





(Rebuilding what was demolished!)


Our Divine FATHER/MOTHER Creator comes and speaks, or say, what no one else can talk about, or say…

Next comes the CHRIST and speaks, or say, what only he can, also, speak or say…

Then come the Angels, the Archangels and the Elohim, who speak and say what they can speak and say…

Then there are the Ascended Masters and the Beings of Light who accompany us and warn us about what we should not do, in order to be in the LIGHT.

Anyway, it is an entire Army of LIGHT that supports us, protects and illuminates…

I just completed mine 72 years old, in this incarnation, and I remember, perfectly, of the boy I was, and what I lived through the paths of my village, when he took the little sheep to pasture, between the end of Mass and lunch…

Yes! I would have mine 8, 9 or 10 years old, and since my time as a child, until today, I lived a lot, cleaned, found it, I studied, I learned that I can only say, looking inward and upward, to our Divine FATHER/MOTHER Creator: THANK YOU VERY MUCH, SIR!…

In my boyhood, despite feeling very Together or United to GOD, far from me was the realization that I would be, today, at your behest, rebuilding the Temple that Christ left to men at the Last Supper, and which was demolished in the 4th century…

Do you have any idea what it means to be rebuilding what CHRIST left behind and, be doing it willingly, or at the behest of the breeder?

You understand what it means to rebuild what has been demolished, that the CREATOR wants to see REBUILT?

I know that is not, because your absence, and your pride, tell me, and a long time ago, that you have no idea what that is…
It has been, how does it sound to say, hit cold iron…

Yesterday, and i repeat it, our Divine FATHER/MOTHER Creator came, how come daily, and told us all that, in view of the changes that have occurred and will occur, something will happen that could take us, or really oblige, to do some cleaning, how to release what no longer serves us, more saying that certain emotions, situations or even people, can fall by the wayside.

Yes, only he can say this, warning that “It's okay if we allow ourselves to regret this passage.”… Well what, stated… “in the end, You are human. (Smiling)”

Beloved, Beloved…

Yes… Yesterday's Child, being fully aware today that you are in Holy Oneness with that GOD, to which calls, now, of Divine FATHER/MOTHER Creator, and not just being in that Divine Unity, but at His Divine Service, has, himself, awareness that, in fact, not everyone can understand what she lived there 60 and many years, along the paths of your village, nem, much less, what lives today…
If the so-called Spiritists, those who study (?) the Spiritist Science cannot perceive it, continuing in sad proud silence, how do others, the majority, that was and continues to be immersed in a suffocating fantasy, you will be able to perceive?

Like this… And as we were informed yesterday, no matter how much you give us, we cannot continue with someone who even a little effort can, or want to do, to try to understand what is the will of your CREATOR.

In our favor and defense we have everything we experienced in our Time in Coimbra… Be with our Beloved and Missing Sister Maria Lucília da Conceição Francisco, be with our Beloved and Missing Sister Celeste, either for what we receive from the Bar Concessionaire of the Associação Académica – the 1st Volume of 'The New Scriptures’ -, whether for the message that a girl, luso-brazilian, that we barely know, named Rosario, gave us 15 days after we met her in that said Bar.

Much was what we experienced in COIMBRA, and nothing we live it without ceasing to have a causal connection for us to live it, not being able, so, forget it.

O (your) silence, being divine, it is us, here, prejudicial…

we all love, not being angry with anyone… We just can't keep pushing what doesn't want to move!

Like this, we send LOVE and let go…

one thing we guarantee you, let's go back, or not, a Coimbra, or take us where we lead THE WAY, we will always do it with much love in our hearts and we will present it to everyone in the TRUTH of the one who created me and made me come, now, to this incarnation, for the rebuild.

In Your LIGHT, with CHRIST and the whole Family of LIGHT,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

The Apostle ‘who rebuilds what was demolished’, and so it is!


THE PATH – New Temple of the Lord

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com

Made in the city of Porto – Portugal, to the 01 January 2020.



Beloved Brethren:

The Temple THE PATH that is rising from the ashes as Beloved CHICO XAVIER told us, It is, as you already know, What the Lord JESUS ​​left to His Apostles, in the Person of Peter, there is 2.000 years and, this time, it is our Divine CREATOR FATHER who wants to see him reborn and to Evangelize this Humanity of ours.

this temple, coming from the Lord JESUS, and being reborn by the will of GOD/FATHER/MOTHER/CREATOR, destined, because, to all Earthly Humanity, because all of it is evolving in order to be able to accompany our Sacred Mother EARTH towards the 5th Dimension, allowing, Like this, that the EARTH ceases to be a plane of atonement and trials to begin to be a Plan of Regeneration.

Positioned that she is in the 5th Dimension, our Holy Mother Earth will continue to ascend, moving from 5th to 6th, from 6th to 7th, and so on, until you take a stand, one day, in the 9th Dimension. the same will happen to us, are, both, we have merit.

I beg you, because, for Awakenings, open your mind, in order not to miss the 'train'’ that is underway for this 5th Dimension, because it is something we have aspired to achieve and live for many eons, This is, many millennia ago.

the flesh does not rise, so, of our own Ascension into the 5th Dimension, accompanying our Sacred Mother Earth.

If we are not attentive and ready, if we do nothing to awaken, we will miss this divine opportunity to ascend to an evolutionary stage of greater happiness, and, instead, Exiles to Planets, I won't say primitives, but low vibrations, where we will continue to live the Duality of 3D.

Remember that EARTH is a Planet/School, is a Great Planetary University where we saw, by our successive incarnations, in order to evolve in Spiritual Greatness, going up the Stairway of Light that will take us, one day, To Be Ascended Masters.

Take care to remember what GOD said to Neale Donald Walshc, in 'Conversations with God':

– “Neale! You are not your physical body!”

Therefore, long live the physical, but don't get attached to him, nor to the things of the Earth, because if they are from Earth, on Earth will stay.

Na Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus




Dear Friends and Spiritual Brothers:

When the Earthquake followed by Tsunami happened in 26 December 2004, through Indonesian lands, many were the people who died in the countries that suffered this Tsunami.

Many of them, being at the beach, were taken by surprise, same as the sea, when retreating, was 'telling' them’ RUN AWAY, because the Tsunami comes next.

Anyone who knew how to decipher this information was saved, and saved as many as he could warn.

But the vast majority, including children, would die on the beach…

There was, However, a situation that went unnoticed by men, referring to animals.

All the animals that were loose realized the danger that would come, and, climbing to higher zones, were saved.

The animals didn't die!


What do they have that we don't?!?


Because they are simply ANIMALS, without intelligence that leads them to know that they are that… do not sin!

By having, so, the TEN senses integrally ACTIVE! Yes, the FIVE senses of the physical, and the other FIVE of the Spirit. They all work…

Remember the CHRIST?

He, for being the CHRIST Incarnated as a MAN, had, Your TEN SENSES ACTIVATED!

THAT'S what set you apart from us…

Why do I remind you of this sad situation?

for one reason only.

As much as I ring the BELL… As much as I tell you about what the EARTH is and will LIVE, I verify that I am not being understood, not ser aceite.

The Bigger World, the world of LIGHT, is, daily, to leave WARNING messages and very few wake up to realize what they are doing to us., distressingly, to offer.

Dear Brothers and loved:

Remember what the Lord Jesus told us, Christ, in the Message that he dictated to us, coming from spain, in 31 December 2009.

– “Of my Message which is Universal, you invented religions, institutions, hierarchies and sects.”

Yes! He brought us a Message and left a Temple called what He Himself is., THE PATH, and even telling you that it is the FATHER who, this time, want to see him reborn, where are those who believe in this, if you see the world in constant distress!?

Where are!?

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus


See what was written about the Earthquake and Tsunami of the day 26 December 2004.


Pray and Meditate… So!




Dear: I fear it will happen to THE PATH – New Temple of the Lord, what happened to Allan Kardec himself 162 years, who saw him excommunicated new comforter, by the Church of Rome, that the Lord JESUS ​​had promised us 2.000 years.

Not that this prevents me from fulfilling my mission., because I will fulfill it, regardless of whether or not I have with me someone who claims to be a Christian, or Spiritist.

But it won't be the same to have, or not have, next to THE PATH, who should understand, To accept, Love and Disclose.

I remember three stages of Christianity that are similar in many of their aspects:

JESUS and the rejection, by two Priests, checked to His LOVE and His Doctrine of LIGHT;

ALLAN KARDEC it's the new comforter promised, before Excommunication by the Church that claims to be Christian;

ALVARO DE JESUS, that came, by the will of the Divine FATHER, to rebuild what was demolished, and that very few are understanding.

the beloved CHICO XAVIER, that was not, said by himself, ALLAN KARDEC reincarnated, is, by divine grace, out of this sad imbroglio.

Today, and how have you been listening, He even, CHICO XAVIER, is one of our Beloved Spirit Guides. May Brazil know how to listen…

having been himself, as Successor of Allan Kardec, who came to announce the ALVARO DE JESUS to be THE PATH the First Spiritist Church, taking place, Like this, the COMPLETE the WORK, as you said the SPIRIT OF TRUTH.

This is what I offer to tell you, as Sons that You are of GOD/FATHER/MOTHER/CREATOR, who sent me!

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(The Rebuilder of the Temple of the LORD JESUS)

Understand this who is able. –

  1. – the more than 30 thousand existing Churches were created, because what Christ came to UNITE has been divided.
  2. – THE FATHER, However, BECAUSE HE IS WHO HE IS… Do you want to see the Truth of CHRIST again to Evangelize…
  3. – May Man Understand and Help Him…





GOD created us FREE, Yes, but…

But it has its LAWS, and only if we know how to observe them, respect and fulfill, we will be LIGHT.

I just heard, in the afternoon newspaper, that the Hospital of Santa Maria, in Lisbon, discharged patients who, because they don't have a place to live, stay in this hospital.

Will this be FAIR and NORMAL, 45 years after the 25 of April?

Is this to observe, respect and comply with the LAWS of GOD?

EARTH is experiencing Its Planetary Transition to the 5th Dimension, but... the thing never comes out... Why?

THE FATHER (GOD), already came to say that the Choices are always ours, but, Are we making good choices??

Am I making these Good Choices?

And you?

Is everything that's wrong, with this political-social-religious system, it is because the CREATOR wants to see reborn what the CHRIST left?

And do we have the wisdom and courage to realize it?, bringing back to life what Christ left behind.

Having what the CHRIST left, not least, 2.000 years, and being that of the TRUTH of GOD, what do we lack to understand and accept what he left?

You have a few minutes to think about this and decide if you SHOULD, or not, help in this rebirth?

In 4 days, tive 302 Friend requests on my new Facebook?


What do PEOPLE really want?!?

They will want the TRUTH?

And if the TRUTH is being presented to you day by day, Will these PEOPLE know how to handle this??

Sincerely, I think not!

What to do, therefore!?

Let it go!?

It will be?

No! It's not that…

But PEOPLE are mesmerized!

Yes, I know, but, what's coming will wake them up, Oh ok, or in pain.

And then?

After, as already said, no one will be abandoned, even if he is exiled from Earth, and everything will start again, somewhere in the COSMOS.


So, that everyone knows, Listen and Decide, because your whole life depends on you.

I am what I am!

Hugs of Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus


Understand this who is able. – WHAT'S IN BOLD IS NOT MINE.

This ELUCIDATING turned out to be a Dialogue.


O CAMINHO – Lecture held in 02-11-2019

Today, in the Lecture that we held in our Temple O CAMINHO, we approach the Social Charity that the Catholic Church is practicing, a little all over our Sacred Mother Earth, this subject that we always knew how to praise.

However, if any criticism we address to this Church, does it have to do with serious pure omissions, practiced by themselves throughout 17 Centuries, since its inception, in the year 325, by the Roman Emperor Constantine I, the big (Flavius ​​Valerius Constantine), against the Good News (Doctrine), shaped in the Message of CHRIST, fact is stated, or reported, by CHRIST himself in the Message that he announced to us in mid-December 2009, and that has come to us, coming from spain, in Spanish Language, on New Year's Eve 2009/2010.

If the Catholic Church promoted and created, or helped to create, the political-social-religious system, that we still have in force today, it would be up to her to solve all the serious occurrences of misery,
emerged as children of such a system, because it held and held, over all these centuries, Terran power is enough and necessary for such power to do.

for having been, since that year 325, the Church of the Roman Empire, out of Christic LOVE was created, not being without reason that, thereby, we saw the Crusades arise, the Inquisition and the so-called Holy Office, in practical violation, or factual, to the New Commandment left by CHRIST.

Is here, and only here, which grounds and maintains our critique.


In the face of all this, maximum to the serious omissions that the Catholic Church practiced, alienating yourself from the Truth of CHRIST, is that the FATHER, the Divine Creator SOURCE, WANT TO SEE THE TEMPLE THE WAY, that Christ founded and left behind 2.000 years, REBORN and EVANGELIZING, according to this TRUTH, on the NEW EARTH that we are INHERITING, arising from the Planetary Transition, and everything you have, or is it, inherent.

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Priest of the Order of Melchizedek)






– The terrible bullying at Schools, that continues to promote suicides in the youth of Juventude, giving reason to the news that there is a suicide of 40 in 40 seconds…

– to coward domestic violence, because there is not enough spiritual Teaching to explain why there are Karmic Marriages, taking into account, or for not defending and Evangelizing the Theory of Reincarnation, and where, one, or the other, by virtue of this IGNORE, thinks he owns something…

– all the misery, existential poverty and the suffering that comes with it, have the same source in what is known as spiritual IGNORANCE, congenital or not (the spiritual illiteracy, how Francis identified her, even if you didn't assume your guilt in that notary).

– Worst, still, by and even after having called the Almighty Creator a failure, if you think you're the Greatest on Earth, to the point of scheduling meetings to Coordinate the New World Order, where the First among the First will be elected, forgetting that only JESUS ​​is the LIGHT of the Planetary WORLD, and that only His Message can enlist us.

– Yes! A New World Order conceived and announced in spite of the CREATOR, as if His Divine Will, for this Earth Plane, by if raised, did not exist, long before man even got here.

– Constant threats that a 3rd World War is about to happen…

– Old Churches exhausted because they no longer have an argument to continue to exist…

All this when we should be LOVE, HUG, PEACE and LIGHT, walking, in happiness, for the 5th Dimension…

For all this, and for all that goes, hidden or not, in the heart of nearly EIGHT BILLION embodied spirits, unprepared to have and live your Ascension, tells us that the ‘BIRTH’, of which Christ spoke to us in 31 December 2009, it will be really VERY DIFFICULT to live.

We have helped so that more LIGHT could happen in the Hearts of those who read us, but, unfortunately, those who read us did not demonstrate knowing how to do it.

Since you cannot See and Hear, to better understand, we leave the uncertain future in the hands of the CREATOR…

we live, ourselves, 2.019 years later, what JESUS, CHRIST, lived, reason why He chose to leave the scene through the door of the Great Example.

Not having been understood, loved and followed, resulted in the pain we live, here and now…

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Priest of the Order of Melchizedek)


THE WAY - New Temple of the Lord

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com



(A Pope Who Doesn't Know His Creator)

Ladies, Gentlemen:

Francisco, the Catholic Pope, stated that, humanly speaking, the way to the cross, lived by the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, it was a failure.

He similarly argued, How could His body have appeared in a cave at Nazareth?, ‘This is the Story of GOD's Failure’, referring to the little book that showed, at Via-Sacra, IE, to that said path to the cross.

also argued, before the Roman Curia, during the solemn act of presenting Christmas greetings to the Pope by that Curia in the year 2014, that this Curia was sick for 15 serious illnesses, enumerating them, one by one.

And as if all this had been little, still came to say:

– “There is a great spiritual illiteracy in our society!”

Em benzo-me, crying for the Humanity that followed and follows, still, this church, created in the year 325 by the Roman Emperor Constantine I (Flavius ​​Valerius Constantine), Naisso, 27222 of May from 337.

From what you read above, this church has never been in good health, because he killed, simply, ‘THE WAY’ left by CHRIST, and he never approached.

By not defending and evangelizing Reincarnation, the Karmic Board and the Law of Cause and Effect, the practical side of the Divine IUS, can never conform to the Message of CHRIST.

However, and because everything that is of human creation is finite and dies, the father, the source, the creator, in this time of EVENT (Planetary Transition to the Fifth Dimension (5D) and Reintegration of Earth into Her Cosmic Family), everything will end without glory, generating, Yes, as Christ said, in His Letters, a big mess, when the end of this church comes, given the material wealth it possesses.

And because the CHRIST denounced, in 31 December 2009, what reported, never forget that:

  1. – Your evolution depends solely on you;
  2. – Your Illumination depends, himself, of you;
  3. – The Ascension that you so yearn to have and live, of you and only of you, it also depends.

Of you, if you are with JESUS ​​and with the FATHER/SOURCE/CREATOR, A Pope you don't know is of no use to you WHAT IS GOD, nor the story of the Cross.

For a duty to inform, opening eyes and,

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Priest of the Order of Melchizedek)



THE WAY - New Temple of the Lord

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com




Beloved Brethren:

When our Divine Mother MARY stated that the Earth would be a Single Nation, the Nation of the Children of Light, for having reached and positioned itself in the Fifth Dimension, was not referring, not much more or less, to the New World Order that some, as, between them, or Pope Francis, want to install.

That One Nation will be a Nation without Social Classes, where everyone will receive a fair salary, where peace will be a constant, where much of vital importance will be free, no threats of nuclear wars, and where every human being, for being worthy of being in 5D, it will not have the vices that one has in 3D, nor will live dualities, or situations of pain and suffering.

the new earth, not being a paradise, he will approach, as more and more you integrate into the Higher Fifth Dimension, approaching 6D.

Start to see your future like this, so that you can better leave what has tied you to demagogic concepts, dogmatic, dark and dark.

if you are not ready(a) to live it, and/or if you don't agree with this, get ready to leave school (Plano) Terra.

Na Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus




Ladies, Gentlemen:

Our Divine FATHER Universal Creator is One (not to confuse Him with THE SUPREME CREATOR), having many Missionary Sons, Christs and Prophets, that form Commands (governments), that I will understand, spiritually speaking, in the Planetary Schools existing in this Universe, helping in the Instauration of the Divine LIGHT.

Our FATHER is LOVE, and, in your infinite love, created us simple, Free and Ignoring the Being We Are, leaving to our Freedom the responsibility of getting to know each other and, for that and after that, we lift ourselves up, and, in Gloria, ONE WITH HIM.

Universal History and the Holy Gospel tell us of a Determined Missionary, a christ, who came here and did what no one else could, still, accomplish.

This Christ had a name Terrestrial: YESHUA ben Joseph, born in Bethlehem, Roman Province of Judea, biological son of MARIA and JOSÉ. Yes! He called himself the Son of Man.

In this physical body of YESHUA Incarnated the Beloved Ascended Master SANANDA KUMARA, who came into Incarnation at the request of our Divine Father/Mother/Universal Creator.

YESHUA, being the Synthesis and the Integration, the Seven Pointed Star, left us Two Precepts:

1.º – Loving the FATHER above all things, in spirit and in truth;

2.º – Loving our neighbor as we love ourselves, such is the Law and the Prophets.

Synthesized the Lord YESHUA, so and as you see, the TEN Commandments delivered on Mount Sinai to the Missionary (Prophet) moisés, when he, on the way to the Promised Land as the Jewish People freed from Egyptian slavery, climbed this Mount to meet with Our Brothers, Cosmic and Higher, who were there, in a ship, to instruct him and make this Delivery.

These two precepts are, because, the Two Divine Rules We Must Interpret, Love and Fulfill, so that we can be, truly, One with the FATHER, in Holy and Divine Oneness with HIM.

We have, because, of BEING LOVE and Unconditional, because we are Legitimate Sons of the ONE who IS LOVE, and the Supremes: intelligence and perfection.

We are, because, spiritual brothers, and so we must always consider, living in Peace and in a situation of mutual aid with All Peoples, whether they are on Earth or off Earth, since all planets (Planetary Schools) are inhabited.

Yes! There is life throughout the COSMOS!

Place isto, here we are at the right time to inform you that our Divine FATHER wants to see the Message that the Lord YESHUA left on Earth put into effect with the Greater PATH.

Yesterday this Message was presented to the People in the Temple THE WAY that the Lord YESHUA Founded and delivered, at the last supper, to the Coordination of His Apostle Pedro, This temple is being reborn in this city of Porto, Portugal, by the Will of our Divine FATHER/MOTHER, and that here is you, himself, announced.

Yesterday, next to Pedro, in the Legal part, stayed Tiago, Biological brother of Lord YESHUA, to be, how it was, after the death of Lord YESHUA, the Legal Representative of that Temple THE PATH, for this was to be accomplished by the eldest and living Son of MARY, after the death of Lord YESHUA.

it fulfills us, because, no love, welcome you to WAY – New Temple of the Lord

Fulfill yourself, Like this, and in each of us, the Will of our Divine FATHER/MOTHER/CREATOR.

In Your Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

Priest of the Order of Melchizedek and, by Mission, Chairman of the Board.

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com




hour by hour, GOD improves!

You understand this Truth!?

accept it!?

we have to accept it, under penalty of living in default of the Whole, and we can't live like this.

So, the new world, the new earth that is being born, must have new regulations, equal for all inhabitants of New Earth, and all according to the Greater Law of our Divine Creator Father.

On the New Earth there will be nothing that is the same as what was and still is on the Old Earth..

This Old Earth is ending, it ceases to exist, because it can't be anymore.

Everything has to be new, different, for the best, to our way of being, of thinking and acting.

The Earth will be a single nation, the Nation of the Children of Light, and, so, only these Sons of Light will be able to live on the New Earth

You are of the Light!? start, therefore, thinking in terms of UNITY, where no one else will be, or less, than any other. we will all be love, equal and, with Jesus, united to the father.

Anyone who wants to isolate themselves and want to be more, can't stay on New Earth.

Earth will be the United States of Earth, this one nation, the Nation of the Children of LIGHT, made up of sister communities, all governed by the same rules, According to the Great Divine Constitution, born of the Loving Will of our Divine FATHER/MOTHER/CREATOR, obeying our Divine FATHER/MOTHER/CREATOR to the will of the DIVINE SUPREME FATHER, the UNCREATED.

Start thinking like this, in these terms, because that's how it will be, little by little…

Feel and live this Truth, never imposing it on anything or anyone, leaving, only, that she conforms, day-by-day, in your heart, and in the Heart of Each One who so desires to accept.

The New O CAMINHO Temple is being Rebuilt, this time by the will of the FATHER, to implement this new Modus Vivendi and Operandi, according to His Divine Will, like the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, informed us in Coimbra, in the gone 80 20th century.

remember, or recap, everything our Divine Father told us in ‘Conversations with God’, through our Brother of Light, Neale Donald Walsh.

Haven't read 'Conversations with God', Books 1, 2 and 3!?

See if you can get them, because they are published, being the Great Revolution that our Divine FATHER started.

Let us be ONE and unite in this Divine Reconstruction, Since, if you wish to Ascend to the New 5D EARTH, so it has to be!

remember: There's Only One Way: JESUS, CHRIST.

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

Sacerdote Melchizedek (The Worker who rebuilds what was demolished).

O CAMINHO website (See: "Who we are", and “Mission”)




I have just come back from a certain spiritual meeting and saw, regrettably, the cause of so much trouble, whether in the study, whether in understanding the Doctrine that the New Comforter brought us through the Work of Allan Kardec.

The Work of Allan Kardec was not and is not being well interpreted.

This is the problem, and, of two, a, or the Church of Rome relinquishes her earthly power, lifts the excommunication of this Work, study it and know how to interpret, teaching her, After, to the People, from their pulpits, or hardly the West will rise to the 5th Dimension.

Na Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus



Eis, here, a summary of Universal History that tells us why our Divine CREATOR FATHER wants to see the Temple THE WAY, that the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, founded and left in Palestine, under the command of Peter in the part of the Evangelical Doctrine, and His Brother Thiago, in the Legal and Political part.

from the year 325 beat the devil, to beast. Watch the movie until the end, and you will understand why I tell you this:

Early Church History – Summary


Na Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus

The Rebuilder,



We are Brothers and One, for all of us being united to our Divine Creator Father.

I know that the message I sent to our Mailing List may not be to the liking of many, but… the TRUTH is the TRUTH, and I'm here to defend her.

CHRIST gave us the Example and asked us to Speak, because it was time to do it.

Eis, because, what did i say to this list:



I am uncomfortable! very uncomfortable!

The CHRIST was also… and He never ceased to be the CHRIST.

It is shameful to see a Church inventing appeals to GOD called 'Promises', to rob the Believers who, in hours of distress, all promise to pay to GOD.

But GOD never sold anything.... GOD gives us everything… if we deserve it.

And the Divine Mother MARY came to say and denounce it, in 13 from May of 2014.

when you don't know, ignore-be, but, after knowing, this ignorance cannot exist.

There is only spiritual illiteracy, When Spirituality Is Not Studying.

after studying, stop being spiritually illiterate.

That's why I am uncomfortable and I will be, to Eternity, as long as there is a lie and a farce.

When speaking of the Truth contained in the Message of CHRIST, I'm not SPAM.

If you are Spiritists, Federated or not federated, Truly study ALLAN KARDEC in ‘Posthumous Works’, and see what he would have to come and do in a new body!

It's written there:

1 – “When the catchphrase sounds, you will abandon him; you will only relieve your fellow man; individually magnetize it, in order to cure him.

After, each one, in the position prepared for him, because everything will be mister, because everything will be destroyed, at least temporarily. (Posthumous Works, de allan Kardec – FEB – 27th edition, pp. 277/278).

There will be no religion, and one will be necessary but true, grande, beautiful and worthy of the Creator… Your first foundations have already been laid… As for you, rival (1), your mission is there.

(Free, the basket quickly turned to my side, how would someone point a finger at me). And you, M…, the sword that does not hurt, but it kills; against everything that is, you will be the first to come. He, rival (1), will come second: he is the workman who rebuilds what has been demolished.”

And it was CHRIST who came to tell me what I was going to do after my retirement, at the request of the father!


never said anything different, nor could I say so, under penalty of being another charlatan or temple vendor..






I am Alvaro de Jesus
(1) – Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail (Allan Kardec)



(Chico Xavier was the successor of Allan Kardec – Ver Link)

Beloved Brethren:

Because the spirit of our Beloved Brother Aníbal came to say:


It would be up to our Dear and Missing Brother CHICO XAVIER to come and inform us of what he told us in 23 August 2007, day we went to the Notary to draw up the definitive Deed of the Constitution of the Temple. Here's part of what he told us:

“Rising from the ashes. Millennia after the last supper of the Lord Jesus. Behold, thou art the first Spiritualist Church. Church of the Lord Jesus Sananda.



these tasks, either Hannibal's, wants Chico Xavier's, were carried out by those who could and should carry them out.

However, and that you may understand what the Lord Jesus said to you yesterday, in the addendum to the Lecture I made, just him, or the father, could come and tell me what the Lord Jesus told me in Coimbra in the 1990s 80 20th century, informing, however, that, this time, Had it not been for Him to give me the Mission that brought me to this current Incarnation of mine.

In the 18th century, the Lord Jesus commissioned his biological Father, José, to go with the Archangel Michael with the Group that was gathered to try to find out who would be chosen, in order to tell them who he is, Jesus, had chosen. sure!? This is in a work by Jan Val Ellam, that he offered me, here in Porto, in october 2007.

In the years 80 20th century, the father, commissioned the Lord Jesus to come and tell me that, this time, it was the FATHER to send me.

In day 04 August 2007, 20 years after my time in Coimbra, the Lord Jesus, come back and confirm all this to me, through the psychography of our Sister Suzette Duarte, when saying:





Only he could say this, as he mentioned yesterday. Yes! Just him, because this task belongs to no one else, unless, I repeat, dele, of the Lord Jesus, or from the FATHER.

Everything else I've heard, received and read, you already know. Everything has always been proven to you. So I'm very calm.

Now, the Temple just isn't filled with PEOPLE to hear the Message of the Lord Jesus, of the New Comforter, and everything that's happening, if these PEOPLE do not want to come. THE PEOPLE... It's you.

By virtue of your freedom, nobody, nor GOD, I can pick you up from bed.

One thing, to conclude, I tell you.

This is the Will of our Creator and not of any man.

Accept His Will and I assure you that I will only speak to you about the Message of the Lord Jesus.

Your absence is what moves me. Why? Because I see that you are not understanding who is in charge of this project.

The COMMANDER of this Nau is the CREATOR! Therefore, take good note of what you are reading.

Read this with 'Posthumous Works' by Allan Kardec, open…

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

THE WAY - New Temple of the Lord


Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com




I felt that I should talk to you about Homosexuality, to tell you that, be like this, it's not being a sinner.

The sin is not in being homosexual, what may not be in accordance with the Greater Law is not knowing how to be Homosexual.

notice: GOD, the source, the father, is father and mother at the same time, of course? you know why?


He, for being OMNIPOTENT, can EVERYTHING and Be Everything, without denying ANYTHING of what He is. Ok?

Yes! There is a Divine Masculine and a Divine Feminine, but all this is HE.

Ourselves, We are HE.

understand that we, as we become more and more, let's climb the ladder of omnipotence, Omniscience and Omnipresence.

An example: but that they assumed that it would decrease as the Lord Jesus was evangelizing us (SANANDA KUMAR), it's already omnipresent, but still not omnipotent...

Analyzing or seeing it from another angle:

If we often come to the Incarnation as a man, or as a Woman, we can have and we will have, certainly, serious problems when we come to incarnation with the opposite sex to the one we came with...

Do you realize, now, One of the reasons why you can be gay, without guilt and without being a sinner!?

GOD, according to Beloved Archangel MICHAEL, supports unions of all kinds. HE just wants to see LOVE in the Hearts. LOVE!

So, that our intelligence, culture and wisdom, help us never to judge anything or anyone, because there is no effect without a cause, and, in God, everything has an explanation, as long as you study.

GOD LOVES US ALWAYS… Regardless of whether we are this and that… we praise him, because, because He created male and female, so we can be VERY HAPPY.

Study the Theory of Reincarnation, subsumed in the Law of Cause & Cause law, to know that Nobody Owns Nobody. If a relationship ends, for being KARMIC, there is intelligence to get out of it in PEACE, starting what we will have, Maybe, to start with someone else.

never forget that: Here are, Here comes around… for all time and for eternity…

Na Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus




Face, once again, to help you with your Conclusion, at the same summary:

For everything I've lived, li, I heard and received, since my green years, but, about everything, in the golden years 80 of the 20th century in my beloved city of Coimbra, and that I already reported to you, taking into account, also, what can be read in Allan Kardec’s ‘Posthumous Works’, I can only repeat you, again, that a certain Entity returned again to the Incarnation to, according to the dialogue that this Entity had with the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, in these years 80 20th century, where he received from Christ the information that he would rebuild, after its Reformation (Retirement), the Temple 'THE WAY', there is only one possible Reading to take from here: that this Entity is the same Spirit as the one chosen by the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, in the 18th century, to come to the Incarnation in the 19th century and be ALLAN KARDEC, the New Consoler Encoder.

This time, ALLAN KARDEC would complete the Work, as the 'Spirit of Truth' told him in 17 January 1857, and which is transcribed here:

“[…]But, ah! the truth will not be known to all, don't cry, otherwise in a long time! In this existence you will only see the dawn of the success of your work. you will have to go back, reincarnated in another body, to complete what you started and, therefore, You will be given the satisfaction of seeing the seed you have sown on Earth come to fruition..

Envious and jealous men will arise who will seek to slander you and oppose you.: do not be discouraged; don't worry about what they say or do to you; continue with your work; always works for the progress of humanity, that you will be supported by the good spirits, as long as you persevere in the good way.”

Having said that… Here it is, thus, the Truth of who I Am and what I came to Realize through this present body of mine.

Therefore, and this time, it was not the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, who chose me to come and be the Rebuilder of His Temple 'THE WAY'. This time, and said by the CHRIST was our own Lord and Divine CREATOR FATHER.

This is what CHICO XAVIER came to say, twice in August 2007. You just need to know how to read and interpret it..

Gather and judge about it, if you want to do it, because who I am, against everything and against all possible ‘adversaries’, continue the Divine Reconstruction.

no one will stop me! If it was the FATHER who sent me... No one will defeat him! HE and I are ONE.

There are no vanities here... There is Truth and Responsibility!

Whoever believes in this Truth and has COURAGE, Let it come. Who does not believe that shut up, and follow what you want to follow.

Eu, Álvaro de Jesus, I will go my way with Him who is the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE. And so it is!

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Priest of the Order of Melchizedek)

Porto, done by 11:25, do dia 23 August 2019.


Web Site of O CAMINHO – New Temple of the Lord






Why I don't play in Service, I'm not rebuilding, nor to announce a new sect.

You may not know Álvaro de Jesus, but I assure you that in my way of being in law (IUS), in my legalism, you will never find me situated in deceit or mockery.

When I took the course ‘Introduction to the Study of Law’, at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, loved reading the Regent's Report for that Chair, Professor Doctor António Castanheira Neves, in which, at a certain point, he defends and warns, stating:

– “May Juridism never dry up the Humanism inherent in Man himself.”

That is, Humanism is above the Law itself. The Human is Divine… Juridism is finite and constituting, and everything is said…

When I took the Oral of this exam, the Wizard stated, in front of the whole room, that I had never heard a student answer so wisely and profoundly about what a SEAT was. A SEAT is a Judgment, a Sentence, with law value, delivered by the Plenary of the Portuguese Supreme Court of Justice.

– “Coimbra is a woman, only those who know pass by”, says Fado, and so it is.

But let's go back to what I want to remind you of, here and now.

Beloved, Beloved:

As 33 thousand churches that go around... are creations of Man, at the expense or behind the back of the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, and if you read it well, He spoke to the priests, pastors and spiritual guides, in Your Message 31 December 2009.

And the queen of them all, the roman church, was born by the will of an Emperor who, being heathen and cunning (today he is a woman and lives nearby), seeing that he could not overcome Christianity, made it yours, your way, establishing the Roman Catholic Church, making everything that was church enter into it, namely the Temple O CAMINHO, that Jesus had left 325 years before.

This is the initial and everlasting truth, of the Roman Church. The Church of the Roman Empire… of sad memory.

If you remember well Lord Siddhartha Gautama, about BUDA, you know what he says about this Church, in His message that opens the Book of the Annunciation, 1º Volume of “The New Scriptures”, of which our beloved Godmother Isabel of Aragon tells us (Queen Santa Isabel), in His Message embodied in “First Fruits of a New Day”.

IN CONCLUSION… So as not to bore…

JESUS, looking at what the FATHER gave Him to do here, say and leave, delivered, at the last supper, Peter's Responsibility for His Temple 'THE WAY', and, in this time of EVENT and of Ascension, in this End of Era and Cycle, at this beginning of Age and Cycle, into a Shift that will alter all that is of Duality and 3D, our Divine Father Creator, coming to our HELP, asks you to take it back, and again, what the CHRIST left behind at the Beginning of the Age of Pisces.

For everything we've sent you, as Rebuilder of His TEMPLE, there is no way not to say YES to what the FATHER asks of us.

Yes! You must understand that your Spiritual FATHER/MOTHER, the creator of this universe, want you to be enlightened (Evangelism), not according to the will of men, but according to himself, through what His CHRIST JESUS ​​left us.

In your own Greater Good, you cannot refuse what HE asks of you, because it is for your Greater Good, the same will be to say, for Thy own Glory and Ascension.

we already told you, and we keep, that we are Uniting Two Comforters, the one left by the Christ, and what happened to us from Allan Kardec, for that, very soon, in this Corner of the Galactic and Cosmic Quadrant, in this Land of a single Nation, there is only Spiritual Teaching of LIGHT.

accept to be, by our invitation, a Co-Founder of this Holy Work, I think it will make you feel very loved, either by the FATHER, be it for this Brother of yours who never tires of explaining to you the reason for this Matter.

André Luiz Spiritist Federation (UGLY) is, with Kardec's Letters, to do a work of great merit and light, while we, this time and on this other side of the Ocean, we're, as CHICO XAVIER said in 04 is on 23 August 2007, to Rebuild, jointly with The Temple of Christ, what it was not possible to leave in the second half of the 19th century.

Today you have the WORK and you have the Spiritist TEMPLE, that, Above all, it is the temple of Christ, The Temple of the New Earth, the 'Cosmic Religion', that CHICO XAVIER told us about in 05 January 1954, and which will be named from this sacred moment.

The Comforter of CHRIST joins the New Comforter, Spiritualism, and it becomes, only, TEMPLE, THE CHURCH, as I mentioned and explained in my Open Letter to Humanity, elaborate that it was, still, in my much loved city of Coimbra.

Faced with this... The choice can only be one: Leave the illusion and accept the FATHER's Request, walking towards him, with the Christ who, being Himself THE WAY, left us what he is, for better and faster to Illuminate and Ascend.

Therefore, and/or so positioned,

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Priest of the Order of Melchizedek and President of the Board of ‘O CAMINHO – Novo Templo do Senhor’)

Rua de Cedofeita, nº 455, 1º Walk, Sala 9 – 4050-181 PORTO, PORTUGAL

phones: (+351) 224020093 (+Fax) / 220135311 (with Mobile Connection) / Mobil: 914512473

E-Mail: sendoluz2007@gmail.com


Web Site (Humble, but true)



Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alvarode.jesus47 or,




Dear Brothers and loved:

It is not by chance that our Divine FATHER/MOTHER/CREATOR wishes to see the Temple O WAY, Reborn from ashes, 17 Centuries after his death, Temple this that, as I've told you dozens of times, was founded by the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, and left to this Humanity through His Apostles.

Yes! It's not by chance!

This Temple had its Headquarters on the road that, leaving Jerusalem, headed for Bethlehem.

It was in this Temple – Physical House – that the Apostles helped, physically and spiritually, all who came to them from all over the world.

you will ask, how could the Apostles physically help these Brothers, whether feeding them, whether wearing them?

yes they could, because O CAMINHO received donations from all, they lacked nothing... There were even those who sold something they didn't use, delivering the proceeds of that sale to the Temple of the Lord.

Everything was Fraternal, Just, good and light!

There were many Brothers associated with the Apostles, so that everything works perfectly, or as best as possible. No one pushed others what was their responsibility, making, humbly and lovingly, this is your part/task.

You may not know it but the Apostles of the Lord JESUS ​​were also known as 'The Men of the WAY.'

And because the FATHER so desires, reborn in the day 04 August 2007, in this city of Porto, Portugal, the NEW CHURCH of the WAY (NIC), first name of our Temple, knowing you very well, what psychographics did our Sister Suzette Duarte receive that day, and who received them.

More! she psychographed, himself, of the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, in day 31 March 1991, Easter Sunday, SIXTEEN years before NIC was reborn on this Holy Earth Ground, some beautiful poems, as Jesus asked, kept until he found us, making your delivery to us 2007, Since, said, were for us.

See! Suzette Duarte was responsible and disciplined enough, to know how to save during 16 long years these Poems, until I heard about the Revival of the Temple of the LORD, not to send them, because to the WAY they were destined, from your FOUNDER, the CHRIST JESUS.

Suzette Duarte is on this list and receives, like you, this message…

Beloved, Beloved:

Judge very well about all that I write to you, and listen to Carlos Bispo as he tells us about the EVENT.

never the earth, not Nós, we live what we are going to enjoy, but that we are already living.

That we know how to DESERVE!

May the Holy Name of the Lord always be Praised and Glorified.

Na Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus






To all those who defend the Thesis that Chico Xavier was Allan Kardec reincarnated.


The TRUTH thanks you for Respecting It!

Before you say what you say, question the self. It doesn't need any code to Express itself!

All it takes is a little intelligence and good observation!

“CHICO XAVIER was, in life, Someone who had none of KARDEC's Profile”. who said it, like this, was Divaldo Pereira Franco.

THE WORK HE LEFT IS GREAT… Yes, IT'S, and we will never deny it… But we cannot mistake him for his greatness..

Don't forget that it was Beloved CHICO XAVIER who came, voluntarily, claim:


He was referring to the Temple THE WAY that the Lord JESUS ​​left 2.000 years, and that we are rebuilding by the will of the FATHER, and to our NEW CHURCH OF THE WAY, today call, from 2015: 'THE WAY – New Temple of the Lord.’


We know how to understand what He is saying to us, known as they are “POSTHUMAN WORKS” de allan Kardec.

It wasn't Amado Bezerra de Menezes, nor Beloved André Luiz, nor Beloved Emmanuel, it was CHICO XAVIER, Allan Kardec's Successor.

ALSO, see how the Lord JESUS ​​began, Planetary Light, Your message, on this holy day 4 August 2007.



I'M FOLLOWING YOU. (saying it twice)



what more do you want, to discern well?

It is enough to know how to discern… It's not like this!?



Comment left on YouTube by Mr.. nuno emmanuel, About a Lecture by Dr.. Décio Landoli Jr..

Manuel Alvaro Silva de Jesus There is 1 second
Dear Dr. Décio Landoli Jr., please, open the website: http://caminhonovotemplo.com and, After, click and open the Menu “About” and, in this, open right away “Mission”.

After this, go back to the Menus and open “Channelings”, selling Suzette Duarte's, reading the Messages she received on the day 04-08-2007, day on which the Portuguese Authorities authorized the First Name that our Temple had: NEW CHURCH OF THE WAY.

See who wrote and what they said. I got these messages from Suzette but I didn't know why she got them, because I had not yet received news of the approval of the request I had made to these Authorities.

It was only two days later that I found out about this so-called Deferment. However, THEY KNEW THE NAME WAS ALREADY AUTHORIZED AND SAID WHAT IT READS… Received on the day 04 August 2007.

Now, open this blog:

http://espiritualidade2010.blogspot.com/ and, in the right column, look for Allan Kardec.

See everything that our Beloved Brother ANÍBAL (Spirit) keep saying, about CHICO and about KARDEC.

Now remember what CHICO XAVIER said about what was then the NEW CHURCH OF THE WAY, today call “THE PATH – New Temple of the Lord” Beloved CHICO XAVIER, according to ANÍBAL and ‘Posthumous Works’, was the Successor of KARDEC, and it was the Successor of KARDEC who came to say, twice in August 2007, a 04 it's at 23, that O CAMINHO was also the FIRST SPIRITIST CHURCH, IE, it was the Successor of KARDEC who came to say where the WORK was being COMPLETED, as, CHICO, as KARDEC's successor he only continued the Work, but did not complete it.

Yes… did not complete it!

Exactly! beyond the 500 Books that AMADO CHICO left behind, many other thousands of BOOKS can be received or written, without them being able to complete the WORK, but just keep it going.

having, However, a TEMPLE, and this TEMPLE being the ONE that CHRIST left to PETER… Adding it to the Books of CHICO and many others, everything is COMPLETE, being all this, I repeat, of the WILL of our Divine CREATOR FATHER, as the Lord JESUS ​​informed me in the ages of 80, in the city of Coimbra.

Yes! Don't forget what the Lord JESUS ​​told me in Coimbra in the years 80 20th century, and that I put in my Open Letter (Mission).

That is, I am rebuilding the TEMPLE that the Lord and Divine Master JESUS ​​left to PEDRO, and our Beloved CHICO XAVIER comes and, in day 23 August 2007, says:


The Spirit of Truth tells ALLAN KARDEC:

– “you will have to go back, in new body, to COMPLETE the WORK!”

CHICO succeeded and continued KARDEC, but it would have to be KARDEC to come to complete the WORK!

This is the True interpretation of all that, being of the TRUTH, was written from KARDEC.

The PATH was, because, the TEMPLE that CHRIST founded and left to Humanity, and it is the FATHER who wants to see him, HERE AND NOW, reborn and to OPERATE, and our Beloved CHICO XAVIER comes to say, twice in August 2007, that this TEMPLE, which is the Christ, it is also the FIRST CHURCH (TEMPLE) SPIRITIST.

So… After the Planetary Transition (THE EVENT), and me on 5D… Everything has to be, in the land, in THE WAY.

Very Respectfully and in the Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Melchizedek Priest and President of O CAMINHO – New Temple of the Lord)







we are coming, while Humanity, to a dead end.

The sting is ending and the future will be, for 8/9 (eight nines) of this humanity, the exile.

The Roman Curia, in the likeness of the pagan Empire that founded it, and who already died, still sick with the same 15 serious illnesses.

The 'spiritual illiteracy' that the Pope identified, continues to get worse, through the usual despotism of his Church.

AND GOD, being the Supreme Intelligence and First Cause of All Things, It is, according to the same pope, a loser.

There is 162 years, already done, Allan Kardec identified the cause that led, or promoted, what the catholic pope said in africa, about GOD being that Loser.

17 Centuries after Constantine created this Church, all of it will crumble and move towards this exile.

The Earth lives in distress and shakes or shakes, as if to leave serious warnings, but the man is still blind and looking only at his navel, following, only, your ego, through this criminal spiritual illiteracy.

The O CAMINHO Temple is located on the 1st floor behind 12 years, and continues to light, without being, still, understood and loved.

Those who were their leaders, by way of blindfolds, that METATRON identified, they fell into fear and deserted...

Spiritist Centers stop giving passes, they will be empty... Because everything is OCO, without science!

The Faith of this People is a Dead Faith, because it is based on fear and spiritual illiteracy.

Go to Fatima, Yes, but to 'pay promises' to GOD, who never sold anything to anyone, and walk on your knees... It hurts to see so much spiritual ignorance.

The 'Conversations with God' were of no use, the ‘New Comforter’, coded by Allan Kardec, as 500 Works psychographed by Chico Xavier, etc. etc. etc.

Man still wants to be served, as it happened in the time of JESUS, to the point where he decided to leave early, leaving, by Your Will, your greatest example: The CROSS.

Everyone forgets the condition as they were, for God, created: LIVRES, SIMPLE AND IGNORANT.

The name is EGO, It is no accident that Lord Siddhartha Gautama claimed that there was only 1/9 (one ninth) of Awakened Men, but without being fully aware of it.

poor humanity. And, PORTUGAL, I didn't even know how to read 'First Fruits of a New Day'.

Allan Kardec left us Spiritist Science, or Spiritism. And, today, we will all say:

– Spiritism is for the Spiritist Science, how Juridism is for Legal Science! translating: Both are Sciences that promote the Light in Man, and ensure an orderly social environment!

But, unfortunately, and despite Spiritism being the New Consoler promised by the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, this Spiritism was and is excommunicated on the shelves of the Vatican.

Once again Christ was crucified by certain priests, children of the roman empire!

It is not by chance that, at the end of the cycle, of Era and Planetary Transition, the FATHER wants to see THE WAY again Reborn, and to be the LIGHT of the Earth Plane.

in that light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Priest of the Order of Melchizedek and President of the Board of O CAMINHO – Novo Templo do Senhor – Religious Collective Person)

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com



Reading Posthumous Works, de allan Kardec:

– The return of Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritism, doctrine in which the divine promise of Jesus materializes, of sending the Comforter, the Paraclete (John, Cap. 14 vv. 15 a 17 and 26), is more than explicit in several passages of the countless biographies of the Encoder, and in the basic and complementary works of the Spiritist Doctrine.

But, When, where and what personality will animate the distinguished Master when he returns to the terrestrial arena?

This is the thesis proposed for the research, along the lines that follow, with impartiality, without preconceived spirit.

Among the basic works, stand out the book Posthumous Works. The first revelation of his mission took place on the day 30 April 1856, at Mr.. Roustan, by the medium Miss Japhet.

In the words of Professor Rivail: “I watched, since some time, to the sessions held at the home of Mr.. Roustan and the review of my work began there., that, posteriorly, would form The Spirits' Book.

In one of these meetings, very intimate, attended by only seven or eight people, These spoke of different things related to events capable of bringing about a social transformation, when the medium, taking the basket, spontaneously wrote”:

1 – “When the catchphrase sounds, you will abandon him; you will only relieve your fellow man; individually magnetize it, in order to cure him.

After, each one, in the position prepared for him, because everything will be mister, because everything will be destroyed, at least temporarily (1 Posthumous Works, de allan Kardec – FEB – 27th edition, pp. 277/278. 24 The return of Allan Kardec).

There will be no religion, and one will be necessary but true, grande, beautiful and worthy of the Creator… Your first foundations have already been laid… As for you, rival, your mission is there.

(Free, the basket quickly turned to my side, how would someone point a finger at me). And you, M…, the sword that does not hurt, but it kills; against everything that is, you will be the first to come. He, rival, will come second: is the worker who rebuild what was demolished.”

In“The Return of Allan Kardec, by Weimar Muniz de Oliveira, 3th edition. Goiania – GO 2008 – pages 23 and 24.


Commenting and remembering some of my experiences in the city of Coimbra, between the years of 1983 and 1992.

“And you, M…, the sword that does not hurt, but it kills; against everything that is, you will be the first to come. He, rival, will come second: is the worker who rebuilds what's it demolished.”

1 – With the creation of the Roman Catholic Church, by Emperor Constantine, the big, in the year 325, demolished was the Temple THE WAY that the Lord Jesus had left to Peter at the Last Supper.


2 – In the Letters of Christ, dictated between the years 2000 and 2002, the Christ affirms

“Churches that followed an erroneous Christianity, Allan Kardec explained 30 years old.”

Logo, There will be no religion…”


3 – “The Mission that, this time, brought you to earth, I didn't give it to you. It was the FATHER. You are at the service of the FATHER and woe to you if you do not fulfill it.” – From the Lord Jesus to me, in the years 80 20th century, in the city of Coimbra, through the Saudosa Sister and Medium Maria Lucília da Conceição Francisco.


4 – “Prepare, for you are going to rebuild the Temple.” – From the Lord Jesus to me, by my telepathic intuition (clairaudience), six months after you told me who sent me.


5 – “It rose from the ashes millennia after the last supper of the Lord Jesus. in the Messages he dictated and offered to the then New Church of the Way.” – Chico Xavier, 23 August 2007.


“… and one will be necessary but true, grande, beautiful and worthy of the Creator… Your first foundations have already been laid… As for you, rival, your mission is there.”


6 – “I am the Light of your Church!

The Father's will was done.




Message received on the day 04 August 2007, through the Suzette Duarte Canal (day on which the reconstruction of what was demolished in the year 325 by Emperor Constantine, when he created the ICAR, making it the Church of the Roman Empire. Because she was that, is that he had nothing and has nothing of the CHRIST. The Conclusion is Obvious! (Read the Message of the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, from 31 December 2009, where he talks about it).

*** The Lord JESUS ​​came, Like this, confirm that I fulfilled the Will of GOD that He had informed me 20 years before. So, I am the worker who rebuilds what has been demolished.

I hope that, with this, have you understood what we are doing, why and at whose behest!


Before closing this Conclusion, I leave you one more instrument of the Truth:


Greetings to all in Love, in peace and light!

Today, I am and my name is Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus


PS.- these last 12 years have given me a lot. They may not have given me many awakened People who accept the FATHER's Truth, but they gave me some and, about everything, Gave me Experience and Knowledge. I assure you that in 4 August 2007, I was not what I am today.

For all this, I give thanks to the FATHER, to the Lord JESUS, to Beloved Archangels, to the Divine Mother MARY, who was in the 13th and 14th centuries my Beloved Godmother ISABEL de ARAGÃO, to Beloved Masters and to my Beloved Higher Self, as well as all Beloved Beings of LIGHT!


The Mission was given to me by Him (Lord Jesus), in the 18th century, to begin to be Initiated in the second half of the 19th century, but that would end, IE, would be given up, complete, in my new incarnation (See ‘Posthumous Works’).

By telling you what stays with you, I tell you everything, Since, the obligation of reflection and understanding, belongs to you.

in help, However, segue, attached, pieces of this Truth.

Na Light,

I am Allan Kardec

P.S. – With the TEMPLE THE WAY everything was complete, IE, the work was completed in 04 August 2007, fulfilling, Like this, what was heard in 30 April 1856.

Now, it's up to each of those who read me, accept there, or not!



Dissertation on what approaches this Earth Plane known as THE EVENT

Remember the Message that the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, announced to me in mid-December 2009, and it arrived in my e-mail box on New Year's Eve, having read it around 00:30 of the day 01 January 2010, which has already been sent numerous times to our mailing list.

He talks and denounces a lot, Yes, without forgetting to warn us about the future to come.

this future is THE EVENT what are you talking about here.

I must warn you of this, without forgetting to call you to the responsibility that belongs to you, as to whether or not you can bear this EVENT, because each one will receive it depending on whether he is situated in LOVE, or in heartbreak, AWAKE, or not awake.

And so it is!

Final grades:

I am a Priest of the Order of Melchizedek and First In Charge, in the land, for the rebuilding of the temple THE PATH, that the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, founded and left us there 2.000 years, through His Apostles.

Analyze very well what I am telling you.

What the Lord JESUS ​​founded and left under the command of Peter, called if THE PATH, which He called the TEMPLE. It was this TEMPLE that He created in order that His Message would be offered to all the Peoples of the Earth.

TEMPLE that would be demolished by the Roman Emperor Constantine, in the year 325, IE, not seculum IV, when he created the Roman Catholic Church (ICAR).

I'm not going to tell you about this ICAR, for the CHRIST has already sentenced her to natural death. Digo-your, Yes, what does our Divine FATHER want to see Rebuilt in this Time. What GOD desires to see Reborn is, exactly, the temple THE PATH that His CHRIST JESUS ​​founded and left us.

HIM, GOD, wants to see ALIVE and to EVANGELIZE the TEMPLE that CHRIST Founded and left, and not what men, in your vanities, were creating.

THE WAY - New Temple of the Lord, is reborn / Reconstructed, in Portugal, and operating since the day 04 August 2007, according to the will of God.

let's get ready, because, for THE EVENT.

Na Light,

By the Directorate of THE WAY - New Temple of the Lord,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus



“Surviving Event Shock – Compression and Rupture”





13 June 2019

Message sent to our Mailing List:


Beloved, Beloved:

Universal History tells us that, over eons, Many Superior Spirits came to our Sacred Mother Earth, which, through His Divine Examples, they knew how to show us how we should conform our living, to, or in order to be aware, so that we can be what they were, and continue to be.

JESUS, Christ, who also came to us, already told us that, upon your request, many of these Superior Beings came to the Catholic Church, Roman Apostolic, created or erected by the Roman Emperor Constantine in the year 325, and than, for this reason, nothing had, it has nothing to do with Christ, so that their top leaders would have in them the example they should be and follow. Tal, However, Did not happen…

That is why, in 31 December 2009, in Message that was pre-announced to me in the middle of that December, The Divine Master JESUS ​​returned to speak about the chaotic state in which this Humanity finds itself, calling this church darkness.

If the largest Church planted in the West is darkness (Francisco, your papa, called GOD Failed – see on YouTube), the earthly world evangelized by her will be what? Didn't Francis come to say: “there is a great spiritual illiteracy in our society”!?

I will transcribe, here, the final part of Message no. 9, that the dr. António de Oliveira Salazar dictated, embodied in the work ‘Primícias de Um Novo Dia’, where he refers to that Church. take, consciously and responsibly, about what he claims, your grades:

“… For four decades I defended an Ankylosed and Retrograde Religious Orthodoxy and persecuted those who professed other beliefs…

Ah, how I was wrong, Brothers! no one should, no one can claim to have the unique truth about God. The house of the Lord has many rooms. As many as religions, the doctrines, the currents of thought. And all the inhabitants of all dwellings are equally children of God, and therefore, brothers. May those who today profess the ideas I professed then forgive me., but, in reality, the house I lived in was one of those that most needed restoration and expansion works, Mainly doors and windows, which are the means by which you get in touch with the outside and with the inhabitants of other dwellings!

Respect and embrace your Buddhist brother, your Hindu brother, your Muslim brother, your Theosophist brother, your Rosicrucian brother, your Spiritualist brother from another school of thought. Take from them the purity of intentions. reject sectarianism, the fanaticism, the religious separativity. Love your neighbor as God loves you, that you have failed to learn this principle during the last two millennia.

For four decades I was a brake on my country, I didn't fulfill your true, wonderful and high mission. But because Portugal is destined to be the link between peoples, because Portugal will be an example of freedom and communion among peoples, why Portugal will embrace progress and modernization, and above all because Portugal will open the doors of the Fifth Empire, of the Fifth Kingdom, and will be the Holy Spirit of the nations, I couldn't help but fulfill here and now, on four sheets of handwritten paper transmitted to someone who is much more than me, what in four decades I have not fulfilled. May the Portuguese and the world forgive me, all the mistakes i made, and there are few that I have listed. My example is one that should not be followed. Why not lead to Christ.

Antonio de Oliveira Salazar


as you can see, it is Salazar himself who, coming from beyond, says what the Catholic Church, Roman Apostolic, that he followed fervently, It is

I repeat! If CHRIST calls this Church DARKNESS, not Salazar, who followed her and defended her, like few, the flame, today, from the world beyond, from “Ankylosed and Retrograde Religious Orthodoxy“, what can be expected from the Human World that this Church evangelized!?

I have told you, and I left it well shaped in the Open Letter I addressed to Humanity, transcribed in its entirety on the Website of the Temple O CAMINHO http://caminhonovotemplo.com that in this End of Cycle, of Era and Planetary Transition, as well as Cosmic Reintegration, is our Divine CREATOR FATHER, as the Lord JESUS ​​informed me, who wants to see the Temple He left us reborn, there is 2.000 years, through His Apostles.

Now, if it is the CREATOR himself who wants to see this Temple O WAY reborn, and if what goes around, in terms of churches and religions, more of 33 thousand, did not AVOID the Chaotic state, Deplorable and Deplorable in which our Society finds itself, plunged into a criminal spiritual illiteracy, what are we waiting for in order to Hear and Perceive the Divine Will of our Divine FATHER/MOTHER/CREATOR?

If the CHRIST came to say, condemning, in His Letters, to natural death all Churches that followed an erroneous Christianity, and if we realize, consciously, that it should be, What do we expect to fulfill the Divine Will of GOD?

Beloved, Beloved!

Whose Daughter Are You/Spiritual Son?

Who is Your Divine Beloved Spiritual Master?

spiritually, who do you follow, truly?

follow Christ and, by Him to GOD, or do you follow men?

They tell you that the Lord JESUS ​​did not found any Church or Religion!?

It's not like that!

As a matter of fact, LEFT YOURSELF, be in YOUR MESSAGE, whether in the house (Temple THE WAY), Where, after His Death on the Cross, His Apostles, under Peter's command, cared for the most needy, was curing them of their illnesses, was feeding them.

And is this house (Temple THE WAY), that the FATHER wants to see Reborn, this time, to Ser e Valer after THE EVENT, on the NEW EARTH that some will inherit.

I hope you understand me and do your part, as Your Divine Son, because and even though you are free, you will never be happy outside of HIM.

Na Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus


P.S. – Some don’t like to read this, but, to those, I say: If you know how to read, and if you are aware of what you have read, you will shiver and think, seriously, what are you going to do from this very moment. Or do you claim to be CHRISTIC, or exile will be your destiny!

THE WAY is LOVE, God and All His Creation!



Beloved Brother Geraldinho!

Yes! Allow me to treat you like this.

We love to hear you talk about our beloved CHICO XAVIER, who was the Successor of our Beloved ALLAN KARDEC – See Posthumous Works, and read what it tells us, nowadays, the Spirit of Hannibal on the Blog:


And, please, listen to Beloved CHICO XAVIER, Talk to him, not to say that He was ALLAN KARDEC reincarnated.

“Nature Doesn't Jump!” – Divine Mother MARY.

Also read the Beloved and Missed Brother Arnaldo Rocha. Not the one who spelled lies, but what he deprived and knew very well, CHICO XAVIER.

Some Brothers are saying that CHICO was KARDEC, I know, but, please stop it.

Allan Kardec is reincarnated and completing the WORK, as the Spirit of Truth told him.

CHICO succeeded KARDEC to continue the Written Work, the books, and did it divinely, but did not complete the work. I repeat: CHICO DID NOT COMPLETE THE WORK.

It would be up to ALLAN KARDEC to come, how it came and what it is doing, at the same time that the Temple is reborn THE WAY that the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, left this Humanity through His Apostle Peter and His Brother James.

To James he delivered the Political and Legal part of the Temple, to Pedro he entrusted the responsibility of spreading the Good News, IE, His Doctrine and Message.

By saying that Beloved CHICO was ALLAN KARDEC, you are, simply, to prevent KARDEC from, Here and now, perform your current, big and difficult task.

KARDEC must leave the Great Spiritist Temple, the Great Cosmic Religion, of the New Earth, subsumed in the Temple THE WAY, left by the CHRIST and that He, Kardec, is reborn.

Our Beloved CHICO in Message Written in Coimbra, already came to say that it was not KARDEC.

If you have doubts about what I tell you, Talk to him… And He will tell you:

– “I love KARDEC deeply and thank the Light. I was not, really.”

Na Light,

I'm Your Brother Álvaro de Jesus




Beloved Brethren:

Being Earthly Humanity at the gates of what is called THE EVENT, and desiring to enlighten those who have not yet been able to glimpse the Light of the Truth of CHRIST, nor that of Novo Consolador, I leave, for reflection, four documents:

first document: about who it was, in Coding, the Spirit of Truth:



No oneyou can see the kingdom of God if not born again

  1. (After the transfiguration.) His disciples then questioned him in this way: “Why do the scribes say that Elijah must first return??” – Jesus answered them: “It is true that Elijah shall come and restore all things: - but, I declare to you that Elijah has already come and they did not know him and treated him as they pleased.. This is how they will make the Son of Man suffer.” - Then, his disciples understood that it was John the Baptist that he had spoken. S. MARCOS, 9:11 a 13.)

The Lord Jesus gave, here, two information: The first, that I put in bold, referred to the future, and a second, about the past. in the future, It tells what ELIAS would come to accomplish, in this case, together with Allan Kardec.


second document: about who Amado Chico Xavier was in relation to Allan Kardec:

“… One can see in the Spirit's response the importance of Kardec as responsible for the conception of the Spiritist Doctrine and that of Chico Xavier to execute with energy and action the work codified by Kardec. Chico Xavier used his faculties to develop and consolidate Kardec's Spiritism, as announced in this message from 22 december 1861.

May God enlighten everyone! And that Kardec, currently incarnated in new body, succeed in carrying out its mission.

brother Hannibal

Message received on 18 April 2012.”




third document: Testimonies of Chico Xavier, about advice and about himself:



Fourth Document: Psychographed message by Suzette Duarte in 23 August 2007, coming of the Successor of ALLAN KARDEC, Chico Xavier, the day the Temple THE WAY 'Reborn from the ashes', in Notarial Act – Definitive Deed of Constitution – in this city of Porto, Portugal:

NEW CHURCH OF THE WAY (Initial name of our Temple, changed in 2015)

Reborn from the ashes.
Millennia after the last supper of the Lord Jesus.
Behold, thou art the first Spiritualist Church.
Church of the Lord Jesus Sananda.
that the doors of NEW CHURCH OF THE WAY open to everyone in need.
Without looking at the creeds, races or faith.
be prepared for TO SERVE.
Be prepared to deliver knowledge.
Take knowledge of the Gospel and its coder.
The Pastor should not turn off your study.
Must instill their study in those who seek clarification, who confess their willingness in preparation.
Diversificai Allan Kardec.
You should stimulate the minds of those who seek the Lord in their eagerness to Faith.
Brothers! Much is required of those who work with knowledge.
One your Church interior, so that abroad it produces the fruits of Light. ”

Chico Xavier / Suzette Duarte. SAGRES, 23/08/2007.


this is what, as Truth and in this Time of Planetary Transition, I present and leave to the Earth World.

Who live after THE EVENT, you will know why you will find us.

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Priest of the Melchizedek Order, and Mentor of THE WAY-New Temple of the Lord)

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com



Beloved Brethren:

We all know that on the day 25 April 1974 a group of military, the so-called Captains of April, performed an act of revolt, a revolution, bringing down the dictatorship that existed as a regime, the birth of democratic Portugal.

The People hailed this revolution and, coming to the street, he gave vent to all his natural joy.

Let's take this event, in this revolution of 25 April 1974, so that we can think about the reasons that assist our Divine Father/Mother Creator, for Him to have sent to Earth, from-when-to-time, certain or certain Superior Spiritual Entities, the so-called Mahavatars, avatars, prophets, and Christ himself.

O what HE wanted to happen on Earth, by sending us who sent us?

and for what reason, He even, taking advantage of an act of desperation by Neale Donald Walsh, came to tell us what is read in the three Books “Conversations with GOD”, that we, when we compel them, we understand that we are facing a Great Spiritual Revolution, coming directly from our Divine Creator Father?

Would GOD be, when doing such, with these submissions, to carry out your 25 of April?

Now, join me and let's try to find out why, eu, as a child, as I have told you, I felt very close to God?

Pwhy did i feel like this?

what reasons, or causes, divine, promoted in me this feeling, this certainty and feeling?

Now, we took a leap from 40 years and let's judge, seriously, what CHRIST told me through our Missing Sister Maria Lucília da Conceição Francisco, that belonged to Lordemão, Coimbra.

– “The mission that brought you to Earth, this time, I didn't give it to you, it was the father!”

O what does this divine information have to do with how I felt as a child? Is related, or not, with what I felt about GOD?

has to be, is not true!?

Let's go now, skip a few months and listen, again, this time through my own spiritual hearing, what 'Your Voice' told me:

– "Get ready, because you are going to rebuild the temple!”

What name was I told about this Temple that I should rebuild?

– "THE WAY!”

What does the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, there is 2.000 years say to be?

– "THE WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE.”

Face to isto… And having been called the Temple I should Rebuild THE WAY, who do you think was its founder? Better saying, what did CHRIST entrust to His Apostle Peter, as the Gospel tells us?

Wouldn't that have been His Temple THE WAY?

No one will be able to say or affirm that this DELIVERY was not!

who in the year 325 created the Roman Catholic Church?

– The Emperor Constantine, the big!

What Two Commandments did Christ leave us, as a compass to enlighten us?

1º – LOVE GOD above all things, in spirit and in truth;

2º – LOVE our neighbor as we love ourselves.

These Two Commandments were respected, loved and fulfilled, over two thousand years?

– No!

What did the Lord Jesus tell us?, CHRIST, in Your Message 31 December 2009?

– That His Message had not passed!

blamed someone, that is why?

– blamed!


– priests, Shepherds and Guides, saying they were corrupted by the worst pride.

Do you think that Christ lied??


If he, CHRIST, brought and left a single Message, who said to be Universal, and if he told me that, this time, it was the FATHER who sent me, and if i have, at the behest of the FATHER, to rebuild the Temple that He, CHRIST, left Peter, to whom will this Temple be destined??

I know you know, as I've always known…

However, and bearing in mind all that the FATHER has been revealing to us in His ‘Touchings’, I learned Your Lesson and, I tell you the following:

Here, in this Temple THE WAY there are no Popes… But there is the One whom the FATHER chose and sent.

And, believe me, what the CHRIST told me on the day 4 August 2007, through our Sister Suzette Duarte, is the PROOF of everything He has been telling me, in my times in Coimbra, during the second half of the years 80.


And why I study the New Comforter, left to this Humanity by ALLAN KARDEC, Beloved CHICO XAVIER, from the World of TRUTH, that same day 4 IS in the day 23, 19 days later, came and said:

– “It rose from the ashes millennia after the Last Supper of the Lord Jesus. BEHOLD, YOU ARE THE FIRST SPIRITIST CHURCH…”

Place isto, and for which CONST, without imposing anything… EVERYTHING is and remains COMPLETE.

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

A Humble Melchizedek Priest and Servant of GOD, in Divine Mission.

THE WAY - New Temple of the Lord





A Sister has just sent me an SMS where she tells me:

"Hello! When you have an inspiration and want to come back to the topic:

‘When someone says: God is unfair because he allows people to get cancer and children through no fault of their own to get sick.'

This is what my co-workers think.. One thinks, and the others completely agree. I will stop helping them, for they neither want to perceive nor desire to study.”


If I wanted to enter into the 'dispute' and wanted to respond divinely to these colleagues of our Sister, I would ask them:

– Dear Ladies.

– for all of you, but, one by one, respondei-me:

– WHAT IS GOD? (See the 1st question of ‘The Spirits’ Book’).

I was listening and writing down the answer of each one of them., and, right away, would ask them:

– AND WHAT ARE YOUR ATTRIBUTES?? (See question no. 13 of the same Work)

I would make equal notes on your answers..

After they replied to me, and considering that they think God is unfair, I would start by telling them what GOD has offered us over in recent times:

– Dear Ladies, GOD, who is the Supreme Perfection and First Cause of All Things, visible and invisible; which is eternal, immutable, Immaterial, Single, Almighty and Sovereignly Just and Good, he came, over the last few years, tell us some of Your Truths, bearing in mind that we may already know them. So, Write down these Truths of His that He came to reveal to us:

1ª. Truth:



2ª. Truth:



3ª. Truth:



4ª. Truth:



5ª. Truth:


*** Dear Ladies, this place, you continue to regard GOD as being Unjust, or conclude that, in true, it is you who do not know WHAT GOD IS, nem WHAT ARE YOUR ATTRIBUTES!?

the answer is obvious!

Na Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus (Krystianj)

(Priest of the Order of Melchizedek)



This message didn't start like this, but, when opening email from frog, I came across this news:


I leave some questions:

Why would Mr.. stirred, o CEO from EDP, get what you get!?


What is this PORTUGAL?

How does PORTUGAL 25 April allows this?

When is it not 24 if there was such a salary!?

I'm from 25, but i have to ask the question i asked.

who answers me?

See, now, my ELUCIDATING and draw your natural conclusions…

It is for this and for others, THAT THE PATH MUST BE REBORN!

you understand?

Or not yet!?



Beloved, and Beloved Brother:

We Are All One!

What does this phrase mean to you??

what does she mean?

We Are All One, because?



You are One with All, because?


What is the Cosmic Law that We All Are?





This is why we are all one.

Can You See Yourself Being One with All!?

Can you see yourself being LOVE!?

The Reincarnations, which we are obliged to live, help us to discover the Being that we are, for GOD/FATHER/MOTHER/CREATOR created us in the Image and Likeness of the SUPREME CREATOR, but it put some veils on us…

and we are, in our successive incarnations that we are taking them or taking them away, discovering the BEING we are.

A day will come when you will see yourself being God with GOD, in Holy Unity with HIM.

Then you will be Ascended Master, freed from reincarnatory cycles, Living an Eternal Life in the LIGHT, being LIGHT, also, Finally!

So, you have to say no to war, destroying your weapons. Yes! For Being Love and One with All, and for the sake of Your Greater, you have to do this! HIM, the FATHER/MOTHER/CREATOR, wait for you to do it, to be able to receive you.

in that light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus


Earthly mentor of 'THE WAY - New Temple of the Lord'

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com

Religious Corporate Person



JOINT CHAIN (Living and Concrete Things):

Beloved Brethren:

THE PATH was, as you know, the Temple that the Lord Jesus left, at the last supper, under the responsibility of His Apostle Peter. lasted 4 Centuries, dying in the year 325.

Nowadays, and looking at the sad situation in which World Earth finds itself, it is the will of our Divine Creator Father that this Temple be reborn and present itself to this Humanity, in order to continue the Teaching that the Lord Jesus left in His Message.

We know that this Humanity needs this Teaching, in order to, each one, to be able to recognize oneself as a Divine Entity, as Spirit (Alma), Incarnated in a physical body, in a new incarnation, in order to evolve and be able to Ascend.

we are since 04 August 2007 on a 1st back floor where we are hardly found.

twelve years later, we need to move our headquarters to a ground floor, with direct access to the street, to be found, and the will of our Divine Creator Father may be fulfilled.

If you believe in GOD, help us reach that ground floor, depositing, through Multibanco, every month, FOR EUROS in the bank account of this Temple, created at Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Boavista Agency, This city of Porto, Portugal.

If you have a PayPal account, you can do it from any country, to the following email address: sendoluz2007@gmail.com

O CAMINHO IBAN: PT50 003501600007176233005

At Multibanco you only type the NIB: 003501600007176233005

FOR EUROS a month, and believe that the Creator will repay you in double. He, that everything is, Everything sees!

Do this on the first working day of each month.

Copy and send to your relatives, Friends and Acquaintances. Help us spread THE WAY.

believe: Where Everyone Helps Nothing Costs, God smiles and blesses!

Receive, since now, our sincere and eternal gratitude.

By the Direction of O CAMINHO – New Temple of the Lord

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Priest of the Order of Melchizedek and President)

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com




Dear Spiritual Brothers:

None of us, however skeptical, agnostic or atheist who may be, can claim, categorically, and/or with full knowledge, the non-existence of One Being Creator and Lord of All Things, visible and invisible, even if you don't know the Hierarchy of all this Divine Reign.

In addition to this, or of this Truth, the earth has been, and it's still being, a planet of low vibrations, let's even say, an existential Plan/Laboratory of Atonement and Evidence, where we, Spirits still little aware of the Being that this Creator Being and Lord of All Things created, IE, of the Being We Are, we have been coming, or we could have come, during several incarnations, over a few thousand years, live experiences in a physical body, human or not human, so we understand to be the Will of this Being Creator and Lord of All Things.

Here, in the land, during our experiences, as the History of Human Races and Civilizations informs us that have passed through Earth, and by virtue of having in us, consciously or unconsciously, the gene of knowledge about the existence of this Being Creator and Lord of All Things, let's associate ourselves in Churches or Religions, according to our daily values ​​about this Spiritual Presence.

Arrived here, the easier it will be for us to understand that these Churches, or these religions, will have as their final scope, promote on each of your followers, feelings of Love and Fidelity to this Creator Being and Lord of All Things. All of this within a feeling of obedience and mutual help..

This obligation to be obedient to that Creator Being and Lord of All Things, is born, in each of us, of a spontaneous and natural conscience/wisdom, reason why we said, supra, that none of us can affirm the non-existence of this Creator Being and Lord of All Things.

One People, no matter how uncivilized it is, in yourself, this natural awareness and wisdom.

Us, that we are no longer that uncivilized People, even if we are still in low vibrations, often of hatred or disaffection, but having feelings that go away, natural and life after life, elevating, we arrived, Finally, to the point where we consider ourselves Creatures and/or Sons of this Creator Being and Lord of All Things, whom should we obey and help.

IT'S, because, in this situation we find ourselves, divided, still, how do you know, among thousands of Churches or Religions, being this, still, our big problem. I don't say serious, I say big.

Does, in this moment, an examination of conscience! Go inside yourself, for your soul, and ask yourself if you are not, Here and now, on this level of knowledge, and knowledge.

Do you already believe strongly, or you already have a very firm conscience about the Existence of this Being Creator and Lord of All Things; are you aware, or some awareness of the Being that Thou art Thyself, you already know more about yourself, how to be spiritual, but you still don't know him well enough, or enough, to recognize Yourself faithfully and conscientiously Your Son.

For this and only for this, you have a religion and you follow a certain church.

Here arrived… The questions remain.

You are and follow the Church, the religion, the message, the Doctrine, the school, the Philosophy of Spiritual Life that CHRIST brought you?

You have and treat CHRIST as Your Divine Master, by Your Spiritual GUIDE, and big brother?

You have CHRIST as the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE?

you really have!?

És e Vives or Unconditional LOVE?

You are and you live Compassion in action?

You are and live the Fraternal Embrace before all Creation – Your Neighbor –, who lives by your side, or what is your knowledge?

You are and you live being that Creator Being and Lord of All Things in action, or acting, As He Acts, assigning and respecting the Freedom of All His Creation, including yourself, who lives in this World He Created, and that it offers everyone as an Evolutive School?

Do you have this CONSCIOUSNESS!?


So, THE WAY is waiting for you, wherever you are, or here, or wherever you want.

I spoke to you with Love and Wisdom!

I told you how to be free that I am, Respecting Your Own Freedom!

From here… It is this Your Freedom that will guide you!

In this Divine Wisdom, accepted, in the Being Creator and Lord of All Things, my Divine HUG as a FRIEND and existential BROTHER.

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

Responsible for the reconstruction of “O CAMINHO – New Temple of the Lord”,

Porto – Portugal





(There is only the Truth of GOD)

Dear Brothers and loved:

In the second half of the 19th century, Professor Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail, (03/10/1804 – 31/03/1869), When, in Paris, heard of Turntables, did not dream, even, that he would codify the New Comforter, that Christ had announced 19 centuries before.

Invited by a Friend, it was him to see these turning tables and, from there, your whole life has changed. Him and his Beloved Wife who never abandoned him, throughout the nights and evenings in which he, disciplined and methodically, I was going to write this code, molded or bundled that remained in his Work.

Had the Lord Jesus, in the 18th century, when he chose him to be the one to come, in the 19th Century, and Codify Spiritist Doctrine/Science, a brilliant and divine idea: to from which to EUROPE, with the help of the New Comforter, and just like the United States of America, form the United States of Europe. This was the Will of the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, in this 18th century. But, today, it is not.

The noble Professor Rivail finds himself harmed in the partnership he had made with a relative of his., as it turned out, After, by Emperor Napoleon III, deprived of your salary, in addition to having seen, later, near 300 your books, purchased and paid for by a Barcelona Bookseller, to be stolen and burned by the Bishop of that city, in the so-called Auto de Fé in Barcelona. This Bishop disincarnated shortly after, and cried, bitterly, for doing what you did.

The Books have been ordered and paid for by Sir Professor Rivail, but the Bishop of Barcelona, finding himself in the vile power of robbing them, burned them in the Public Square of Barcelona, as if he were the owner of the World and the goods that did not belong to him. This is what the Roman Church saw and inherited from the Empire and was doing…

As if that were little, the Church of Rome understands, in your demonic discretion, excommunicate all the Work of Kardec, What the Lord JESUS ​​announced and called as the New Comforter.

Today, not vatican, and since 1929, year the Vatican State was created, these Works of his are among the many located on the shelves of the Excommunicated Works.

Rome Crucified Him, Roma (Vatican) the excommunicated. This was and is the Truth of Constantine's Rome.

The current Pope forgets to analyze the first 13 questions and answers from “The Spirits’ Book”, because if you knew how to read the comment that Allan Kardec offered and left in Answer to Question number 11, Francis would never call GOD FAILURE, When, in Nairobi, referred to the story of the Way to the Cross that the Lord JESUS ​​lived, by your free will, because he chose this kind of death (disincarnate). Francis does not know the story of the Cross, don't even know, even, what is god, much less is aware that GOD created us FREE! Freedom that Your Church has always coerced us! Let us remember the bonfires of the Inquisition, evil Jan Huss https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_Hus was burned alive.

The Lord JESUS ​​being FREE, I wanted to disincarnate through the Cross, informing Our Divine FATHER of this Will that, away with profound pain, accepted her. This is what Francisco doesn't know. Not before, nor your church.

Today, beginning of April 2019, and according to the Will of our Divine FATHER, I am in this city of Porto rebuilding the Temple THE PATH that the Lord JESUS, before His death, Built and left to His Apostles at the Last Supper, being that, apart from being His Temple, is also the First Spiritist Church, as our Beloved and Missed Brother CHICO XAVIER came to tell us, twice in August 2007. (See website, Menu ‘Plumbing’ by Suzette Duarte).

Since 04 August 2007 that I never get tired of saying that this Temple is the WAY of CHRIST, and, as stated by CHICO XAVIER, it's also, a First Spiritist Church. And it is by the will of GOD.

It is a pity that the Portuguese Spiritists close themselves in their Centers, forgetting that Allan Kardec would have to come, in new body, to complete the Work. Chico Xavier succeeded him, Yes, in the writing, but he did not complete this Work and, it was himself, CHICO XAVIER, who came to tell us 23 August 2007:


Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com



(There's Only One Way, called LOVE)

Since I was a child, I feel:

To Be One With All;

Loving All Creation;

To avoid, without chickening out, of everything that is injustice and trampling on the Truth, and, Naturally, to be a servant of GOD, very close to Him and all mankind.

Emmanuel, making himself visible to the clairvoyance of CHICO XAVIER, asked him:

– "You are willing to comply 3 Rules for me to be your Mentor!?”

CHICO, in its age-old Humility, He asked:

– “Dear Lord! What rules are these!?”

Emmanuel answered him:

– “First Rule: Discipline!”

– “Second Rule: Discipline!”

– “Third Rule: Discipline!”

AND CHICO XAVIER, throughout their 92 years of life, FULFILLED, like no one, these 3 Rules, leaving mankind in the day 30 June 2002, day of your disincarnation, 500 Psychographed Books and many thousands of separate Letters/Messages, fulfilling, Like this, the very noble Mission of having been the Successor, in the written part, in ALLAN KARDEC.

FIVE YEARS AFTER YOUR PASSION, in 23 August 2007, this would be our Beloved Brother and Master CHICO XAVIER who would come to tell us, referring to the then NEW CHURCH OF THE WAY, that, for our Mission, It was constituted, this day, in a Notary's Office in this city of Porto:

– “Rising from the ashes, millennia after the Last Supper of the Lord JESUS. in the Messages he dictated and offered to the then New Church of the Way!”

Before, as necessary and preparatory acts to that, the CHRIST had already revealed to us:

– “The Mission that brought you to Earth, this time, I didn't give it to you, was the FATHER. You are at the service of FATHER, and woe to you that you do not comply!”

And still, months later, in the middle of Rua Tenente Valadim in the city of Coimbra, told us:

– "Get ready, for you will rebuild the Temple THE WAY. It's still early, only after your renovation. Get ready. "

CHICO XAVIER, 20 years later, in 2007, coming from the World of Truth, gave Life to the Words of Christ and went further, enlightening us that the PATH was also the First Spiritist Church.

In day 4 August 2007, Christ had already told us:

“I am the Light of Your Church. The will of the FATHER was done”

this my information, which is repeated to you, will remain on Facebook and is sent to our entire Network, so that no one forgets what the FATHER wants to happen in our Human environment, so that our current Planetary School EARTH can ASCEND to the 5th Dimension, starting to be a Peace Plan, of Love and Regeneration, and no longer a miserable plan of continued offenses to the Rules and Laws of GOD, as if man were the BEAST and did not have the discernment to See and Live the Truth.

This is it, just like that, that I, already tired of repeating the same summary to you so much, I have to tell you.

Who believe in love, in the Truth and Light of Christ, let it be decided, once, and come to His Meeting.

Anyone who wants to continue in the misery of self-indulgence, in the fantasy and inventions created by the anti CHRIST, so keep going and stay.

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Priest of the Order of Melchizedek and First Responsible for Reconstruction, in the land, of the TEMPLE THE WAY, left by CHRIST JESUS)



NOTE: a friendly priest, in my village, one day he told me: “Álvaro is as you say, but we can't go there. Dogmatics does not!" Today, this priest is disembodied! how will he be!?



(Touches of the Divine Master Jesus, Christ)

– “To each one will be given according to his merit.” – THE CHRIST


You have benefited from hundreds of messages coming from the LIGHT.

You had the opportunity to learn about the Truth of Christ and, just like that, God's, like you never met her.

You were told that, this time, my Mission is the Will of our Divine Creator Father, in order that the Temple THE WAY, that Christ left us, be reborn and come to be the Light that He was 2.000 years.

But, the dogmatics and/or the crystallization in which you are plunged, you have not been allowed to have a conscience that would help you to understand what you have been told.

the light came, is coming, momentum a momentum, again, but you, again, you can't see her.

– "The Father's pain for the sad fate of 3/4 of mankind.” – THE CHRIST

– “I don’t give it any more time.” – THE CHRIST

– “A profound change is needed, urgent and unambiguous, and the same will happen soon and inevitably.” – THE CHRIST

– “You must define yourselves now by love. There is no other way.” – THE CHRIST

– “Avoid disagreements, fights, discussions. There's no time for that nonsense!” – THE CHRIST

-“Say yes or no, However, always the truth. Make no mistake or be deceived.” – THE CHRIST

“The future of the world is not promising, but do not fear since you are not of the world.” – THE CHRIST

– “Soon great spiritual leaders will also fall into the confusion wrought by leader of darkness.” – THE CHRIST

– “Watch! Just follow my message.” – THE CHRIST

– “What is coming will be a more difficult birth, but, If you persevere, the happiness will befall, will soon comfort you.” – THE CHRIST

“Keep united in love. I love you, You beam with my light, I cover you with my cloak of love!” – THE CHRIST

“That nothing apart from the love of God, I am and will always be with you.” – THE CHRIST




*** – “I congratulate the Terrans for being worthy of having the First Spiritist Church with them.” – Chico Xavier – 04/08/2007

– “It rose from the ashes millennia after the Last Supper of the Lord Jesus. Behold, you are the First Spiritist Church.” – Chico Xavier – 23/08/2007


For a good connoisseur… Half a word is enough!

Be AWARE of the New that will arrive!

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Priest of the Order of Melchizedek)


Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com



(Why the Temple THE WAY?)


Do you have any idea what it is like to be rebuilding, by God's will, the Temple that CHRIST started and left to this Humanity of ours through His Disciples, in the Person of the Apostle Peter?

Do you believe in the content of the Message that CHRIST announced to us in mid-December 2009 and what made us arrive, coming from spain, in the Spanish Language, during New Year's Eve 2009/2010?

Do you believe what He denounced us and said in that Message?

give faith, or account, about what, of Fact and Law, it becomes absolutely necessary and urgent to rebuild His Temple?

I thought, now, in the next.

Although GOD Is What He Is, Do you have any idea how he felt when the Lord Jesus, CHRIST, I told him that he would disincarnate through the Crucifixion?

At that time, what our Divine Creator Father lived? How did he receive this news?? And what it was like for Him to see His Christ nailed to a cross?

Are you aware of His pain?

Return to the here and now and imagine what it means for Jesus to say:

– "The Father's pain is very great when he sees the sad destiny of Humanity."

why this pain?

What Caused It and Causes?

What a sad fate will be ours?

With so many thousands of churches, why are they not able to avoid the pain of God? Why aren't they??

who failed, truly?

would have been Christ?

Or was it God, as stated, categorical and by your ignorance, the current Catholic Pope?

GOD fails?

a pope calls, or has the right to call its BREEDER Failed?

Does the Pope have any idea what he said?

The Creator of this Universe, in which he placed millions of Galaxies, Billions of Stars and Inhabited Planets, fails?

Meditate on this, and, After, have the courage to join CHRIST and, by him, to our Divine Creator Father, through O CAMINHO-New Temple of the Lord, that we present to you here.

Hugs of Light and… see you soon.

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Priest of the Order of Melchizedek and Earthly Mentor of 'The Way - New Temple of the Lord')


Porto city, Portugal, 30 March 2019

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com


Note: I'll talk about this in today's Lecture.



Look on YouTube for the Channel of ‘LIGHTWORKERS – Lightworkers’


Na Light,

Álvaro de Jesus



(Truths of the Great TRUTH)



This Title obliges me to remember what I have ‘felt’ and affirmed, spiritually speaking, about the Message of Christ, like himself, in 31 December 2009, came to inform us, not have passed:


Before this Title, I ask:

Why did our Women Sisters join, thus, in this your Manifestation, claiming, what do they claim?


It was for this Message from Christ have passed?

Or was it because he was right, absolute reason, and Your Message has not arrived, how he denounced, to the hearts of men, how should it have arrived, and from His Physical-Human Presence on Earth?

Why did the Catholic Pope say:

– “There is a great spiritual illiteracy in our Society!”

to whom do you owe, in true, this spiritual illiteracy?

Why is it said that, in the Bible, not included, or don't talk, of Reincarnation?

Why did the Catholic Pope say that the Record of the History of the Way to the Cross, lived by the Lord Jesus, better known as 'Via Sacra', it was the failure of God?

Why the so-called Catholic Pope, still said that, humanly speaking, Jesus' death on the Cross was a failure?

What does the Catholic Pope know of the spiritual reasons that led Jesus to choose this death??



Why do our Evangelical Brothers, follow only one book: The Bible?

Why are there more than 30 thousand churches, each with their bible, if the Lord Jesus spoke of one FATHER, and if you left us a single message?

Why Earthman Continues to Make Weapons, nonstop, of all kinds and increasingly deadly, where the nuclear bombs, be fired, KILL the very Spirit that We Are?


Why the Temple 'THE WAY' that the Lord JESUS ​​left and the FATHER wants to see Reborn is in the air, so that my brother, Law Degree, and former seminarian, send me to the psychiatrist, more telling me you've never seen my Beloved Higher Self anywhere?


What is this less than that spiritual illiteracy which the Catholic Pope claimed to exist?!?

And why did I come, here, at this time it is DAWN, repeat this to you?

you want to know?

Do you really want to know?

Very well! I'm going to tell you... Hoping that each one of you knows how to READ me.

I came here to tell you this, again, why are you catholic, spiritual illiterates, and nothing you understand.

Yes! This is exactly what GOD wrote in the 'Footnote', left on the cover of the last Work of our Brother Neale Donald Walsh:

– "They didn't notice anything I said."

GOD refers to the much that he left us in 3 Volumes of ‘Conversations with God’.

Eu, as I told you, I knew how to see that GOD initiated, There, nesses 3 Volumes, His Great Help to all of us, leaving us, Like this, what I also designated: Your Great Spiritual Revolution.

CHRIST told us that His Message had not passed…

The Catholic Pope, without knowing that the CHRIST had said this, came and said the same, when stating: “There is great illiteracy in our society.”

And GOD comes to say that we don't understand anything that HE said.

For all this... Even if they don't have it as a Cause... Our Sister Women gathered yesterday as they met, through all this, IE, For them, being Spirits Incarnated in Feminine Bodies, Daughters of GOD as Men are, THEY DO NOT SEE THEIR SACRED OR DIVINE RIGHTS AS HUMAN PERSONS.

That is, the man who knows nothing about himself, as SON OF GOD, one finds that which never was and never will be: DONO, WOMAN OWNER.

Hence the existence of the well-known 'Domestic Violence', daughter of this spiritual illiteracy.

In the Catholic Pope's own church, the woman, Is not worthy to be what Mary Magdalene was in the time of CHRIST: YOUR APOSTLE. Your Apostle, for being Your Divine Complement.

There are those who argue that She was also a WIFE... But I'm not sure yet., and, so, I can't say.

Place isto, and at the end of almost 12 years, I leave on the path of earthly life, all those who could not understand why our Divine FATHER wanted to see 'THE WAY' rebuilt.

Yes, just like Allan Kardec did, time, now, like Alvaro de Jesus, to do…

not year of 1976 tore up my catholic catechism. Today, tear everything, staying, only with the MESSAGE of the Lord Jesus, CHRIST, as well as with the WILL of my Divine CREATOR FATHER.

Along with this communication, what came to me yesterday, through Dr.. Haroldo Dutra Dias: DOCTRINE - SCHOOL, that I didn't know.

Listen to this Reading, fair by dr. Haroldo Dutra Dias (Judge and Spiritist), until the end. Record what the Spirit of the one who would be Alan Kardec heard from JESUS. Take this very seriously..



What you just heard was that the Spirit of the one who would come and be Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail (Allan Kardec), came to the Incarnation, in the 19th century, mandated by the Lord JESUS, IE, it was the Lord JESUS ​​who chose him and gave him the Mission. This is what we heard. Ok

“The meeting between Allan Kardec and Chico Xavier (revealed by Arnaldo Rocha)”


Hear what Dr.. Haroldo tells us, when reading this booklet.

After, come back, listening to the Saudoso Arnaldo Rocha.

When you listen to Dr.. Haroldo Dutra Dias, you will find out that the one called Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail, (Allan Kardec), was chosen in the 18th century and sent on a mission in the 19th century, by the Lord JESUS.

When listening to the late Brother Arnaldo Rocha, you will know that CHICO XAVIER was helped by a spirit, that CHICO did not know and that he called 'Man', in the interpretation of two Works by ALLAN KARDEC.

And the more you will know that, this man', who CHICO XAVIER had not asked the name, era, just it, nothing less, that ALLAN KARDEC himself. And CHICO knew it, not because I asked, but for seeing the Photo of KARDEC in the second Work, identifying, Like this, the ‘Man’ who was helping him in said interpretation.

This is what our late Brother Arnaldo Rocha tells us in the story he told us.

Remember that CHICO XAVIER wrote a message in the 'Allan Kardec Spiritual Studies Group', of the city of Coimbra, Portugal, Where, at a certain point, left said:

– “I love Kardec deeply and thank the Light. I was not, really."

Yesterday, in the 18th century, it was the Lord JESUS ​​who gave Kardec the Mission that brought him to Earth in the 19th Century.

To me, the same Lord JESUS, in the years 80 of the 20th century and in the city of Coimbra, told me, through our Missing Sister Maria Lucília, what I've told you many times, and what was:

– “The Mission that brought you, this time, to Earth, I didn't give it to you. It was the FATHER. You are at the service of FATHER, and woe to you that you do not comply!”

The same Lord JESUS, through another medium, came to tell me, in 04 August 2007 (See Suzette Duarte's Psychographies on the Web Site):




Yes! THE PATH that the Lord JESUS ​​founded and left is HERE with an OPEN DOOR... And He knows it.

Do you want to know why the FATHER sent me this time?

Precisely because I am rebuilding what CHRIST founded and left.

If it was the FATHER who sent us the CHRIST, only the FATHER could send someone to come, how are you doing, and Rebuild what CHRIST left behind.

Yes! It could not be the CHRIST who sent me, this time, for the reason of what i came now to do, Being from the 'PELOURO' of our Divine FATHER.

It is the DIVINE FATHER who WANTS to see it Rebuilt, as I have told you many times, which, in Your Mission, Christ left us.

I repeat: If it was the FATHER who sent the CHRIST, it was the FATHER who sent me, as Christ informed me, to restore the Temple that Christ had left.

I never told you this. I tell you now.

But there are other or more reasons..., In my defense (see Posthumous Works), remind you what CHICO XAVIER said, about the NEW CHURCH OF THE WAY, in 4 is on 23 August 2007:

In day 4 said:

– “I congratulate the lands for being worthy of having, I can, the first Spiritist Church.”

In day 23:

– “Behold, you are the First Spiritist Church.”

CHICO XAVIER when saying this that you just read, told me something else, because he knows who I am:

– “You are to complete the Work!”

Yes, Beloved Brothers… CHICO Succeeded KARDEC, as it is also shaped and read in ‘Posthumous Works’, to continue the Written Work. KARDEC, However, would have to come, in new body, to complete the work. Era, I repeat, ALLAN KARDEC who would have to come, again, in new body, to Accomplish what remained to be done in the second half of the 19th Century.

If THE WAY is what our Beloved CHICO XAVIER said it was, and we don't have any doubts about it, therefore, we're, next to me, to COMPLETE ALL WORK, gathering in this Temple, not just THE WAY that CHRIST left, but also, what could not have been left, no way, in the 19th Century.


As read in 'The Letters of Christ', dictated between the years 2000 and 2002, “Churches that have followed a certain erroneous Christianity, Allan Kardec explained 30 Allan Kardec explained

According to this, this time, wants the Temple ‘O CAMINHO’, which the Lord JESUS ​​founded, Wants the Comforter Promised, will no longer be excommunicated, how they were. The Temple in the 4th Century, by the hand of the Roman Emperor Constantine, and the Comforter Promised in the 19th Century, for the church that this Constantine created.

The same church 'killed' one, and excommunicated the second.

This time, the Catholic Pope, if you have the happy idea of ​​going down to the catacombs of the Vatican and reading KARDEC in 'The Book of Spirits' you will see in the answer to question nº 11, as well as in the comment that KARDEC added to it, the blasphemy he uttered in Africa, by calling the CREATOR of our UNIVERSE FAILED.

There, the Catholic Pope will understand that, the first spiritual illiterate is himself.

Arrived here... I say goodbye with friendship.

Na Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus




But we cannot forget that the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, had gone further by asserting:


Beloved Brethren:

This was the Maxim of Maxims that our Divine Master could have left us and left, giving us all the examples, up to Your Maximum Example, offered on the CROSS.

CROSS which was the barbaric instrument that Rome used to sacrifice all those she, for crimes committed, enforced the maximum sentence.

Who saw the film SPARTACUS by Stanley Kubrick, com Kirk Douglas, and remembers one of the last scenes, you know what i'm talking about.

Throughout history, man has rarely encountered LOVE, although some, of the envoys, they were and knew how to be to the extreme.

We have arrived at the 3rd Millennium, and, over time, we heard say:

– "You will reach a thousand, two thousand thou shalt not pass.”

And little did we know, over that time, that what that would mean was, not the end of the world, but the rebirth of this world, where LOVE will have to take up residence, even though, for that, many have to leave this Earthly School.

And, CHRIST, what have you been talking about, informs what each one of us will be able to receive from the much that the New Earth will have to offer us.

not forgetting, also, to warn all who followed a certain erroneous Christianity...

when we know this, coming from the Divine Master JESUS, CHRIST, we can't shrug, pretend, we cannot help noticing what He elucidates to us, and, because we realized it, and very well, act in accordance with what He asked of us.

remember, because, how He referred to all those who prevented His Message from passing and reaching the Hearts of all.

Yes! he said it in 31 December 2009, in the message he announced to us in the middle of this month, in the Temple THE WAY that, for your information we are, in Mission, to rebuild.

Do you know what he said and what he asked of us?.

And me, once again, I'm just leaving here a new memory.

Na Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus



Dear Brothers:

The habit makes the 'Monk'... It is said... But, this habit, because it's just a habit, may not come from GOD.

I have already left you a message from Beloved Archangel MIGUEL, where he reminds us that everything goes together in the Spirit World, before, so, of our Incarnation, which is equivalent to saying that everything we want to live when we are incarnated, we ask for it and we put it in our Charter of Life, which was, compulsorily, authorized by divinity, IE, for God.

As an analogical example, we can compare it to what happens with an airplane, How could His body have appeared in a cave at Nazareth?, at an airport, nunca sai da porta, never enter no taxiway, on the runway and never takes off without the necessary authorization from the Controller, which is in the well-known Control Tower.

So, no spirit comes to the Incarnation, and subsequent Reincarnations, without which GOD, necessary and previously, authorize them.

This is to tell you that Weddings are made, hit each other, or combine there, not Spirit World, and, here, when we are already incarnated, we just have to find the partner, with whom we agreed this love contract, and go, along with the Godparents (the Witnesses), register it at the Civil Registry in the area where you live, so that we can benefit from what the earthly Law grants us, thanks to this love contract that we celebrate with someone in the Spiritual World.

Beloved Archangel Michael even says that religious marriage is worth nothing in the Eyes of GOD. Yes, because the religion, for being earthly, does not enter what is agreed in Heaven. Religions exist on the physical plane, or on the non-physical planes, Yes, but only in those where ignorance about the Divine Truth still prevails.

Arrived here, Incarnated on the Earth plane, we must go and ask the Oracle, that has nothing to do with religions, IE, go with our Beloved Guides, through mediums, and find out why we like it, we love and want to MARRY 'A' and not 'B'.

This goes for everything, including to know why this or that daughter came to us, disabled or not, it's because! Everything combines, it's because, in the sky. Here, only if you LIVE what we agreed there. It is important to remember that in our evolutionary phase, de 3D, we still live, very, situations (Debts) karmic, born, or coming, of our former Lives.

Everything has a CAUSE, never forget it, even if this CAUSE is not yet known. To know about this CAUSE we can have the help of the Church, not from any, but of the CHURCH that follows the Message of CHRIST, IE, the only, Since, if there is more than one, the second ones will be fake, because they are of human creation.

Whatever we sow WE WILL REAP! Let's be, because, responsible, looking for the Truth that Christ left us, coming out of everything that is fake, a lie is a dogma.

Place isto, think how many evils would be avoided if this Divine Truth were evangelized and known to the People.

Imagine how GOOD it would be if this were known, understood and loved, for that, when a marriage comes to an end, for being of karmic origin, and, so, without being for mortis cause of one of the partners, each of these partners, start a new life with someone else, a new Contract, Since, if Earth is still a plane of atonement and trials, other contracts we may have to perform, equal and duly authorized by GOD. It Study, because, the laws of GOD, Starting with the Law of Cause and Effect.

The well-known Pure Omissions, However, are still valid, and this is what we see with the so-called ‘domestic violence’. Domestic violence that is, how come, daughters of cruel spiritual illiteracy.

But, more than finding blame, it is important to bring Christic TEACHING to all Humanity so that, little by little, this one Illuminates and Ascends.

and I came back, By Will of the Father, to introduce the CHURCH, and, logically, the TRUTH of CHRIST.

Stay in Peace.

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

Mentor of O CAMINHO – New Temple of the Lord

Porto – Portugal

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com



One day, far back, I learned a liturgical song that goes like this:

– “Where there is Charity and Love, there dwells God!”

analyze, now, very well, the maxim left by Allan Kardec:

– "Without charity there is no salvation!”

And it was this Doctrine/Philosophy/Science that ICAR excommunicated!?

JESUS, the maximum comforter, long before, left said:

– “One day you will find the Truth and it will set you free!”

Mr! Free us from what?, asked!?

– “Of those who, instead of following me and being Love, excommunicated this Truth!”


Nine lines… To help you judge!

Na Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus





A while ago I sent to my Facebook an outburst of the Portuguese actor José Raposo, published on LIFESTYLE, where he claims:

“A people without culture is a disgraced people, and we are very bad.”

just read it, to know how to understand!”

And, by sending this message to the Brothers who are on our Mailing List, told them:



There are situations that don't 'MARRY’ with my values!

There was a 25 Political April, but there was not, there hasn't been yet, none 25 religious april, because the people, even though I WANT IT VERY MUCH, does not understand, and, that is why, does not accept it.

O 25 of political April was made by the Captains of April.

O 25 Religious April is being Held by GOD, but no one follows! now say: no one recognizes him, accept and follow.

Yes! It is no longer the Lord JESUS… It is the CREATOR himself.

For the sake of my PEACE… Yesterday I asked you for instructions.

I await them!

I am Alvaro de Jesus


Why I Asked Him for Instructions?

Because it was he who, this time, send me, as Christ revealed to me. And, for everything I've sent you, this has been more than proven!

Yes, only those who didn't want to see it didn't see it.

GOD is making a 'Religious April 25'?

Is! And from the ‘Conversations with God’, brought to print by His Interlocutor, Neale Donald Walsh.

I've told you about this a few times.!

Have you read these ‘Conversations with God’, Book 1, Book 2 and Book 3?

If yes! What you concluded?

Were you able to oppose anything to what He said?

I could not, accepting everything with a grateful heart.

didn't you read!?

So, do it!

If you can understand, you will change a lot of things in your life. But you have to understand, after clearing your mind of taboos, prejudices, dogmas, mysteries, costumes, or end and end, of old beliefs!

I conclude by telling you:

Because I read what I read, these ‘Conversations with God’, the ‘23 volumes of the Work of Lobsang Rampa’, the '7 Main Books of the New Comforter' that Allan Kardec Codified and left us, ‘The New Scriptures’, ‘The Letters of Christ’, part of the five hundred books that CHICO XAVIER psychographed, and everything else that comes to us daily, is that I deserved and deserve to receive the Presence of the Lord JESUS, as well as that of the CREATOR FATHER, and His revelations.

Na Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus



Understand this who is able. – Why the EVENT is happening, our time is running out! Watch!





Dear: It was not by chance that, yesterday, 30-01-2019, in Your Touch ‘HEALING…’, the creator, asked me: “you are ready… to go again”?

Yes, he said so!

And, today, coming again from our Arcturian Family, after reviewing and adapting to my Portuguese, I send you His HUG full of Much LOVE.

You were waiting for this HUG?

Do you believe what they came to tell us?

Do you believe in the Love of our Family?

Feel affectionately Well and Happy, for reading what they explain to us?

Can you see any difference between the simply earthling, what's up there, and what other Sons of GOD already live in His LIGHT!?

Do you want to belong to this Family of LIGHT??

Do you want to be LIGHT?

Do you want to ascend?

Do you understand why we say in our Profession of Faith:

“21 – We believe that, to be the Lord's New Project, it operate, spiritually, all the Heavenly hosts, in particular, our beloved Cosmic Brothers (ET ’ s), our beloved ascended masters; the masters of the seven rays; the Lords of karma; our Beloved brothers and Commanders of the Ashtar Command, the Inter-Galactic Fleet of light, and all that, loving Jesus, love us too.”

Do you see something new in this, that again has nothing, because it's always been like this, even if we didn't know?

You see why I have been calling you to this Truth/Reality?

This helps you to AWAKEN!?

You can help this WAY to go further, in helping other brothers?

Na Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus


Message from the Arcturians

The call!

Dear Ones in Ascension:

We are the Arcturians and we wish to speak to you today about your Mission.

we will not tell you, directly, what is your mission, because it is through the process of discovery, memory and fine tuning of your Mission that you will find Wisdom, the Power and Love to live it.

Your Mission is not a job where you go and, In the end of the day, win though. Your Mission is the reason you chose to take on a body during this auspicious time of Personal and Planetary Ascension..

Ascension is not a gift, or a reward. Ascension is a choice and a responsibility to be the Master of your thoughts and emotions.

If you are not the Masters of your own energy fields, it will be quite difficult for you to elevate yourself to the fifth dimension and beyond.

What will rise is your energy field, your conscience, for your earth vessel is but a vessel which was needed to adhere your life force to the tri-tetra dimensional matrix..

One of the important moments of your Ascension process is when you remember that you are NOT your bodies.

YOU are the consciousness that fills, and, now, overlap your body. Your earth vessel is the vessel for your consciousness and your aura., it is the magnetic field that can adhere you to the multidimensional consciousness.

Your full multidimensional consciousness does not need any container from the eighth to the twelfth dimensions.; and from the fifth to the seventh dimension, your container is no longer created by the three-dimensional elements, nor by the fourth-dimensional elementals.

In the fifth dimension your vessel is a vessel of light, for the light that is ever flowing, can convey your highest expression of unconditional love.

During your ascension process, your physical and ethereal vessel is becoming increasingly constricting.

You are like a snake that needs to shed its old skin., or like a butterfly that doesn't want to crawl anymore and is ready to fly.

eager to flow, float and carry you, instantly, to the countless fifth-dimensional realities, based on the light, increasingly, has entered your imagination and dreams.

You are unsure of how you will transport and/or transmute your experience of reality into the reality of your dreams and imagination., but how is this going to happen, haunt you, constantly.

You are being called home. The Bugle Call has begun and is getting stronger every minute of your time.

Sometimes this Call fills you with unconditional love, and with the light that shines in colors and in a radiance that you never experienced before the Call entered your Being.

Sometimes the Call fills you with quiet patience, and with an inner knowing that all is well.

On the other hand, sometimes the Call fills you with great fatigue and frustration.

This fatigue and frustration is because your earth vessel is getting too small., too constricting.

Tired of the dramas you once called life, and yearn for a reality with a calmer and gentler pace.

Ambition left you, and goods is an archaic term that ties you to a reality of work and acquisition.

The only possessions you value are those you have within you., and those who provide you with the security of a safe space to explore your inner journey more deeply..

Consequently, your home has become your refuge from the rush, from the rush of a reality that you can no longer caress.

Yours “garden”, and everything from nature can no longer be good, because it is a living being that you treat, lovingly, visit and protect.

Your birth family and your adult family may or may not understand the process that lives forever in your heart and mind., but that doesn't matter to you.

You no longer need external certification that you are “to do the right thing”, or “to be a good person”.

You look inside and you will obtain that certification.

As a matter of fact, you now look within yourself for everything.

Your reality was once outside of you, and your inner life was just an illusion, a fantasy or your imagination.

Now you look within for guidance, truth and comfort.

Those who can accept that you are strangely different than before, remain in your life, and those who judge, or even fear their transition, are starting to be phased out of your reality.

You are shifting your consciousness to a frequency of reality that is more important to you than physical recognition., a fama, comfort or acceptance.

proceeding like this, you are discovering an independence of what, one time, you knew how “life”.

At the same time, you are finding a new definition of “life” flowing into what you knew, but that expands far beyond the limitation, illusions and barriers, that were already part of your daily reality.

From time to time fear infiltrates your consciousness and you feel it as an anchor that locks you into a sense of reality that closes your heart and affects your mind..

Fortunately, your connection to your higher frequencies of expression can reach into your memory and remind you of who you REALLY are.

Yes, now you are remembering who you are.

According to three-dimensional realities, passed/parallel, begin to flow into your consciousness, the great importance of “to be alive” takes on a new meaning.

Death is no longer a fear of extinction, but only an interruption of your present expression of reality.

As you feel the great transformation within you and also the promise to create, consciously, a new higher expression of reality, you value the life that was once a burden full of fear and challenges.

Now you remember that fear was a choice of your attention and challenge was an initiation that pushed you further on your path of ascension.

However, ascension is no longer one “path”, neither is a “process”.

Ascension is all thought, all emotion and all choice of reaction, your response and behavior.

Ascension is a constant release from what is completed, and an ongoing recognition of the reality that YOU are creating.

Everything that happens in your life now is a component of your ascension and there is no person, local, situation or thing that is more important than your personal and planetary transmutation back to the ME.

Challenges are becoming opportunities for growth.

Fear is becoming what you transmuted, incessantly, in love

and the time, that has already captured you in duties and obligations, or that allowed you to have a moment of happiness and love, is fading into the NOW.

Therefore, the spaces in between:

“Who are you and who are you becoming”,

“What do you want and what are you experiencing”,

“Where are you and where are you going”,

“How did you get there and how did you get there?” and

“Why is your life changing?, no matter what you do?”

Are being erased from your perception.

The in-between space is no longer a barrier that you must “battle to overtake”, like it was before.

With the Mastery of your Energy, you can transmute, instantly, any situation for remembering, simply, whose are you.

However, within your NOW moment, part of “who are you” it is your physical envelope, as is also the physical envelope of your Mother Gaia.

Therefore, just as the snake must remain still in order to shed the skin that has become too small., just as the caterpillar must disappear into its cocoon to become a butterfly, you need “to switch off” your physical operations, so often, as much as necessary.

remember: you are not, only, adapting to a new body.

You too are adapting to a new planet and a new reality..

With every choice and decision, enter a new spectrum of possible realities.

Many of these realities are of a much higher frequency..

Therefore, you must calibrate your consciousness to these higher frequencies of reality, with every thought and emotion.

Unfortunately, some situations still lower your consciousness, and you must fight to release your fear, remembering your self.

After these challenges, you will need to rest. In both cases, there is a constant need to be still so that you can integrate the new and release the old..

Besides, you are releasing time-bound third dimensional thinking and learning / remember to think multidimensionally.

You are also releasing the judgments and conditions of human love, and you are learning to live in unconditional love.

And as if that weren't enough, you are transmuting not only this physical reality, but also all of the physical realities that you have had in the body of Gaia. NOTE: They refer to everything we were before we were Human..

And finally, but definitely not least, you are transmuting the planet itself.

And the planet is her, Yes, the planet is her, a being with shape.

Is it over there, Gaia, wishes to return to the fifth dimension where it can unify with Its Divine Complement, a formless spiritual being. Together, they can, again, become a Multidimensional Star.

She has been your Mother for countless incarnations., and you have chosen to serve her one and the other and, again.

Now, person and planet, as ONE Being, are returning to their Higher Expressions.

Your Divine Complements are also lining up at the fifth dimensional threshold to rejoin as your Galactic and Celestial ancestors prepare to EMBRACE you.!

We prepare a table for you, the candles are lit and the music is PLAYING!

The party is starting and we are ready to hug you too.

The Arcturians

Por Suzanne Lie PhD Fonte:


Translation: SYNTHESIS



Video Audio By: mxvenus


revised text, adapted and placed in European Portuguese by Álvaro de Jesus

THE WAY - New Temple of the Lord

Web-Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com



(The Desire of the Lord Jesus)

In the 18th century, it was the Lord JESUS ​​who chose the one who would come in the 19th century (1804) to call yourself Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail, in order to be the Encoder of the New Comforter, who would be better known by his pseudonym Allan Kardec.

Had, in this 18th century, the Lord Jesus in mind, with the help of this New Comforter, raise, politically, Europe to a single nation, organized in federal states, like the United States of America.

However, the Roman Apostolic Catholic Church (ICAR), with your despot power, having rejected and excommunicated this New Comforter, destroyed the will of the Lord Jesus, and, nowadays, we are reading this:


Thought, Here and now, each one of you, what is up to us, while Portuguese, rebuild by the will of our Divine Father/Mother/Creator.

Na Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus



Dear Brothers and loved:

Our Divine Mother Mary has not tired of coming to ask us to leave the illusion…

To the ground, from what we heard in the video “The Great Planetary Transition and the End Date”, left by our dear Brother José Trigueirinho Netto, will live during this year of 2019 serious situations, in which MASS disincarnations can occur…

So, so that the Earth can Transit and Reintegrate into Her Cosmic Family in PEACE and without convulsions, Us, hikers, we will be in the days of 3rds, 5s and saturdays, to Pray in our Temple ‘O CAMINHO’, so that LOVE, PEACE and LIGHT happen and dwell in the Hearts of all the Great Leaders of the Nations of our World Earth, and, just like that, in the Hearts of all the Men and Women of this Earthly Plane, promoting the PEACE that we so much need to have and live, in our day to day.

Lisbon time: Between aces 21 e as 22 hours.

Who cannot come to the Temple, Knife, this same time, your prayer with this same intention.

Let no one forget that he is a SON OF LIGHT, IE, Daughter and Son of GOD, Sister and Brother of CHRIST, and that UNITY among Us is an absolutely necessary requirement, so that we can reach from GOD the result that we all want to receive.

what to peace, Light and Love dwell in all Hearts, blessing and protecting this our Holy Mother Earth.

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

Mentor Walker



Beloved Brethren:

Taking into account the content of the Message (Toque), of our Divine Creator Father, of the past day 8 January 2019, I must remember and affirm:

The Light came to me:

1 - While on 1976 I found the Work of LOBSANG RAMPA.

2 – When in the mid s 80 20th century, I found the work of ALLAN KARDEC.

3 – When, in these years 80 20th century, in the city of Coimbra and at my request, I received the Presence of our Divine and Beloved Master, Lord Jesus, CHRIST, through our Sister Maria Lucília da Conceição Francisco.

4 – When He informed me who, this time, he had sent me, lighting up, Like this, what I lived as a child along the paths of my village, when I felt very close to God.

5 – When our Missing Sister Celeste, of the Spiritist Center ‘Caminho de Redenção’ in the city of Coimbra offered me, at the behest of your beloved Guides, a little book that belonged to her late husband, without knowing the reason why he offered it to me.

6 – When, already at my residence, poring through this book I discovered, pages 26 and 27, the name that the Lord JESUS ​​had given to the Temple that He had founded 2.000 years: ‘THE CHURCH OF THE WAY’ (see point no. 9 and 10).

7 – When the Bar Concessionaire of the Associação Académica de Coimbra, I see myself at the counter drinking coffee, got up, coming to give me the First Volume of 'The New Scriptures', where Lord GAUTAMA announces the beginning of the descent to this Earth Plane, of the New Messiah: full moon of the day 3 June 1985.

8 – When, in that same bar, the rosary girl, Luso-Brazilian, handed me a message psychographed by itself, without her knowing me well enough to know what the Lord JESUS ​​had said to me on Rua Tenente Valadim, from Coimbra, about what I would do after my retirement.

9 – When, as mentioned in the previous point, Your voice asked me, on this Rua Lieutenant Valadim, for me to prepare, because "WOULD REBUILD THE TEMPLE".

10 – When, to my question what was the name of this Temple, answered me: ‘ the ’ PATH.

11 – When, after a few years, and already in the city of Porto, in 4 August 2007, day the name of our Temple was authorized, our Sister Suzette Duarte received Messages from Bezerra de Menezes, Chico Xavier, André Luiz, Emmanuel, JESUS – Planetary Light, Brothers of the Pleiades and the Divine Creator Father.

12 – When, in 23 August 2007, 19 days later, and the day we went to the Notary Office to constitute, definitely, the Temple THE WAY, our Beloved Chico Xavier comes again, Elucidating us:

– “It rose from the ashes millennia after the Last Supper of the Lord Jesus. in the Messages he dictated and offered to the then New Church of the Way. (…) “

13 – When, in mid-December 2009, in this city of Porto, the Lord Jesus, by my clairaudience, asks me to be attentive, because it would send a Message of great responsibility to all Humanity.

14 – When, on New Year's Eve 2009/2010, but already in the first hour of 2010, I was prompted to open Computer, where did i find your message, coming from spain, in Spanish Language.

15 – When, after I have sent it to the entire Network, He asked me to translate it, making me know, the next day, why did you ask me.

16 – When I got the 9 Christ's Letters, dictated between the years 2000 and 2002, where Christ speaks to us of His Truth, saying that these Letters would be the Bible for the next 2.000 years, and where he enlightens us about the fate of all the churches that followed a certain erroneous Christianity: ‘its natural death in the next few 30 years old'.

17 – When, over all these years, received the vast majority of the Messages that Heaven sent to Earth, resending them, by email, for all our Brothers who appear on our Mailing List, already counting more than 13 thousand messages.

18 – When, Finally, our Divine Creator Father, in day 8 January 2019 directed me His ‘Touch’, letting me know the Support that the Universe gives me and will give.

For all this that I've been living daily, I recognize the reason why our Divine CREATOR FATHER wants to see the Temple Reborn THE WAY that the LORD JESUS ​​founded and left, through His Apostles, to this humanity of ours.

appreciate, equally to our Beloved and Missing Brother Francisco Cândido Xavier, because he came to tell me that this Temple is also the First Spiritist Church, IE, the Temple that will Evangelize the Humanity of the New Earth, the 5th Dimensional Earth.

It's me, because, Very Grateful to be completing the Work of ALLAN KARDEC, founding and leaving the First Temple (Church) spiritist.

All of this configures and constitutes my Mission at the Service of the FATHER and Humanity, that, with great honor, I perform.

I am still very grateful to know of the presence of our Beloved John the Baptist (Elias), who accompanies and helps me in the Mission!

appreciate, Finally, to the Beloved Incarnate Brothers who, with me, perform, Here and now, the Divine Will of our Divine Creator Father.

In Gratitude, no love, in Peace and Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Priest of the Order of Melchizedek and First Responsible, in the land, for rebuilding O CAMINHO – New Temple of the Lord).

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com


Considering the information that came in the YouTube videos that we have been putting on Facebook in recent times, we are in the year of ascension.
So, it is up to each one of us to do everything to make this happen to us..
Meditation, Prayer and Study, it is advisable.
Like this, I wish you, decoration, your ascension!
A Big Brotherly Hug,
I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus




Earthly Humanity, read: the spirits that incarnate on Earth, received from the Creator the most precious Good after the Good Life, which is the good FREEDOM!

Eu, you and them, we are FREE by His Divine Will, but…

But, this Liberty of ours ends where His Law begins, as the Lord JESUS ​​enlightened us, CHRIST.

If our Divine Creator Father came to us, himself, elucidate that ‘Truth is Responsibility’, therefore, and if our Liberty ends where His Law begins, we will have to be very attentive to understand where, truly, begins this Your Law, Since, from there, We Will Not Be Free, and, because, and naturally, each one of us, responsible for everything you do.

tell yourself, therefore, that in order to better be able to Evolve and Be Light, our Ego will have to subsume in our Higher Self, letting Him be the Commander of all our Existence. Let the Ego stop where it must stop, Handing the Scepter of Command to the Higher Self.

This divine maxim: ‘Truth is Responsibility’, proves that ‘Everything will be paid for to the last penny’, how did you enlighten us, two thousand years ago, the Lord Jesus, CHRIST.

GOD, having created us Free and Ignoring the Divine Being We Are, You know, forever, that we can go wrong, Yes, and although I don't take offense at it, do not forget that this law of yours will always have to be compensated for everything that we owe you.

This payment of ours is made always and according to Our Choices, Since, if He created us Free, just forces us to come to(s) Incarnation(ions).

If the Choices are always ours, we are the ones who choose the time and the way to pay these debts, and may be, I repeat, and may be, if the debt is very large and serious, through our shortcomings: auditory, visual, mental, engine, or multiple handicapped.

Yes! Because we are Entities (Individualities), we are already subject to a Law called the Law of Cause and Effect, karmic law, or the Law of Action and Reaction, which makes us pay, in our incarnations, from current to future, all that we owe to past lives, for the LAW of GOD, which is superior to our Freedom, never remains without being reimbursed for what is owed to him.

If Christ came to us to speak of a sovereignly just and good God, and if this GOD has already told us that the Choices are always ours, let's do, therefore, everything in our power to, consciously, we know how to shape our lives, this and the future, according to the Message that Christ brought us and left. Never imagine what He said and left!

We are Students and we have to come to the Incarnations as often as necessary, for this is the Great Divine Truth. Place isto, Knife, each one, what to do and as soon as possible, to free yourself from your Reincarnatory Cycle, in order to Enlighten and ASCEND to Mastery and be, Finally, An Ascended Master.

recap: We were created by GOD in His image, resemblance, single, free and ignoring! Yes

He compels us to come to the Incarnations, and we saw, so, many times, to this or another Planetary School to evolve! SIM!

Knowing that this is from the Law of GOD, it is up to us to be perfectly aware and intelligent about all this., to better understand this Way of Being of the Divine Right, for, in that share of the Freedom HE has given us, know how to be Divine and Ascend, after a few incarnations.

Sing-se, because, Hosannas to Christ, being the LOVE and FORGIVENESS that HE IS, and showed us!


Na Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus


Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com



(Message sent to our Mailing List:)

Dear: Here we are on a new Christmas Eve.

There is 2018 years the MESSIAH came to us, through a child who would give himself totally to this World and this Humanity.

Between that day and today's date, 2018 years later, we are under the threat of a nuclear war!

It wasn't him who failed, much less was it GOD!

And because it wasn't him, nor GOD, who failed, here we are, Here and now, just like yesterday, to Rebuild the Temple He, 30 years after your birth, delivered, at what we call the Last Supper, on Guard, or to Peter's custody.

The WAY was and is what He always will be.

And, The WAY is the Temple which He Himself, by my Clairaudience, warned me to be the Task that, this time, the father of us all, gave me to rebuild…

in the past day 13 October, at the Alfândega Building in the city of Porto, I had a Close Encounter with a Being that was never Earthly, by name KRYON, of the Magnetic Service, that, among many things, told me:

– “You are at the Service of the Cosmos, and you don't need to prove anything to anyone!”

May I help!… I know, for each is Free by the Will of the Creator, and so it is.

So, for all of you, regardless of whether you are understanding why this NEW WAY, that tomorrow's date, although it is not the actual date of His Coming, because it was in a day 8 of September, BE the beginning of your Illumination and Ascension, after knowing, consciously, Be Humility, Love, Pardon, Peace and the consequent Light.

2019 it will not be easy… But, if you are what I just listed… Everything will pass!

I say goodbye here to many of you, without ever ceasing to be your Spiritual Brother.

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus


THE WAY - New Temple of the Lord

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com



My Beloved Brothers in Christ!

The Lord JESUS, Christ, throughout His Mission, gave us proof that he had Gifts that allowed him to approach the Divine attribute known by the name of: Omnipotence.

And, at a certain point, He came to tell us:

– "I and the Father are ONE, and you are my brothers!”

To be ONE with the FATHER is to be, consciously, in Holy UNITY with the CREATOR, and receive, by concession, divine attributes, the greater this UNITY with GOD.

Having the Lord JESUS ​​demonstrated to possess these Divine Gifts, and based on this Truth, many ask why GOD allowed the crucifixion of the MESSIAH, of the CHRIST!?

To understand the Truth about what happened to the Lord JESUS ​​throughout His Messianic Life, we have to resort to Works brought to Men through Psychography, IE, Works dictated from the Superior Worlds, by Superior Spirits, including in them Christ himself, or even the creator.

So, going to Christ and His Letters, dictated and received by a Sister from South Africa, we know, among many others, three things:

1.ª – That it was the Lord JESUS ​​who chose to die crucified.

2.th – that he, by disincarnating like this, didn't die for anyone.

3.- That there is no sin against God.

Because we know the CREATOR’s ‘Touch’, we know that, in one of them, He came to enlighten us, exactly, that:

– “The Choices are always yours!"Then, thus, by virtue of this Maxim of our Divine CREATOR FATHER, we are the ones who choose what we want to live, and He only authorizes us what we submit to Him as a proposal of Life, incarnation after incarnation.

If the Lord JESUS ​​is the Son of GOD and, so, our brother, exactly the same thing happened to him, IE, IT WAS JESUS ​​WHO CHOSE TO DIE LIKE THIS, and God, not being able to violate the Freedom that I had given to the Lord JESUS, accepted this your choice.

Here, no video, you will see that, Among other things, our brother Francisco, Catholic Pope, don't know this and, swearing, said the Way to the Cross was: ‘The Story of God's Failure.

Given this, among other statements, understand why Christ, in His Letters, affirms:

– Allan Kardec explained, Allan Kardec explained 30 years!”

As this has been stated between the years 2000 and 2002, missing, so, 12 or 14 years.

No judgement, but for your story, we have no doubt that in the group of these Churches figure, in front, the catholic church.

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Sacerdote Melchizedek)


Controversial quotes from Pope Francis:




Dear Brothers:

I wish you all a very healthy Christmas Day, Peace, Joy and Consciousness about the reason for the Coming of CHRIST to this Earthly Plane 2018 years.

May each one of you thank the Creator Father for being in yet another Human Experience on this Beautiful Earth.

Knife, himself, each one, what do you think you should do to help our Creator Father, as Your Agent, in what He wants us to use as a compass, guide and raise awareness, in order to Awaken and return to Him in Peace, Love and Light!

that the 2019 be a good year, not forgetting that the Earth is in the Ascension Process (Planetary Transition and Cosmic Reintegration), and than, for this reason, we must help it to position itself in its New Dimension, the 5th, in order that we may go up with her, knowing that we will no longer be Incarnated in a Plan of Evidence and Atonement, becoming, little by little, in a Regeneration Plan, where we will be more, much happier, equally receiving, because of that, new and divine gifts.

Be, because, each one, Responsible in what it belongs to be, without forgetting how much the FATHER has for us, forever, offered, namely our LIFE, our FREEDOM, the coming of the Christ, all messages, including Your 'Rings'’ that show us His Divine Presence, Kindness and Guidance, so that we can better Walk towards our Enlightenment and Ascension.

Times are harvest, no more sowing, and than, for this reason, We have, Each one, to internalize, so that we can better position ourselves between WHEAT, in order to enlighten and Ascend, because that was it, and is, what made us come to this our current Incarnation.

It is up to us to understand what has come to us from Above, and than, Each one, must judge, responsibly and consciously, about everything that came to you.

As the First Responsible for the Temple's Reconstruction THE WAY, I will also do this my judgment, be with myself and silent, be with our Beloved Brothers Walkers.

To the Beloved Brothers who have not yet understood our Mission, and who keep looking for themselves, we will say that we will always be Open Door to help you.

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Sacerdote Melchizedek)

THE WAY - New Temple of the Lord




(For reflection!)

for being students… Is that reincarnation exists.
a physical student, going up the ladder of academic learning, school year after school year, from primary school (1st grade), to the University, walking, Like this, and for almost 20 years, your academic path.
a spirit, IE, a spiritual student, go up the ladder of light, coming to a Planetary School, Earth is one of them, incarnation after incarnation.
GOD, the father, the creator, created us simple, Free and Ignoring the Being We Are. Logo, we are students and we will have to go up to ELE, according to His Divine Will, IE, coming to the Planetary Schools that He created and offers us, Life after Life, without ever ceasing to be students.
When we get, humbly, realize this, we will be very close to our Mastery.
Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus



(There is no worse deaf person than…)


The EVENT is on the Table, how does it sound to say, nothing will stop you, can and will happen at any time, Since, in cosmic terms, our Sacred Mother Earth is already in the 5th Dimension and, your humanity, of two, a: or hit the step by the Cosmic Laws, and go up with her, or will be exiled from her. Go back to see what it was, and what did ‘Os Exiledos de Capela’ mean. If, yesterday, Earth received these exiles, today, it will be the Earth itself that exiles the children who are not, or they are not ready, to do, with her, this ascent to the 5th Dimension, IE, to the Regenerative World.

In this 5th Dimensional Regenerative World there will be no, as we have told you many times, the human misery that still exists in the hearts of the People who constitute the fleet of the illiterate in spiritual terms, What did Pope Francis call them?.

In one of my last Lectures in I returned to the great Truth that Christ left us in His Letters, that there is no sin against God, going further, saying that, if there is no sin against God, then there is no sin against anything, having grounded myself in the ‘Touchs’ of the Creator.

The Temple THE WAY, what is, as you already know, the rebirth of the One that JESUS ​​left to His Apostles, is precisely rising from the ashes in order to be ready for when that EVENT arrives, in order that there is no lack of Human and Spiritual Embrace to all those who find themselves in need of them. And, yesterday, our Divine Creator Father, in Your 'Touch', spoke of this.

But the vast majority still do not want to understand what is happening on Earth and throughout the Solar System, even in the Galaxy and the Universe, in cosmic terms, forgetting that the EARTH is a Living and Cosmic Being, regulated by Laws that do not have Man as their legislator.

If the Temple THE WAY, at the end of these almost 12 years of Life was already operating in other parts of this Planet, and/or if the Caminheiro movement was realizing the will of the CREATOR and working with HIM, everything would be different, going to EARTH for this 5th Dimension, Yes, but peacefully, IE, without major physico-geological disturbances.

We have been telling you for a long time that our Heavenly Heavenly Father is ‘stretching the rope’, but all this will come to an end and it will be dramatic, for the pain, because man can't see anything, because of his spiritual illiteracy. we talk about things, but no one wants to understand, having been the FATHER himself to say so, through Neale Donald Walsh, as I showed you.

“There is no worse deaf person than one who does not want to hear, there is no worse blind man than he who does not want to see.” - JESUS

This is how the Lord Jesus, CHRIST, began His Message of 31 December 2009, and so it is.

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus


THE WAY - New Temple of the Lord

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com



(With nothing being by chance)

Beloved Brethren:

Our Divine Creator Father has asked us, in one of Your Touches, that we might be Kindness and Compassion, since that date, until the end of the year...

Today, 13 December 2018, I feel that I must tell you something that integrates, or subsume, in the revolution that he started, through Neale Donald Walsh, nos 3 Books of the Work “Conversations with God”.

Yes, it was he who, through these ‘Conversations with God’, validated what we already knew from ‘The New Scriptures’, come to light in the blessed year of 1985, year you arrived, in the dawn of the day 3 of June, the new messiah, as illustrated to us by Lord GAUTAMA, in the Message that opens 'The Book of the Annunciation'.

we have then: ‘The New Scriptures’, 'Conversations with God', The Letters of Christ, the Work that Beloved Chico Xavier, Successor of Allan Kardec, psychographed, during your Life as an active Medium, that we add to the Work left by Allan Kardec himself, in the second half of the 19th century.

All of this is being integrated into the Temple O CAMINHO that, by the will of GOD/FATHER/MOTHER/CREATOR, and for our Mission, we are reborn in this Portugal of Santa Maria.

This is the Thought, or this is the Intuition I am receiving right now. That is, so, what should i tell you, giving you like this, Here and now, LIFETIME.

It is up to each of you to understand what we are saying, before which it must, each one, accept and perform, what do you think is good, in the set of all actions, in order to fulfill what our Divine CREATOR FATHER wants to happen on the Earth plane, for our Greater Good.

Yes! HE IS WHO HE IS, and wants each of us to begin to realize That We Must Be One With HIM, leaving the imperfection, or, as our Divine Mother MARY says, of the illusion.

That's why it came to us, for an Infinite Divine LOVE, everything mentioned above, with nothing happening by chance.

In the fulfillment of my Sacred Mission,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

The Rebuilder

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com



(Where Everyone Helps, nothing costs, GOD smiles and blesses!)

Beloved Brethren:

Our Divine Creator Father has come, daily, offer us your little messages, Your ‘Touch’, in a position and trying to help us understand that Earth is a Planetary School / cosmic, regulated by Universal Laws / cosmic, and than, I eat everything, is also evolving, aiming to ascend.

this truth, just for yourself, should oblige us, or would it be enough to force us to reflect, with humility and serenity, in order to understand why it is our current Planetary School, giving us everything He wanted her to offer us during this our Incarnation, knowing that many Incarnations we have had over the eons, or the millennia, for that, just like her, we can go, ourselves, evolving, seeking enlightenment that promotes our much-desired Ascension.

Beloved Brethren:

We come to many Incarnations for three main reasons., being that, two of them, are the most necessary or mandatory:

1º. – Brothers Evolving, figuring out, Like this, or being that we are;

2º. – Brothers being agents of our Divine Creator Father, Helping Him Create;

3º. – Go cleaning Karma, if we have it, of our past lives.

Place isto, everything else is earthly and if we don't get rid of our EGO, all this will only serve to bind us more and more to these Incarnations, delaying, these form, this our Enlightenment and consequent Ascension.

We can and should enjoy, repeat, what is the earth, what does she offer us, Yes, but that serves so that our physical body can continue to be the beautiful Instrument that our Divine Father Creator thought, and that allows us to have and use, incarnation after incarnation, but all this, repeat, for being from Earth, will not follow with us after our disincarnation, because here it will stay…

In a School You Learn, It evolves... And so it should be.

Now, at this time of EVENT, End of Cycle, beyond the arrival of Hercolubus, things as we have known them will change, and only our Divine Creator Father knows how much…

So, and if in this Change, through this End of Cycle, he understands that, with regard to spirituality, the Temple that the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, founded and left there 2.000 years, must rise from the ashes, to be, Here and now, the NEW AGE TEMPLE, or the NEW EARTH, we must know how to interpret and accept, this Your Divine Will.

But this is what is taking a while to understand...

All Humanity on this Earth Plane, if you want to ascend to the Fifth Dimension, MUST GO TO LOVE, as for the Holy UNITY as the FATHER, following the usual message, left now, by CHRIST, in His Temple Reborn.

Beloved Brethren:

You may not believe what we are, again, to ELUCIATE, and do nothing in favor of helping our Divine Father Creator in this WILL of His, but that does not imply that this Will of His ceases to be What He Wants It to Be, or, put another way, that your position, nothing changes that things are the way they have to be, according to his will.

THE FATHER DOES AS HE SHOULD DO, and just ask us for help. If we give you that help, great for us, if we don't give it to you, something, judicially, we will stop having.

Never forget that the Designs of GOD are children of and by His Will, and not ours

I have information with me that tells me a lot about what PORTUGAL has to do. However, Portugal is not alone in this Divine Task.

I already told you about the PORTUGAL Triangle, ANGOLA, Brazil, staying in the middle, the azores, the wood, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau and Sao Tome and Principe.

PORTUGAL, being the Holy Spirit of the Nations, as ALTO has already told us (I feel like saying: “The Heart of the World and the Homeland of the Gospel”), it will have much to accomplish in its double and divine capacity as Country Brother and Protector.

The countries that make up the CPLP have, all, absolute necessity of old age, Wisdom and Help from PORTUGAL.

Yes! PORTUGAL has a moral and civic obligation to help these countries, for being your 'Children', and the future will tell you soon.

There are many cadres that need to be CREATED and TRAINED, in all the Great Areas of civility.

The Temple THE WAY, being the Will of our Divine CREATOR FATHER, is, here, available and ready to go, in his part to play, SIM, but lacks, absolutely, of the necessary Human and Financial aid.

Without EGGS there are no omelettes, and so it is.

judge yourself, because, about what we left, and the will of the FATHER be done.

– “What approaches will be more than difficult childbirth…” – He told us in 31 December 2009, our Divine and Beloved Master, Lord Jesus, and on this last dawn – 12-12-2018 – sent to our mailing list, a text by Orionis about the coming of the Planet Hercolubus (Nibiru).

Don't forget that everything depends on US, because the choices are always ours, and what we sow, we will always reap, absolutely!

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(The Rebuilder)

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com





It would not be just anyone who would succeed Allan Kardec... See what is said, about this, in 'Posthumous Works' by Allan Kardec. Honor and glory, because, to the Entity that came and called itself Francisco da Paula Cândido Xavier. (CHICO XAVIER)

Allan Kardec performed and left, in a short space of 14 years, a gigantic work. This Work marked all human life on Earth from the second half of the 19th century onwards., bringing to your humanity, with the simple name ‘A New Comforter’, the Divine Truth that Christ could not leave him 2.000 years.

Too bad humanity, just like Christ, have not known how to accept it and make it your own.

The Spirit of Truth, over these 14 years, namely from the moment that Allan Kardec assumed his Mission, I was warning him about something that was not exactly right, in order to put it, according to the truth.

Never did the Spirit of Truth pass over something that was not OK, according to this Truth.

Logo, what goes around, referred to certain corrigendums to the Book of Spirits is false.

It can, such book, be added, nowadays, with something NEW, due to a greater human capacity to perceive Him, Yes, but never fix it.

In the second half of the 19th century, no one played.

against the rigor, want of the Spirit of Truth, want from Allan Kardec, it could not happen less than this rigor.

Allan Kardec's effort, and of all the Company of Heaven, it was tremendous, for that, now, a pretended Kardec appears, saying that it becomes necessary to correct what of the Light came and went, therefore, accomplished.

However, our Divine Mother MARY has also already informed that ‘Everything that is coming to Earth, coming from the Planes of Light, is part of the New Comforter’.

– Yes! “A tree is known by its fruit!” – Jesus

Watch, because, with false prophets...

I know what I say, for I feel what the shadow wants to happen to the Temple THE WAY. However, on my part, “THE LIGHT HAS ALREADY WON”, as Christ has already told us.

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da silva de Jesus

The Way - New Temple of the Lord

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com




Facts that prove who I am!

Are 05:26 at dawn, do dia 30 November 2018, and lose or am…

30/11/2018 = 7. The same number that results from the date of my birth: 19/12/1947.

Beloved, Beloved:

Eu, when I tell you what I'm going to say, I will repeat myself, Yes, but, today, I have new data, or see this data from a new angle.

Let's go back to the end of the years 80, and let's go back to the city of Coimbra.

I know our Miss Lucilia, Incorporation Medium, and also Intuitive and Telepathic, with whom I started meeting on Saturdays.

In that time, and after I had compulsed the Work of Lobsang Rampa, was committed to seeking the Truth, even if I still didn't know that this was due to the Mission that I would start after my retirement.

At first we do certain things for a certain reason., but, with everyday life, let's realize the true cause that makes us do or be that.

In the meetings with our Missing Sister Lucilia, I talk to the Guides who come to talk to me, helping other brothers, who come to ask us for LIGHT.

By this time I know the Work of Allan Kardec… I study it and start to spread this Beloved Author through my ELUCIDANTS, distributing them to the canteens of the University of Coimbra, where I also studied.

So: I studied Allan Kardec, met with our Beloved Sister Lucília and spread the Spiritist Science, through these ELUCIDANTS of mine, according to the understanding that, in that time, I had this science.

Time was running and, at a certain time, I saw myself asking the FATHER for two Graces:

1- Being able to talk to the Lord Jesus:

2ª – Being a Conscious Incorporation Medium.

The study continued and the meetings with our Sister Lucilia, also.

In one of these meetings, and after I listened to the advice of some Beloved Guides who came to tell me, our Sister Lucília was still in a trance, but not talking...

I was attentive, and did, until, a gesture that I would get up to get closer to her, when I saw that your head nodded, so that I understood that I shouldn't move...

I kept quiet and waited...

seconds later, I see our Sister Lucilia's hands extended forward, palms facing upwards and she sitting more upright in the chair.

How did you stay silent I asked:

– Who You Are!?

and I heard:

– “I am the Divine Master!”

I immediately knelt down, listening to Him say:

– “Do not kneel before me, Get up! I don't want to see you fall, but yes, erected!”

I heard the Lord Jesus praying to the FATHER, asked for me, and at His coming just this happened...

throughout the Saturdays, and always at the end of my meeting with Sister Lucilia, He came to talk to me... It was the Lord Jesus who ended my meeting.

He always gave me His divine advice, asking me to always observe the Love of the Father and the Neighbor, saying that, if i did that, would have eternal life...

On one of His Comings, went further and told me the following:

– “The Mission that brought you to Earth, this time, I didn't give it to you. It was the FATHER, and woe to you that you do not comply!”

nothing told me, that day about my mission.

Today, I know why you told me. – “Woe to you if you do not fulfill it!“It has to do with an Incarnation that I had and lived in Brazil…

Yes, I heard about my Incarnation, where I was a Criminal Law Judge in Beloved Brazil, by three sources: 1ª – hair dr. Augusto Teixeira de Freitas, the Great Brazilian Civilian of the 19th Century, who visited me at the Spiritist Center in Coimbra; 2ª – By Master and Astrologer, ZANON from Rio de Janeiro, who put her in my natal chart; and, 3ª – Through the Spiritist Association of Leiria, Portugal.

However, I knew, for this your statement, why did i feel, as a child, very close to GOD. in the end, it was the FATHER who sent me… ‘Nothing being by chance’…

because it was, all these Saturdays, to develop me psychically, months later, and when I walked, after lunch, by Rua Tenente Valadim in that city of Coimbra, by my clairaudience, I heard:

– "Get ready, because you are going to rebuild the temple!”

I stopped immediately, realized and judged what I had just heard, and asked:

– Mr! If it is to rebuild, already been here. What was this temple called??

To this my question, I heard answer:

– "The way!”

I continued to judge… And I realized that I was going to rebuild the Temple O Caminho, but, and immediately, because in the West the word Temple is not used, I replaced this word with the word Church and understood that I was going to rebuild the Church of the way.

When He saw that I had understood His Message, said:

– "It's still early! Only after your renovation. Prepare!”

My God! ‘His Voice’ had come to lift a Veil from me, the Veil of what I was going to do after I retired… I knew, Finally, what I was going to accomplish after I retired… and had, Like this, answer to many questions that I had asked throughout my life.

I was very Happy... very Thrilled to know this, and for knowing that, after all, the child I was in my village, who felt very close to God, had been, after all, sent by GOD, to rebuild the TEMPLE that the Lord Jesus himself had left…

I am wordless, because I was beginning to realize what I had just realized... It was an unprecedented Task... So high and subtle, that could only be compared to that of the Lord Jesus himself.

I was religiously silent about all this., nothing saying to anyone, not even my wife.

However, a friend, student at the Faculty of Letters, informed me that very close to my residence there was a Spiritist Center, that he attended, more informing that, I am a student of Spiritist Science, coded by Allan Kardec, it would feel great if i started, also, to attend it. Indeed it happened...

I saved this information and, when I 'felt' that I should go, I went to that center...

A dear old brother welcomed me, who asked me if he could make my file… I thought it was beautiful, and told him yes...

In the end... he asked me, kindly, for me to enter, informing me that his wife would attend to me…

Your wife, named Celeste, answered me and I started there, Like this, a new stage of my spiritual development…

Months passed and, on a thursday, this our Celeste Sister, who meanwhile had become a widow, receive me, having a little book in your hand, telling me:

– "Alvaro, This booklet was my late husband, that he had on the bedside table, reading a sheet every day. The Guides asked me to give you. I wasn't told why, but, If it's for you, please accept it!”

I looked at this Missing Sister, admired... I thanked him and kept the booklet...

got home, after work at the Center, I opened this little book, trying to find something that was for me...

Vi a Capa, a dedication from Brother Albino to Brother José Magalhães de Carvalho, Following the Table of Contents…

In that Index I saw the names of the chapters that made up this little book, stopping at one of them, due to your name: ‘First Spiritist Home’.

I asked myself:

– Why ‘First Spiritist Home!’?

And I thought that the Author of the Little Book had committed a certain amount of abuse, when using the word ‘spiritist’, in a First Home context, when this First Home would have existed long ago, and, if so, would have been called the First Christian Home…

At that moment I understood the reason for saying that “nothing happens by chance”., and immediately moved, with an afflicted heart, to the page 26, in order to know which 'First Spiritist Home' was this.

And what did I find and read? This:


After the departure of the Master, leaving to humanity, as divine heritage, the love that had spilled between men, Pedro, feeling the great responsibility he had assumed with regard to the material and spiritual help of the immense number of sick people in body and soul, decided to found in Palestine the first Spiritist Home which he called – Church of the way –, so called because it was located on the side of the road that led to Belém.. (…)”

The author, named Jose, made a mistake in saying that it was Peter who founded this Temple, when it is known that it already existed in the time of the Lord Jesus, being him, so, your Creator and Mentor. By the way, later when we quote Amado Chico Xavier, we'll see that it was.

The Beloved Guides of our Beloved and Missing Sister Celeste, perhaps at the request of our Divine FATHER, or the Lord JESUS, wanted, merely, that I receive, through this little book, The confirmation, of Fact and Law, that the Temple I was going to rebuild had been named IGREJA DO CAMINHO, as I judged at the time when ‘Your Voice’ spoke to me on Rua Tenente Valadim, of the city of Coimbra.

Two other questions happened to me at this time…

being me, after having lunch in the university canteen, having coffee at the Bar of the Academic Association of Coimbra (AAC), the Lord concessionaire of that Bar, I sell myself, through the glass, of your Cabinet, and having greeted me with a wave of hands, stood up, took a book and came to the counter, where i had coffee, and told me:

– “It's for you. study it!"Giving me that Book...

I look at the Cover of this Book and I read:


look at that lord, as if to ask you why, it's him, looking at me too, told me:

– “It is yours… I give it to you, study it!”

This Lord only knew me from this bar, for seeing me, among hundreds of other students, drinking coffee... And I gave him, Like this, no further, the 1st Volume of ‘THE NEW SCRIPTURES!?”

I understood that there was a hand of 'Someone' there... I thanked and accepted this Work.

Later, in that same bar, but sitting at a table, while talking to Dr.. Roberto Rosendo, Brazilian citizen studying for his Masters in Law, a girl appears next to us, Luso-Brazilian, named Rosario, Dr's friend. Roberto, sitting next to us...

we were the 3 in very normal dialogue, for about 20 minutes, after which, each followed their destiny...

Nearly 15 days later, when entering this said Bar, I see this Rosario girl leaving, in some hurry, and, in this hurry, Is it over there, opening your wallet, hands me an envelope saying it was for me...

I accepted but I didn't know what to say, because I barely knew her, and she was already gone, I had no way of knowing what she said to me in that envelope., or in this letter. There was nothing for her to write to me, whatever it was...

after that day, I never saw this girl again, and, How could His body have appeared in a cave at Nazareth?, compared to what she said in that letter, I would very much like to inquire, today, many years later, to see if she was channeling new information from my Beloved Guides.

And what did she write in that letter? This:


You are a being full of light, your eyes are pulsating life at every moment of your feeling.

You have the compass of the righteous, the vibrations of the wise and Divine Love.

Improve yourself every day, show the world your real and true mission.

For “certain things” to happen, your strong oral and written manifestation is necessary. Do not wait, life is short, escapes us every moment, and what you have to accomplish is too important...

Your always and eternal spiritual friend,


What to say about this, otherwise this Rosario girl is a Channel of Light, and with a handful!

However… in the year 1992, for familiar motives, I leave the city of Coimbra and I come to live in this city of Porto.

A few years passed, is on 2007, as I am already retired, together with some friends, begin the reconstruction of the Temple THE WAY.

I had to change the name of the Temple, for having, in Portugal, an Evangelical Church with that name: CHURCH OF THE WAY.

Like this, telepathically, I asked and received from the Lord Jesus the indication that I should put the adjective 'NOVA' before IGREJA DO CAMINHO, staying, therefore, to be, NEW CHURCH OF THE WAY. This was our first name, and even 2015.

I requested this name from the very worthy Authorities of Portugal, IS in the day 04 August 2007, out he was granted (okay).

In this day, and before I even knew this name had been authorized, received from one of our sisters, a Suzette Duarte, six Messages addressed to us and to NEW CHURCH OF THE WAY, which are on our website, in the Plumbing menu, signed by Bezerra de Menezes, Chico Xavier, André Luiz, Emmanuel, JESUS ​​Lightplanetary and our Divine Father Creator, with the information that our Brethren of the Pleiades also sent their Fraternal Greetings.

If you go to see these Messages on our Web Site, you will see that our Beloved CHICO XAVIER, this day 04 of August, between everything you said, also said:

– “I congratulate the lands, for being worthy of having the First Spiritist Church with them.”

And, in day 23 of the same month, day we went to the Notary Office to do the Definitive Deed of Constitution of the Temple, Beloved CHICO XAVIER came and said:

– “Rising from the ashes, millennia after the last supper of the Lord Jesus. Behold, you are the First Spiritist Church.”

Now, if Beloved CHICO XAVIER speaks at the Last Supper, this is proof that the Lord JESUS ​​delivered, in this Supper, the Temple Coordination, in the doctrinal part (Good news) To Pedro, meaning that the Temple already existed, had been founded by the Lord JESUS ​​and not by Peter, as it reads in the Little Book of Joseph, that our Missing Sister Celeste gave me at the request of Her Guides.


We said, when we transcribe José, which he had named the Temple THE WAY of The First Spiritist Home, when the word spiritist was not yet known, and our Beloved CHICO XAVIER, in 2007, repeat the same, but now, without being abuse, or violation, because we already have the Spiritist Science with us (The New Comforter).

We understand Joseph's will, and we love him for it, but, truly, only now is our Temple THE WAY is the real Spiritist Church, as CHICO XAVIER says, for studying the Work that Beloved Allan Kardec codified and left us.

We are very happy to have read these two statements by CHICO XAVIER, because having been the Successor of Allan Kardec, as the Spirit Hannibal says, on the Blog:


Continuing in Writing, missing Allan Kardec himself, in new body, just as the Spirit the Truth had told him, for TO COMPLETE The work. Yes! O beloved BOY continued Kardec, and it was CHICIO XAVIER who came to say that What we are rebuilding is theFirst Spiritist Church. He knows what he says and who he says it to.. Just SEE and… know how to interpret! If the Temple is not COMPLETE the WORK, what will it be?

These two pieces of information from Beloved CHICO XAVIER, directed, one to humanity, and the second to us, is the proof that the Work that the Spirit the Truth spoke to Allan Kardec, stay, Finally, complete with this Temple THE WAY.

I was right, this way, and among other Medium Sisters, our Beloved Sister Marília, when you told us that THE PATH it was the Temple that KARDEC had not been able to create, and that it was KARDEC himself who was carrying it out.

We thank all those Beloved Medium Sisters who told us about KARDEC, leaving your names here:

– Adelaide; Fernanda; Hilda; Marília and Maria Doroteia.

Our Beloved CHICO XAVIER has come to confirm everything they have been telling me over the last few 20 years, about me being Allan Kardec.

add say, still, that it was verified astrologically by Master ZANON Melo, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

To the Brothers who are trying to assert the impossible thesis, that Beloved CHICO XAVIER was ALLAN KARDEC reincarnated, beyond the much that exists proving otherwise, we refer to the Message that Beloved Chico Xavier dictated in Coimbra, at the Allan Kardec Spiritist Studies Group, where he, after you asked for what you asked for, at a certain point says:

– “I love Allan Kardec deeply and thank you for the light. I was not, really." – Chico Xavier

let's continue, because, to bring back from the ashes the Temple that the Lord JESUS ​​founded and left to this Humanity, fulfilling, Like this, the will of our Divine Father/Mother/Creator.

Porto, 30 November 2018

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Priest of the Melchizedek Order and Founding President of O CAMINHO – Novo Templo do Senhor)

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com



Beloved Brethren:

In view of the transcript that Dr.. Weimar Muniz de Oliveira did, in his work 'The Return of Allan Kardec', of a part of what is informed in ‘Posthumous Works’, by Allan Kardec himself, about what he would do on his return to the Incarnation, in new body: (This transcript follows)

"The facts

– The return of Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritism, doctrine in which the divine promise of Jesus materializes, of dispatch of the Consoler, or Paraclete (John, cap. 14, vv. 15 a 17 and 26), is more than explicit in several passages of the countless biographies of the Codifier and in the basic and complementary works of the Spiritist Doctrine.

But, When, where and what personality animated the distinguished Master when he returned to the terrestrial arena?

This is the thesis proposed for the research, along the lines that follow, with impartiality, without preconceived spirit.

Among the basic works, highlight the book Posthumous Works.

The first revelation of its mission took place on the day 30 april 1856, at Mr.. Roustan, by the medium Ms.. Japheth.

In the words of Professor Rivail:

"I watched, since some time, to the sessions held at the home of Mr.. Roustan and the review of my work began there., which would later form The Spirits' Book. In one of these sessions, very intimate, attended by only seven or eight people, These spoke of different things related to events capable of bringing about a social transformation, when the medium, taking from the basket, spontaneously wrote: 1

“When the staff sounds, you will abandon him; you will only relieve your fellow man; individually magnetize it, in order to cure him. After, each at the post prepared for him, because everything will be mister, because everything will be destroyed, at least temporarily.

There will no longer be a religion and one will become necessary but true, grande, beautiful and worthy of the Creator… Your first foundations have already been laid… As for you, rival, your mission is there. (Free, the basket quickly turned to my side, as a person would have done if he had pointed his finger at me). And you, M…, the sword that does not hurt, but it kills; against everything that is, you will be the first to come. He, rival, will come second: is the worker who rebuilds what was demolished.”

“(1 – Posthumous Works, by Allan Kardec – FEB – 27th edition, pp. 277/278)” (Transcrevi)

And in the face of everything I say in my Open Letter to Humanity, begun in the city of Coimbra in the early 1990s. 90, about what I lived, received and heard:


I have nothing more to say or prove. See who to see, judge who is to judge and conclude who is to conclude.

Like this, let the TRUTH present itself, waiting for the dr. Time brings lucidity to those who do not know how to interpret a simple text. Humanity needs Christic Teaching, no more fun. Who has understood, show up for work.

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(The Rebuilder) – Name given to me by the Lord JESUS.



(What have we been missing)

Ladies, Gentlemen:

When we greet a Person with a Namaste, we are greeting the Divine Self of that Person, knowing, furthermore, that this Divine Self is also ours.

Yes! All is One. Logo, if All is One, therefore, nothing is separate. If nothing is separate, this divine self, being the same in all, unite us and make us One.

Exactly! We Are All One, and, because of this, We all are, absolutely, Spiritual Brothers.

Arrived here, asked: Because, therefore, the next news?


What has this Humanity of ours been lacking?

Christ said it in 31 December 2009, in the message you announced to us 15 days before, and who addressed us, via spain, on New Year's Eve 2009/2010.

And why us??

Because, according to him too, we brought, PORTUGAL, in this incarnation, responsibility, read Mission, to rebuild, according to the Will of the Creator, the temple that he, CHRIST, founded and left us there 2.000 years: "THE WAY"

He, CHRIST, also says in this Your Message of 31 December 2009 what have we made of Your Message, that He claims to be Universal. we share, We disunited and “created religions, institutions, hierarchies and sects. ” (SIC)

looking all this, we will say:

When Man Awakens to His Own Spiritual Reality, there and only there, It will be love, PEACE and LIGHT, which is what you've been missing, making him fall into an atrocious spiritual illiteracy, like our Beloved Sister Francisco, Catholic Pope, already identified.

What is the law??

In the light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Priest of the Melchizedek Order and President of the Board of ‘O CAMINHO-Novo Templo do Senhor’)

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com




(Allan Kardec and Chico Xavier)

About saying that our Beloved Chico Xavier was Allan Kardec reincarnated, I will say the following:

Arnaldo Rocha reveals: Chico Xavier was not Kardec.

Read the Hannibal Spirit in:

Chico Xavier was the successor of Allan Kardec [1]


Ler, again, the spirit of Hannibal:

Allan Kardec incarnated [2]


As can be read in the work “Two thousand years ago”, by Chico Xavier, engraved by Emmanuel, our Beloved Chico was Flávia, daughter of Publius Lentulus Cornelius, IE, Emmanuel's daughter, Chico Xavier's own Mentor.



CHICO XAVIER says it wasn't Kardec:


CHICO XAVIER was KARDEC? Divaldo, Euripides and Chico himself respond (Where CHICO belies Euripides)


For a final analysis, I leave Suzette Duarte's Psychographs, received in 4 is on 23 August 2007.


The question remains:

Why is this ‘Temple THE WAY’, in addition to being, reborn, what He was two thousand years ago, it is also the First Spiritist Church?


Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus



Beloved Brethren:

GOD, He who created us in his image and likeness, who gave us Life and Liberty to be what we wanted to be, and even if, for a long time, we didn't know how to be one with him, for loving us, send us Your Masters, that bring us Lessons of Love, of Truth and a lot of Responsibility.

We know it has been, over the millennia, even if these His Masters were, during your lifetime, poorly accepted and misunderstood by us.

CHICO XAVIER came and went all in Humility, in love, which according to Christ, psychographing hundreds of books, delivering, at the same time, thousands of letters, coming from beyond, for the consolation of Parents and Families who 'lost' their Loved Ones, not to mention the consolation that he daily offered to all those who crossed his life.

Us and the Temple THE WAY, that by the will of our Divine FATHER we are rebuilding, had from CHICO XAVIER not only the Blessing, like Sponsorship, knowing by Him, it had to be him, that We Were the First Spiritist Church.

We know that we are, said by this Big Brother, it's enough for us to continue the Labor of Love, really, of Responsibility and LIGHT, that the FATHER gave us, for the Greater Good of this Humanity.

Let no one stay or remain in the illusion, but that he wakes up and comes to the Truth that the Divine FATHER, by CHRIST and by the LIGHT, is offering us, through the arrivals of all those who come to us to exemplify us.

by being, by Mission, the Rebuilder of the First Christian Temple, Founded by the Beloved and Divine Master JESUS, left to Peter at the Last Supper, and because it was CHRIST himself who came to us to say it, in the city of Coimbra, easier for us to understand and accept CHICO XAVIER's Word, when he, in His Authority of great Spiritist, told us:

– “Behold, Thou art the First Spiritist Church.”

In that time – 23 August 2007 –, we were the ‘New Church of the Way’, today, we are ‘THE WAY – New Temple of the Lord’

Like this! Why can't we impose anything, for all we will know how to wait, and so it is.

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus



11º National Meeting of Friends + 1º Amigos de Chico Xavier


(boy working)



A very pertinent question, to which very few know the real answer:

– Why do the sons of men, Man being a Rational Animal, bearer or holder of a conscious IQ, are born more handicapped than the offspring of animals, irrational sayings, and therefore, without that conscious IQ?

Na Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus



(Speaking of our Past)

Dear Brothers:

Over several millennia, this humanity, or this civilization, of which we are part, was living without great technologies, and could benefit from them greater comfort.

As Almas, or the spirits, us including, that came, in these millennia, to his successive incarnations, we will return to the Great Fatherland, at the end of these incarnations, without having benefited greatly from these new Opportunities that the FATHER has been giving them, having had a life of near illiteracy, whether referred to Academic Knowledge, whether referred to Spiritual Knowledge.

As you know, The time when academic illiteracy was very high is not long gone..

All this, and as the Company of Heaven has already told us, obeyed Karmic situations, where the Karmic Board and the Law of Cause and Effect had and have much to say.

Evolution was slow, leisurely, and very little evolved in spirituality, or advanced in technological progress, Incarnation after Incarnation.

As the end of the millennium approaches, However, and even if we weren't aware of it, by the Catholic Church, what we followed, navigating dogmatics and the ‘mystery’, that hindered them, himself, want in conscience, want in knowledge, we realized that this Company of Heaven was changing the situation and Man began to discover and invent things that had not even been thought of, until we have, nowadays, the Technological Well-Being we already have.

All this to tell you that there has always been a Higher Command, Divine, operational, in action, who never stopped being with us, even though, dele, we knew nothing, as we still know little, although this Company of Heaven never tires of helping us, leaving us thousands of messages.

We have, so, the obligation to know See what is happening with our EARTH and with us, or, put another way, we have the sacred duty of knowing how to look and see what the Greater World has brought us, from the most diverse sciences, to all New Technologies.

I'm talking to you, Like this, to situate you and demonstrate that everything is interconnected to what the FATHER wants to happen in us and for us, exactly in this Time of CHANGE and NEW EARTH.

My brothers:

we are spirits (Almas), in a new Human experience, who have lived many incarnations, and that we will have many others to live, BUT, It is in this Sacred Moment that we must judge about the Being We Are, The Being We Should Be, to hit 'Roulette' and win Everything, at this Time of Event or Change, our Divine FATHER has to give us, in which, Since soon, the great offer is the possibility of Ascending to the 5th Dimension, accompanying our Sacred Mother Earth, because She is already situated in that 5D.

This Message is written in such a way as to enable all those who have some knowledge of what is happening to, so that they do not fail to gain all that the FATHER has to offer them, how do you know, either by all they heard, either for the thousands of messages they received.

do not continue, because, to think that all this is bullshit, continuing in the illusion of old beliefs, Since, if you do, not even the FATHER can help you, because He does not offend the Freedom that He offered you.

Do not forget what the Lord JESUS ​​said, Christ, about the destiny of ¾ of Humanity…

We're here, a 100% for GOD and for you.

But, if you continue to live only for yourself, far from the Temple that the FATHER desires, by our action, offer you, There, you will not be able to have Him What He will give only to those who deserve it... As the Lord JESUS ​​said.

Heaven is Earned Here, in the land, being Who We Should Be, so that we can be in Holy Unity with the FATHER.


Na Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus




(To be or not to be, your Brother and Defender)


I know most of you don't like anything I say, as I comment, the attitudes of our Spiritual Brother and current Catholic Pope, Francisco.

My Brothers… Start by thinking about Francis, not like pope, but as a politician.

Yes! See him as a politician, why is it like that, given that he is the President of the Vatican State.

He is Political and he is Religious, at the same time, and acts as the Papacy has always acted...

If a politician told you that Democracy is a failed system, what would you say?

would you accept, easily, unopposed, let that be said, of a political system that offers the People, through political representation, the Nation's Government, electing this people, by the Secret and Universal Vow, their representatives?

Remembering Salazar's Message in 'First Fruits of a New Day'. we had, in Portugal, during 40 years, a dictatorship, until, like 25 April 1974 this democracy has come to us, though not always in the Truth itself, it's at 100%, because man is a student of Life, and not knowing how to enjoy, still, this Democracy in and with perfect conscience.

but tell me:

Isn't it divine to be free and be able to express, in front of everyone, our Values ​​and our Principles, about how we understand our Life in Society?

Or do you want to go back to that dictatorship, which does not allow you to enjoy the Good Freedom that GOD has assigned to all?

let's go back, However, to Spirituality…

– If the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, and His Divine Mother, complain about what you know;

– If Pope Francis himself said what we heard him say about the 15 serious illnesses because the Roman Curia is sick;

– If Francis himself said that there is great spiritual illiteracy in our Society;

– And it asserted, also, that the way to the cross, lived and suffered by the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, it was the failure of God.

– How do you react to all this he said, how to see and hear on YouTube?

– Or do you not have an opinion?? I don't believe!

– Compreende Requirement, now, why am I against all these statements and situations?

situations that exist, Yes, disease and spiritual illiteracy, truly, through the Two Grave Omissions that the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, and others more, continue to practice against the Sacred Law (Divine), of the People Knowing the Spirituality that CHRIST left to all.

– Did the Roman Curia get it right when it promoted and accepted the Catholic Kings to march on the Middle East, with guns and luggage, for IMPOREM, to these Brothers, what GOD never imposed on anyone?

– Did the Roman Curia get it right when it instituted, or created, the Inquisition and the Tribunal of the Holy Office, to PREVENT or COARCT the Gifts of Mediumship that GOD authorized and attributed to each one who asked them?

– Does the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, was not the Medium of Mediums?

– Did CHICO XAVIER not go, after Christ, the greatest medium of all time, having received for the Gift of his psychography about 500 books, 412 which are offered to you on our website?

– and continue, some, defending the thesis that everything is in a single book?

– Do you think a science, which is cosmic, fits in a single book, in a single manual?

sickle-cut, I tell you that the Chair of Law of Obligations, at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, in addition to the Full Professor's Manual, study in more 11 Volumes. Yes, in 12 Large Volumes…

– For you, what is mediumship?

– are we not, all of us, Mediums, precisely because we are spirits?

– Who doesn't have an intuition?

– Didn't Lord GAUTAMA tell us that Intuition is the door to the kingdom of GOD??

– What am I to you, therefore, speaking?

– I will not be talking about the MUCH that you should already KNOW, there are many ages, but what ever, nobody, of traditional churches, dared even speak to you?

– Why didn't they tell you, they don't even talk, of this!?

– Do you think you are incapable?, or undeserving of this KNOWLEDGE, Be, as Christ said, Beloved Children of GOD and Their Brothers, able to do all that He did, and more until?

– Do you believe that you can do all that Christ has done??

– Or do you think that some can and others cannot??

Place isto, I ask you:

– What do you know about the New Comforter that Christ promised us?, and that our Divine Mother MARIA came to tell us that he had arrived, coming to us more and more, every day?

– How many times have you picked up a Work by ALLAN KARDEC and studied it?

– what do you know, of yourselves, as Spirit that you are?

– who you follow?

– Who is your Divine Master?

– It's the Lord Jesus, Christ, or is it our Brother Francisco, Catholic Pope?

– Compreende Requirement, now, the reason I'm talking like I talk, for being, simply, to give Life to what CHRIST has asked us to do?

– Are you aware of this??

Can't you see I'm working in your defense, denouncing what Christ equally denounces?

This is what I had to tell you., to help you understand the Reality of GOD, of which Christ spoke and still speaks…

The door is open!

I look forward to your questions or opinions.

Be at peace and may God bless you.

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Melchizedek Priest – Responsible for the Reconstruction of the Temple that CHRIST left behind)

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com





This missive is sent to all who have been reading me…

Grandparents, and to open this monologue, but I want it to become a dialogue, I ask.

– Do you still remember what the Lord Jesus told me, one of the times he came to talk to me, through the Maria Lucilia Canal, in the years 80, in the city of Coimbra?

– “The mission that brought you to Earth, this time, I didn't give it to you, was the FATHER. You are at the service of the FATHER, and woe to you if you do not fulfill it.”

And do you remember what my brother-in-law told me, in the month of May 2012, no IPO of Porto, on one of the visits I made to him, a few days after his disincarnation?

– “You are right and cannot fail.”

Do you remember what a young Luso-Brazilian girl I had known, days before, at the Bar of the Academic Association of Coimbra (AAC), the second time she saw me, taking an envelope out of his wallet, which was already ready to be given to me?

– "Alvaro:

You are a being full of light, your eyes are pulsating life at every moment of your feeling.

You have the compass of the righteous, the vibrations of the wise and Divine Love.

Improve yourself every day, show the world your real and true mission.

For “certain things” to happen, your strong oral and written manifestation is necessary.

Do not wait, life is short, escapes us every moment; and what you have to accomplish is too important.

Your always and eternal spiritual friend,


Finally, remember what you said, again, the Lord Jesus, but now through our Sister Suzette Duarte, in day 4 August 2007, (see on our website – plumbing), when the name of our temple was approved by our Authorities?

– “I am the Light of your Church. The will of the FATHER was done…”

Almost 11 years later, I dare to challenge you, logical and natural:

– Before all this, where These Brethren opined how east, What do you think of the task that the FATHER gave me??

– Do you have it directed at you too??

– Do you think the father, when you gave me, and Christ having come to say what you read, also thought of you, or did he exclude you?

– HE excluded you, or is it You who exclude Yourself from the Truth that HE wants to be known by You?

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus


Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com



(It is the Lord Jesus and the Father we follow)

There is a deficit of JESUS, or Your Message, in humanity.

The phrase "the Father's pain is very great when he sees the sad fate of ¾ of humanity", that He put in His Message of 31 December 2009, explains and exemplifies this deficit.

Another phrase of yours, placed in that same Message, “From my message that is universal, you invented institutions, religions, hierarchies and sects ”, mirror, himself, they deficit, because the man disuniting what should continue to be united, exited, forcibly, of the Message of JESUS.

What's next, ‘Delivery will be more than difficult’, reaches man because this man created thousands of churches, when all human thoughts should be unified in His Temple THE WAY, for He is The Way, and because this Temple was founded by Him 2.000 years.

As difficult as it is for man to perceive this situation, situation that he himself created by separating himself from the Message of CHRIST and, Naturally, of the Unit with the FATHER, will lead you to live the pain that Change will bring you.

For such a reason, we inform you that our Mission, without wanting to go against anything, nor anyone, has the message of the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, as the first thing to be studied, Beloved, Defended and Followed.

We will respect all Light coming from All, but, repeat, we are rebuilding what the Lord JESUS ​​left to His Apostles and we are rebuilding it, this time, for this to be the Will of our Divine Father/Mother/Creator.

May everyone know how to understand this Divine Will and help it to happen among us..

Here, in the Temple THE WAY, the Holy Gospel is studied, either through the Messages of the Lord JESUS, like all of the LIGHT, either through the New Comforter that Allan Kardec left us.

we respect, repeat, all Prophets and all Beings of Light, but it is to the Lord JESUS ​​and to our Divine FATHER/MOTHER/CREATOR, that we follow.

Na Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus




The Prof. Laércio Fonseca explains to us, in this short video, what happens to our previous Karma, after reaching Enlightenment.

By this answer we reach, or we understand, how good and divine it is to be aware that there is a law of karma, which regulates and accompanies us throughout our Evolutionary Journey, Incarnation after Incarnation, until we reach that so-called Enlightenment and Ascension.

Don't talk about this law, as well as the Law of Reincarnation, is committing two very serious crimes against humanity, through what is known as Pure Omission, or own.

We're all, because, subject to these Two Laws, seeing in them the LOVE of our Divine CREATOR FATHER, Since, by Reincarnation, He allows or offers us new opportunities to return to physical Life, school subjects, to meat, in a new body and continue our journey that will lead us, one day, to Enlightenment and Ascension.

A church, whatever she is, old or new, who Omits these Two Laws to his followers, is not and will not be a Church of CHRIST, nor from GOD, but rather Church of Darkness.

This I say to you in full conscience, obtained through the study I have carried out on True Spirituality, the one that Christ offered us, and than, by New Comforter, to us arrived through Allan Kardec, has been presented to us, for it is the Truth that sets us free.

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Priest of the Melchizedek Order)


let's hear Prof.. Laercio Fonseca:

– “After Enlightenment, what is the previous karma like??”



(they are coming…)

they are coming, by the hundreds, and already let themselves be seen in formation…

Just, about 23 hours, of this day 17 June 2018, watching the firmament, as I always do at night, in search of some light that indicates to me to be from some Ship of our Cosmic Brothers, then, coming from the north side, passing through the 'tail' of the Big Dipper, I saw not a light, but hundreds of them, slowly moving south...

It looked like a small road from Santiago, because they flew in formation, one after the other...

I repeat, there were hundreds...

So what we were told a few days ago, it's already happening: They, our cosmic brothers, from other planets, the so-called ET's, are coming in droves, and already let themselves be seen, thus.

The Reintegration of Earth into Her Cosmic Family will be, because, coming soon...

Thank God the Earth is going to be, Finally, a Planet of PEACE and LOVE.


I am Alvaro de Jesus




(Grave Faults by Francisco)

I came back here (to Facebook), due to another serious fault of Francisco, by not saying why there should not be a voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion), IE, explain this non-interruption, in the light of the LAW OF GOD.

But, unfortunately, not a word said about this LAW, demonstrating that the does not know, since he neither defends nor speaks of her, forgetting to say, so, that, when performing the abortion, a Spirit is being prevented from coming back to Incarnation, to continue your spiritual evolution.

regrettably, so-called Christian churches, forget what the Lord Jesus said to Nicodemus, in defending reincarnation:

– “Before you enter the Kingdom of Heaven, you need to be reborn again.

And, to the question asked by Nicodemos, how could he return to his mother's womb when he was old, Jesus answered him:

– “Truly I say to you, you will have to be born again of water and the Spirit.

Do you know what it is to be born again from water?!?

This is what Francis, here and once more, did not know how to evangelize, by, despite your 80 years, I still haven't discovered that you never come to the flesh once, but many times, for our Reincarnations.

perante such, it was not by chance that Christ, in His Letters, sentenced to natural death the church of Francisco like many other.

try to understand why.

There is 17 Centuries, since Emperor Constantine that what is of the TRUTH of GOD has been hidden from the People, and everything indicates that this Church will die without Revealing this TRUTH.

The Catholic God Does Not Exist! Logo, the sky they proclaim, neither.

I have nothing more to say, because everyone has what they deserve and, quoting the creator:

– "Each is where you want to be and is well, even if it is in the imperfection. "- The Creator


(GOD never leaves!)


I am not directing this message to anyone in particular., Since, what comes from GOD is always addressed to All…

In day 23 August 2007, day when, in Notary Office, We gave Life to the Temple THE WAY, our Beloved and Missed Brother of Light, Francisco Cândido da Paula Xavier (CHICO XAVIER), came and said:

– “Be prepared to SERVE!”

It is us, on the way, over these almost 11 years, We haven't done anything else...

JESUS, CHRIST, and since forever, well before there is 2.000 years, who never tires of holding us accountable. I repeat: RESPONSIBLE!

It's what we've done, also, because we have held you accountable. Place isto, each assume their share in the direct reason this world is in 'swamps'...

Yes, It's not just the church's fault., It is, especially, from each of us.

Francisco, between a lot of wrong things you've been saying, making mistakes again, citando mahatma gandhi, blasphemed again, when said:

– “Who does not live to serve, not fit to live.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Yes, me, Álvaro de Jesus, I affirm that both were wrong in saying this, because... GOD, the source, the father, never said or taught such falsehood, because what gives us, always, New opportunities, by REINCARNATION.

Who, in the 21st century, does not accept REINCARNATION, only know how to say nonsense...

HE NEVER LEAVES US, even if respect, how respects, the freedom you gave us.

Yes! You have come and will always come to the Incarnation, on earth or off it, until you realize that you have to be One with Him...

I could see!?

So, when you assume that you will always be subordinate to the dictates of the Law of Cause and Effect, when you realize this, Be brief, seja ‘in the long run’, you will live in pain.

never forget:

– “The Choices are always Yours.” - The creator

The Doctrine you were taught was always that of Men... And false...

In Your Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus


Understand this who is able. – This Message is a mix of Channeling and Self-Authorship.

Mr SANANDA KUMARA, came there 2.000 years and it was the Christ.
He never ceased to be, for us, what is he, by the will of GOD THE FATHER.
Let us hear Lord Sananda talk about “The Long-Awaited Landing”, i. It is. on the Coming of our Beloved Cosmic Brothers (ET ’ s), in your Ships.
I'm truly happy, because knowing that the 'night’ go away…
Na Light,
I am Alvaro de Jesus



(There's Only One Way!)

Dear Brothers:

Lord Sananda Kumara is an Ascended Master, and it has been for a long time…

Part of a Divine Command, Where, with many other Masters and Beings of greater Luminosity, speaks and discusses actions to be developed in Inhabited worlds, on guard, or, under the command of each of them. our earth is, as you know, under the Command of Lord Sananda (Jesus).

Many Beings of Light came to Earth and, there is 2.000 years came Lord Sananda Kumara himself, incarnating and being Jeshua ben Joseph, son of Joseph and Mary of Nazareth, with the Mission of being custodian of the Cosmic Christ, Lord Maitreya. This same thing is stated by Him in the New Scriptures.

after the desert, where the Lord Jesus was led after being baptized by John, and for everything that happened, it will be easy to see and think that He is already under the command of the Cosmic Christ.

It is one thing to see a Being of Light, another more Divine will be to come a Christ, namely a Cosmic Christ, tell us how we should conform our life, in order to gain more Light to help us get closer to our Ascension.

Was this Cosmic Christ, the Lord Maitreya, through the Lord JESUS, who left us a Temple called THE WAY, Since, and we all realize it, he wouldn't stay, only, for saying what you told us.

In spite of all that He told us and demonstrated, would he leave us, Naturally, and by our absolute necessity, something that would continue to help us evolve, now through the Holy Work of His Apostles and Disciples, as it turned out.

So, and as we read in the Little Booklet that our Missing Sister Celeste offered us, 'Joseph's Message Collection', PEDRO assumed the Coordination of this Temple, This temple would leave the human horizon in the 4th century.

You are inside all this history and you already know, very well, who wants this PATH to return and again to Evangelize this Humanity, because I know that JESUS, CHRIST, is our Planetary Light, who came for everyone, for all Lands to be under His Divine Guard and Protection.

I'm not inventing anything or pulling the ember to 'my’ sardine, Yes, I am, to tell you, again, what you already know, and what is, so, the TRUTH of the Will of GOD our Divine FATHER/MOTHER.

Place isto, and since it is not necessary to tell you anything else, because you've known it for a long time, it depends on all of us that this PATH is Rebuilt, and go out to meet all mankind.

If you believe yourself to be Christ and if you love JESUS ​​and GOD, I must tell you, or remind you, that you have only one way for the powers to help.

what is this path? you or know, or do you know him already, and very well.

shrug your shoulders, It's something you shouldn't and won't be able to do anymore. Beware of Your Choices!

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus


Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com





De facto, the veils are lifting, quietly and slowly...

I woke up with a thought that, until today, hadn't had it, still, with this clarity. was this!

God's Laws are Eternal, and are Eternal for the simple reason that GOD is the Supreme Perfection, and what makes it makes forever. GOD does not change, does not revoke any of His Laws. if he revoked, or change, a Law of His that was, that would mean he wasn't, how is it, the supreme perfection, and had, so, still some degree of imperfection. Well that's not like that, and period.

When Allan Kardec asked the Superior Spirits ‘WHAT IS GOD?’, and these Superior Spirits answered him:

– “GOD is the Supreme Perfection, First Cause of All Things.”

were saying, exactly, what God, nothing is imperfect.

That's why HE, what it does, does it forever, and never changes or revokes anything...

Having arrived at the understanding of this Divine Truth, we cannot conceive that there is 30.000 churches.

And, if there are, this will correspond to the very imperfection of Man, that still leads you not to realize WHAT IS GOD, not what he wants, In Fine, From Each of Us.

It is understood now, it is better, the reason why the Lord JESUS ​​had all the great difficulty in Talking about GOD and all that HE IS, as well as His entire Divine Way-Of-Being, of His Eternal Laws, leaks always in a single feeling, LOVE, and in a single TRUTH!

When GOD tells us:

– “Choices are always Yours.”

You are repeating what you have already told us.:

– “Because I created you free, I can impose nothing on You.”

Or, simply:

– “It all depends on you, because it is you who decides your whole life, and I can only give you New Opportunities, that make you come to successive incarnations, in order to evolve, obtain enough Spiritual Enlightenment to help you promote your Ascension.”

See: This dialogue… I am, now, to create it… Soon He is here with me, IE, he is talking to me, demonstrating to me that, truly, he is in us, and never leaves us. If We Give Him a Little Opportunity for Him to Manifest, It manifests itself like this, how are you, here and now, to manifest.

I have to understand and help you to understand that, if everything I lived and heard in Coimbra in the years 80, knowing that many times it was Christ himself who spoke to me, therefore, and if it was the FATHER who sent me this time, I have to believe that He is always guiding me, on the mission you gave me.

What am I saying to you?, or to reveal in this sacred moment, is proof of that.

Yesterday I heard Eduardo Nicolodi, and I sent you, inclusive, a video, that helped me a lot...

I continued to listen to him, for he is someone who is on a Divine Mission, also very beautiful.

It's a young man, still, Yes, but he is from the LIGHT and he knows what he is saying, as well as why you say so.

Siga, because, each one, your way, but know that the FATHER has His, and only in Him will we be happy.

And if Christ left us THE WAY, and if it's the father (GOD) who wants to see him reborn, therefore, we wait what to do, or fulfill, His Divine and Celestial Will?

If everything in GOD is ONE... If His Laws are Eternal Laws, let man stop inventing, or to create divisions, or breakups, In what is and will always be ONE.

Here, in God, there is only one POLICY called TRUTH in LOVE!

The rest is ours and only misery has brought us.

Na Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus





(What is the Temple The Way)


Following what I already left you, and answering the questioner, I'd say:

– Eu, by my will, I'm not rebuilding, to Found or Create any Spiritist Church, although I don't feel at all uncomfortable with rebuilding the Temple that the Lord Jesus, Christ, founded and left through His Apostles, maximum knowing that I am doing it on request, or at the command, of our divine Father/Mother/Creator, how the Lord Jesus enlightened me in the years 80.

As much as it pains me to repeat the same old, dir-your-ia, if it were that simple, that I did nothing to be heard on Rua Tenente Valadim in the city of Coimbra, at the end of these years 80, by my telepathic intuition, the next:

– "Get ready, because you are going to rebuild the temple!”

And, my question, what was this temple called, I heard:

– "The way!”

This happened, believe in this whoever you want, or is able, and period!

As I did nothing to receive from our Confrade D. Suzette Duarte in the days 4 and 23 August 2007, what I sent you from our Beloved Brother CHICO XAVIER, about this temple, more adding that, this temple, it was also the First Spiritist Church.

Therefore, it was the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, who informed me of my mission, At the Service of the FATHER and Humanity, and it was our Beloved and Missed Brother CHICO XAVIER who told me, in what he wrote to our Sister Suzette Duarte, and that I repeated you.

If it is the Will of GOD that the Temple that the Lord JESUS ​​founded and left to this Humanity, RENASCA, who am I, or who are you, to say to you: NOT!

More! And, this temple being rebuilt, as it is and since the day 4 August 2007, why shouldn't it be him, himself, the temple (Church) of the New Comforter, Spiritualism, IE, of Spiritist Science, like Beloved CHICO XAVIER, as Successor of Allan Kardec, came to say?

I will say more:

If what they said is TRUE, wants our Beloved CHICO XAVIER, wants his Beloved Mentor EMMANUEL, in the interview they gave to the Journalist from São Paulo on the day 5 January 1954, about the Cosmic Religion that would arise, coming from the renaissance Christianity and the New Spiritism, and I don't doubt it's TRUE, therefore, everything that exists of religion Must Come to this Temple 'THE WAY'.

reverses, Like this, by God's Will, what happened in the year 325, when Emperor Constantine, by your will, created in rome, Seat city of the Roman Empire, the Roman Apostolic Catholic Church, and made her enter, all that religion existed.

I already told you that the FATHER did not love this substitution, and because we are in a time of New Cycle, of New Age, Planetary Transition and Cosmic Reintegration, everything HE wants to see put back in its proper place.

it suits, because, that all His Children realize this, amen, and follow, never forgetting that, in God, Everything is ONE.

If the Earth is moving towards Being the Earth of a single Nation, the Nation of the Children of LIGHT, therefore, continue without UNIFYING to the FATHER, helping His Will to be fulfilled, it will be error and it will be to be outside of Him.

To the Spiritists and to all Humanity I will say see you soon, without imposing anything on them, asking, only, for them to judge and conclude well, as, before GOD, I am, merely, your humble servant.

Place isto, I will say nothing more, about what HE told me to do, because I already exposed it many times, when it would be enough to say it just once.

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus
(Priest of the Melchizedek Order and Responsible for the Reconstruction of O CAMINHO).
Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com



Before wanting to legislate for the benefit of assisted death, ask why children are born with disabilities.

when you know, or when you understand the answer, are you going to stop this legislation…

This applies to the voluntary termination of pregnancy., already legislated?

of course yes!

What is the law??

After your disincarnation you will know...

Na Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus



Historical truths that nothing will erase...

My brothers:

There is 2.018 years Mr. SANANDA KUMARA, Ascended Master, came on Mission to Earth, to be Custodian of Christ Maitreya, taking your physical body, born JESHUA ben Joseph, son of Mary and Joseph, to bring about the Divine Plan among us, leaving, However, among His Apostles, a temple, called THE WAY, handing over to Pedro his coordination.

regrettably, the human world of earth, through your free will, received from GOD, the source, was not ready, nor was he predisposed to know how to receive Him and help Him in this Divine intent.

325 years passed, everything completely fell apart, by virtue of the will of the Roman Emperor Constantine decided to accept Christianity, creating to that end, but according to his will, the Roman Apostolic Catholic Church, giving you, that is why, all temporal power, and bringing into this Church whatever existed, of Spiritual, in the Roman Empire, as was the case with O Templo O CAMINHO, what did you see, Like this, your end, as the Lord JESUS ​​had Founded it.

17 Centuries later, and God, the SOURCE of All That Is, that, in this End Time of much, decides to want to see this THE WAY again Reborn, and to Evangelize the whole Earth, according to the Message of Christ.

Eis, because, Here and now, the reason for our Divine Mission, without going, nor are we, against nothing and nobody, not leaving, However, to be in defense of this Truth of CHRIST.

To all who understand, and accept it, we will say:

– Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!

To those who do not understand or accept, we will say:

– God be with you!

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

Sacerdote Melchizedek

THE WAY - New Temple of the Lord




I will never tire of Defending the Divine TRUTH, shaped in the Life and Work of the Lord JESUS.


My Dear Companions on Earthly Journey:

I know that it is not easy to believe that the Temple 'THE WAY' is what the Lord Jesus, CHRIST, left this humanity 2.000 years, before being crucified.

In addition to everything I say in the Open Letter I address to Humanity


And even before I start rebuilding this Temple, there are other Works that tell us about this PATH left by the Lord Jesus.

One of these works is ‘Joseph of Arimathea – The Disciple of Jesus’, dictated by Joseph of Arimathea himself, Grand-Uncle of the Lord Jesus, for being your mother's uncle, and that Author FRANK C. TRIBBE received and published.

Joseph of Arimathea, in this work of yours, in the part where he describes to us what was happening in the days immediately after the death of the Lord Jesus, speaks countless times about the existence of this 'WAY', referring to the ‘companions and/or followers of ‘O CAMINHO’.

Joseph of Arimathea speaking in this way in the week following the death of the Lord Jesus, proves that this 'WAY' was what the Lord Jesus had left to His Apostles at the Last Supper, when he commissioned Pedro to be the Coordinator of this Temple, where was all Your Message.

As you read in my Open Letter, at the end of the years 80, around 13 hours and 30 minutes, when I walked along Rua Tenente Valadim in the city of Coimbra, I heard a VOICE that told me:

– "Get ready, because you’re going to rebuild the Temple. ”

After I had judged what I had just heard, I asked.

– Mr, if it is Rebuild, this Temple already existed, what was it called?

– "THE WAY."

After some time after hearing what I, here, I just told you, our Miss Heavenly Sister, President of the Spiritist Center ‘Path of Redemption’, from Coimbra, and that I attended, seeing me come, and having a little book in your hand, told me:

– “Brother Álvaro, this little book belonged to my late husband, that he had on the bedside table, from which I read a leaflet every night before going to sleep. Now, the Guides asked me to give you. I wasn't told why, but if it's for you, please accept it.” And gave it to me...

In a Chapter of that Book is what I put on the Web Site of ‘O CAMINHO’, and what you can see here:


We know that, in fact, the Lord Jesus gave Peter the responsibility of something. that something was, exactly, the coordination of Your Temple ‘O CAMINHO’.

In the year 325 of this era, because Palestine was part of the Roman Empire, the Emperor Constantine, having accepted Christianity as the Religion of the Empire, and having created the Roman Catholic Church, he brought all the religious movements existing in the Empire into it., decreeing there and so, the death of the Temple ‘THE WAY’.

have passed 17 long centuries…

In this current Time of End of Cycle and New Era, as you will read in my Open Letter, it is our Divine FATHER who wants to see the Temple ‘O CAMINHO’ Reborn or Rebuilt.

I believe that the reason for this is or lies in what happened, of negative, over these 17 Centuries on this holy Mother Earth of ours, in which, Herself, is in great danger...

without hurting anything, much less the Truth, in my humble opinion, I think that GOD did not like the substitution made or decreed by Constantine, and, now, because we are in a time of change, wants this Temple 'THE WAY' to return and become THE TEMPLE of the EARTH.

Place isto, thought, each one, what do you think is good, in the certainty however that the will of GOD is to be fulfilled.

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

Priest of the Melchizedek Order




Spiritist Moment

Friday, 18 from May of 2018

not year of 2016, the Hubble Space Telescope spotted what was considered the most distant galaxy known to us.

A trip through time, when the Universe was only four hundred and eighty million years old, according to scientists.

What is most surprising is its distance from Earth.: more than thirteen billion light years. Something unimaginable for our current understanding.

However, soon this number will be surpassed. Retiring the Hubble, we will launch new telescopes, more potent, with more amazing technologies and we will see further.

let us notice: in a short time man came out of the caves and is observing distant galaxies…

Your outer achievements are impressive, twelve. But, we realize that you still need to accomplish another feat, as important as this, another wild trip: the journey into yourself.

Man wants to live on the moon, wants to populate other planets, but you don't want to live inside yourself. That is why, escapes his reality through various tragic psychological means.

We are geniuses in certain areas, but we don't know how to live in society, we don't know how to deal with small frustrations, we don't know how to lose…

we are virtuous, talents capable of impressing crowds with our refined technique, However, we can't keep a simple relationship with someone.

We couldn't handle the other by our side and we isolate ourselves.

Our children are born knowing many things. They deal with new technologies as if they had made courses in the spirit world before birth.

However, they don't know how to make friends. They reach adolescence and create for themselves avatars, false identities and isolate themselves. Cannot handle personal contact.

The little ones have facilities for languages, do feats, learn to walk ahead of time, speak quickly. Yet, carry loads of inexplicable violence within their hearts.

our idols, artists, renowned personalities, that call our attention for being so special in what they do, who seem to have the perfect life, hide, many times, the loneliness, the sadness and the lack of existential meaning, that drives some to suicide.

It is us, fathers and mothers, learn to multitask; to deal with several things at the same time; to have control of everything; to have information; watch two hundred channels on TV while we pay attention to the children and eat.

But, at what cost? How long can we stand this pace? Do we know each other enough to answer?

Sometimes, we conclude that it is time to slow down our pace, reduce activities. However, often, only when it's late, when the depression set in, when anxiety took over, or when some more serious biological alteration calls our attention.


It's time to look inside, to meet our stars, our intimate galaxies, to explore this universe still so unexplored.

Life becomes unsustainable without this knowledge.

Everything will make more sense when we seek our essence, when we begin to understand who we are, what we do here and what is our main objective.

Let us not get carried away by the tribulations of the modern world and its many distractions.

We are bigger than all of this. We are more than material things.

We are more than time, than space. We are immortal spirits.

Spiritist Moment Team.

In 14.5.2018.

Source: Spiritist Moment



Light, Love and gratitude


Text revised and adapted to European Portuguese by Álvaro de Jesus

THE WAY - New Temple of the Lord

From the city of Porto, Portugal, for the whole planet

Web Site: hhtp://caminhonovotemplo.com





Dear and Dear Brothers:

I don't need to tell you why, or the absolute need for the Temple to be THE WAY to Evangelize all this People of the Earth, for it is enough for us to know that this Temple was the one that CHRIST left, and that this is, Here and now, at this End of Cycle, the Will of our Divine FATHER/CREATOR.

If we can understand the reason for this His Will, we will immediately lift our anchor from the dark sea where we have been situated (I started to lift her in 1976).

Our Cosmic Brothers (ET ’ s) SHELLYANNA and VELVET, her through psychophonic mediumship Dr.ª Mónica de Medeiros, and he through Robson Pinheiro, they told us enough to realize the sad spiritual step where we still stand, because we continue to know nothing about the Cosmos, neither of ourselves, spiritually speaking...

All designed in the 18th century, reached us ago 161 years old - 18 April 1857 –, the Work 'THE BOOK OF THE SPIRITS', where our Ascended and Light Brothers came to help us, across Allan Kardec and under the coordination of Spirit of Truth (ELIAS), to perceive the why of the things of the Spirit.

But, despite all these 161 years, due to negligence of the Churches and lack of credible spiritual teaching, we continue to ignore all the things of Spirit that we are.

whose fault?

Ours and the mediocre spiritual teachers we have had, Since, to the height of shamelessness and ignorance, 161 years after this work, where almost everything that CHRIST told us and left, we were told and re-taught, came the Catholic Pope to affirm:

– “There is great spiritual illiteracy in our society.”

This, coming from the current Catholic Pope, o PETER ROMANUS, it is the incredible dishonor and utter failure of himself and the doctrine of his Church.. Have this Church still some people, nothing ever saves her from her end, because CHRIST is not a cheap talker…

SIM! As 15 serious illnesses that the same Pope pointed out, at Christmas 2014, to the Roman Curia, resulted in his death, taking with him the whole Church…

Yes! The Roman Curia and the illiterate Church are dead, not being by chance that it is the FATHER of all of us who wants to replace it with the Temple THE WAY, IE, for the future Cosmic Religion, what did you call it, or as EMMANUEL called it, in 5 January 1954, through CHICO XAVIER.

Do you understand now? or not yet?


Na Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus


THE WAY-New Temple of the Lord

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com



Hello, My Dear Spiritual Brothers, Beloved children of the ONE, Evolving on this Beloved Earth Plane…

I have been telling you that I can only thank our Divine FATHER/Mother/Creator for everything He has been making me find… Aiming for my Enlightenment and Ascension, Since, like you, here I am and that's what I'm for, while helping you to understand, himself, Your Divine Will, in relation to your also necessary Evolution.

Yesterday, and throughout the night, because they were almost 4 early hours when I went to bed, A few more Friends were made known to me…

And, through these new friends, and fellow scholars of Spiritist Science, Guides came, guardians, that these new Friends channel in a different and brilliant way…

Yesterday I met Mónica de Medeiros and Robson Pinheiro…

Dr. Mónica de Medeiros channels, how will you see, our Extraterrestrial Sister named SHELLYANNA, and our Brother Robson Pinheiro, channels, himself, other ET's, earth guardians, as is the case of our Brother ET VELUDO…

Analyze what our Two Cosmic Brothers tell us, IE, from other worlds, of the many billions of them that there are, around, in this infinite COSMOS, since everything that has movement is inhabited...

Listen to SHELLYANNA and VELUDO, to begin…

I repeat: I can only THANK.


VELVET (human spirit, Male, ET), through Robson Pinheiro:


SHELLYANNA (human spirit, Feminine, ET), through Dr. Mónica de Medeiros, in an interview guided by Robson Pinheiro:


Now, that you heard them... HELP... and CONCLUDE! The rest… is exposed… and you will have to admit it.

In the Light of Love and Cosmic Truth…

I am Alvaro de Jesus



Here's the Truth I left in the News:

The Question is Divine, for Life will still and ever be in the One power of GOD, or what, politically speaking, we could call or identify as GOD's Absolute Reserve, This is, to be only GOD having access to the Giving, or by extinguishing life, as we know her.

Yes, it's not confessional, nor religious, because the confession has nothing, Since soon, to do with life, nor with GOD, and because religions are, himself, of human invention and there are thousands of them out there, to the taste and taste of each one, have them, or not, something to do with Divine Truth, here so sufferingly left by the Lord JESUS, CHRIST.

Because Life is Divine and because it happens, physically, in the Planetary Schools – EARTH is one of them –, equally created by GOD, according to His Will and Designs, ask yourself, therefore, and before thinking about legislating on the yes, or about the no, to the Interruption of Life, either by Euthanasia or by Abortion, for what reason does GOD oblige the Spirits, Your Beloved Children, to come to the Incarnation, being able to come with, or, no health.

In the Gospel of Christ, after being subject to severe cuts by order of Emperor Justinian, heard that it was his Empress Theodora, we still find in Matthew, XVII: 10 a 13; and in Marcos, IX: 10 a 12, a dialogue between the Lord JESUS ​​and His Apostles, where are these (after the transfiguration), they interrogated him, saying: “Why do they say, because, the scribes that Elijah must come first?”

JESUS ​​answered them: Is it true that Elijah must come and restore all things, but I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they didn't know him, and they treated him as they wanted. This is how they will make the Son of Man suffer.” Then his Disciples understood that it was of John the Baptist that Jesus had spoken to them..

In this answer, the Lord Jesus offers us two pieces of information about Elijah: the first: “that Elijah shall come and restore all things”, and the second: “that Elijah has already come.” A Contradiction!? No, let's see why not.

Let's start with the last statement of the Lord: “Elijah has already come”, Yes, it is true, and it had been John the Baptist, as the Disciples understood, how much, now, to the first statement: “Elijah must come and restore all things”, the Lord Jesus did not say when this would happen… But I tell you that it has already happened, since Elijah was the Spirit of Truth who guided all the Work of the New Comforter, left by Distinguished Parisian Professor Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail, better known by his pseudonym Allan Kardec, for this New Comforter, just as the Lord Jesus had told us ago 2.000 years, everything would tell us, even of those things that He could not tell us in His time, replacing, so, all things.

If Elijah came and it was John the Baptist, as the Lord Jesus left said and perceived, therefore, not only spirits are obliged, for God, to come to the Incarnation, because it is mandatory, how will they have to reincarnate again, this time, for your reincarnation, continuing the summary of the lessons learned in this School, that will lead them to Mastery, enabling you to Ascend and be, in fine, Ascended Masters, as the Lord Jesus is, and hence be called Divine Master.

So, if we have seen the Incarnation and if these, being mandatory, are successive, it will be easy for us to conclude, by the Law of Cause and Effect, heard the Karmic Council, that the spirits will be able to sentence themselves and come, through their debts from Past Lives, disabled, or, may have asked God, that all authorizes, suffered a serious illness, before his natural death, liquidating, Like this, your negative karma from past lives, all this being reflected in the Letter of Life that they elaborated before their coming to Reincarnation.

We advise, Like this, let nothing be legislated, about LIFE, that, before, if you hear the sky, through Spiritist Center Mediums, or from the Temple THE WAY, duly recognized, for your Honor and Honesty.

Besides, does not tell us the popular proverb:

– “Here they do, here they pay!?”

Logo, Ladies and gentlemen, Euthanasia will always be a Crime committed against the Letter of Life of the one who wants to relieve pain and shorten death, which is to say it will be, Naturally, a Crime against the Greater Law of God, who authorized this suffering to whom he asked.

Will it be a crime as the voluntary termination of pregnancy is, for preventing the 'A' or 'B' Spirit from returning to the Physical plane, duly and previously authorized by GOD, in order to continue its evolution.

Therefore, abortion and euthanasia, one and the other, must never be allowed. More… You should never pinch LIFE.

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

Priest of the Melchizedek Order.






(In Everything in Life, There's Only One Truth)

Dear Readers:

The second Title that I added to this ELUCIDANDO is the Common that We All Know. Yes, but, many arrange second truths to suck the blood and life of their Brothers.

Zeca Afonso sang Abril before it was Abril and left us 'Os Vampiros'. Remember!?

I studied in Coimbra, at the College that is right next to the one where he studied. He went from Letters, and I walked in Law.

He sang Coimbra and I sang Coimbra.

He, with the Ballad of Autumn, broke with tradition, just returning to the songs of Coimbra, with Fado ‘Saudades de Coimbra’, after 25 April 1974, and I am rebuilding the Temple of Truth, SEVENTEEN Centuries later.

Each one is ONE, SIM, but we are together, because it is not by chance that I am starting this Elucidando talking about him…

That is why, I launch the Academic Scream:

Nothing goes for Zeca, nothing, nothing!?


but really nothing, nothing, nothing!?


So… F.R.A (for husband)



Place isto, let's go then to the Spiritual Truth that has been hidden, or surrounded, of the PEOPLE from Planet, since the year 325 of this era, IE, since the 4th century.

I sit my words, or this my dissertation, in what Lord GAUTAMA illustrated to us in the First Message of 'THE BOOK OF THE ANNOUNCEMENT', where He announces the coming of the New Messiah, a 12º, which opens the First Volume, of five, which constitute ‘THE NEW SCRIPTURES’.

– “…Do not be afraid of the Pharisees either., the scribes, the vendilhões or the Caesars of these times, who will hasten to condemn this book in their lists of excommunicated works, with the same vicious consciences and the same overfed bellies with which, during the dark period of obscurantism in which they reoccupied their places since the fourth century of this era, sent to the bonfires, to the scaffold or to the dungeons, the wisest, the most holy and the most virtuous.” – GAUTAMA.

This sentence is pure, and, for being pure, It's cool, according to cosmic laws.

So, and giving, also, sentence favorable to what was said by Christ in His 9 Letters, let them cease, therefore, the actions of these Pharisees, of these scribes, of these moneylenders or of these caesars.

JESUS ​​of Nazaré, CHRIST, left, and it will never hurt to remind you, especially to the forgotten, Two Commandments, withdrawn, by synthesis, of the TEN Commandments that came from Moses.

Yes! Of these TEN, CHRIST, by His Divine Authority, synthesized them, integrated them, and left us only TWO, namely:




To LOVE in Spirit and in Truth will be to LOVE only with the Heart, intimately, no fantasies clinging, like litters, external processions, or carts.

LOVING your neighbor will be loving as you love yourself, and everything is said. sure!?


So, I ask you:

– Who doesn't understand, or do not realize, these Two Divine Decrees?

– Who doesn't know, or can't translate what they mean?

– your, my sister, your, my brother, you can't translate them?

I know you can... So translate them and act accordingly, or accordingly, with what they mean to you, and you will be in the Truth molded in the message of CHRIST.

you don't have, nor will you ever have any problems with your translation, even if you feel some difficulty in fulfilling them, because your Ego still overlaps with your Higher Self. You have everything in You so that you can translate them, IE, Your Heart will always know how to translate them. Listen, because, your heart. Ok?

It's You, only you, Who Manages Your Whole Life, whether you are incarnated or disembodied, IE, to live a new experience as a Human, or just being spirit, in between lives, or already Ascended.

You have already been informed, for us, what GOD left said:


Yes! You know that you are free by His Divine Will, and, therefore, Truth, that Your Choices are always children of Your Will, in freedom. HE just authorizes you what you are proposing to Him and asking to live in the Planetary Schools, and what you put in the Life Cards that you make, Life after Life, before you come to the Incarnations. Yes! Incarnations that you have and live, in order to what, one day, after many millennia, in one of them, may you ascend.

Be, because, One with Him and not wanting, throughout Your Eternity.

I'm here, because in what I leave you here, everything is left for you to be able to know how to lead you and overcome you.

That after knowing how to lead and win, know how to help others to know how to conduct themselves and to overcome themselves too. It's what I'm doing to you here, and to teach.

Yes! Never forget that You are One with All, to be Son of the ONE, of the CREATOR.

Therefore, anything, no matter how small, what do you do against your, or that sister of yours, you will do it against EVERYONE and, absolutely, against yourself. And so it is.

I hope you understood me, or perceived.

Na Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus


Beloved and Beloved Walkers:

I will ask you to pay VERY ATTENTION to what you are going to see.

MARC is Magic, and went to the Britain’s Got Talent PROGRAM, demonstrate your magic…

I repeat: Be very careful, seeing all that he gives and asks of each of the 4 jurors.

If you have to see it again, see…

MARC is one of Us and We are him…

So it is…

This video told me many things.…

Told me that I shouldn't give up on being who I am…

He told me why I must LOVE those who accompany me on My Mission, for being God in action, and one with me…

He told me that I am a Great Magician because I am rebuilding the Temple ‘THE WAY’, that the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, founded and left Pedro there 2.000 years, starting from NOTHING, by having, only, The Love of My Mission, and the love of 4 People that, at the end of 11 years, stay with me.

Life is MAGIC… And we have to know how to respect this MAGIC… For it is not easy to come to Incarnation and LIVE this LIFE, that GOD allows us to LIVE.

Kisses and hugs.

I am Álvaro de JESUS


With due respect… Behold…

The Illustrious Prof. Laercio Fonseca, em…

“Special Seminar on Affective Relationships 04. The Ideal Partner”



Prof Laércio is in Reason and Truth. after this video, if you love yourself, how should you love, you will despise the western conscience that tied you to certain concepts and prejudices, and you will conclude that all this is GARBAGE.

about certain marriages, for example, I already transcribed here what the Archangel MICHAEL said about them, IE, in the eyes of GOD, these marriages are worthless, mainly because of the killing of animals, that, spiritually speaking, is a crime committed against the 5th Commandment.

To legalize a Union in which Sentiment LOVE, if it really exists, is the angle to be taken into account, just go to a Civil Registry Office with two Witnesses. Bringing more friends depends on the Bride and Groom and their families.

Na Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus

(Sacerdote Melchizedek)

THE WAY - New Temple of the Lord




(THE TIME HAS COME – The New Life of the 5th Dimension)


Opening Note:

You can look and follow, how can you look, To stop, Ver, Assimilate and BE.
The choice is always yours. Ok?
Very well! To me, However, as your Brother and Priest of the Order of Melchizedek, responsible for rebuilding the Temple ‘O CAMINHO’ that the Lord JESUS ​​left to Peter, it fulfills me, for a fraternal duty, leave you, or give you, What I know, for coming to me, or because I studied it.
Yes! My Motto is and will always be this:
where everyone helps, nothing costs. GOD smiles and Blesses.
Lindo, it is not!? Well…
So, eu, in day 26, I left here a YouTube video whose title is:
“THE TIME HAS COME – The New Life of the 5th Dimension.”
This is a Message that Mr. SANANDA KUMARA, what is it, there is 2.000 years, our known and beloved Lord Jesus of Nazareth, dictated and offered us, for this time.
to help you, as I said above, I was careful to remove the text from what I was hearing, and here I leave you the SIX questions that He recommends to us, in order that you may have merit to rise, with the EARTH, to the 5th Dimension, fact that is in process. Ok? The text has been revised and slightly retouched., because it came in the language of Brazil. Come on… So…
"THE TIME HAS COME, the New Life of the 5th Dimension.”

“Living a High Vibration Life!”


Here are the SIX Points that the Lord left us, to help us:

1. – Commit to having 15 a 30 uninterrupted minutes a day to be still, meditate and commune with your Higher Self, and your Spiritual Team;

2. – Drink lots of water, as the integration and anchoring of the higher Energies require your bodies to remain hydrated. This keeps your entire Being Balanced;

3. – Always choose high vibrational foods and drinks, what does it mean, no alcohol, caffeine, sugar or high-calorie fats, non-nutritive. Consuming animal parts/bodies lowers your vibrations, for the fear and suffering of animals at the time of their death remain in the parts of the body they eat..
So, when the time is right, for if, consider embracing a vegetarian lifestyle, as this will help your vibrations stay high.
It is also recommended that you drink raw juice., fresh and pressed every day, as this helps the higher vibrations of your Spirit;

4. – Ground yourself to the Planet daily, and spend more time outdoors in Nature every day. Walking barefoot in nature, at least, 10 minutes a day, is highly recommended;

5. – Move and exercise. You all know the benefits of exercise, it helps you to concentrate, gives you clarity and keeps you healthy;

6. – Release all your addictions and time-wasters. That includes: watch too much TV, read/watch a lot of news, spend a lot of time on social media, etc.;
You yourself know what bad habits and harmful addictions are, to which you still cling.
Be honest with yourself and ask for our help to break free from all of this..
Remember Rule No. 1: If your current Focus is on something in your life, like a book you're reading, a TV/news show, film, a difficult situation, a recent fight, a past event, etc., and if it's making you feel bored/tired, exhausted, restless, meaningless, sad, bravo, depressed or any other negative feeling, this is your HIGHER SELF's way of telling you to stop it immediately and change your Focus.
You are constantly being reminded of how you are feeling, to choose an activity/focus that raises your vibration, and the quality of your life in the long term.
Adopt the above guidelines for, at least, 21 days, continually, nonstop, as it is usually the time it takes a person to change and form new, healthy habits, and in a short time your life will change, to reflect and have a higher vision than you had in your life, and each morning you will wake up in joyful anticipation of what adventures the day will bring..
Your life's 5D Blueprint will be manifested with ease and perfection and there will be no stopping you from reaching the heights of Joy, of love, of Peace and Abundance, sharing them with all the Souls you meet on your journey of Life.
I accompany you every step of the way. You are never alone. I send you lots of Love to light your way.

Your Brother in the Light,




(Domestic violence)

In order to understand the reason for certain conflicts between family members, that take, or that may lead to domestic violence, study the first work of Allan Kardec 'The Book of Spirits', namely its second part, Chapters II and IV, which illustrate the need for the Spirits to, Created by GOD in the condition of Simple, Free and Ignorant, come, or we will need to come, to successive incarnations.

This is a Fundamental Law of GOD – the Law of Reincarnation – which none of us should ignore.. None…

the other law, What house, or that always goes together with this, is the Law of Karma, or Law of Action and Reaction, or the Law of Return. What the People know as “Here we do, Here you pay.”

In these two Laws we always find the Karmic Council, which is constituted by our Beloved Ascended Masters, and by other Divine Beings of Light.

– “Whatever is sown… is reaped”, for… “Everything will be paid for to the last penny.”

Allan Kardec came to Encarnação in the 19th Century (03-10-1804), chosen in the 18th century by the Lord JESUS ​​for this Mission, having left us ‘O Novo Consolador’, that the Lord Jesus announced, there is 2.000 years, to this humanity of ours.

It Study, because, by Allan Kardec, Spiritist Science, Since, when we study this Science we come out of ignorance, which in this case is congenital, This is, is innate, came with us, it's ours, constitutes us, by God's will. This subject is Theme for many lectures…

Let there be no doubt that the Illustrious Pedagogue and Professor Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail knew why he called Science what he studied, The New Comforter, and left us.

May this Science not get you, no fear.

Na Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus





(We have to know how to be)

next to me, Brothers and Readers:

With or without evidence for the existence of God, Let us remember the phrase we found in the work 'Conversations with God' by Neale Donald Walsh, spoken by your interlocutor, IE, for God:

– “Neale, You are not your physical body.”

Beloved! We have a sacred obligation to translate this sentence with all due respect., intimately, deserves us. intimately, for she resonate, deeply, in us and in everything that constitutes us, for it tells us and guarantees that it is so.

Yes! Instinctively, we all know that we are something more than the magnificent physical body we have, and about it, for all reasons, maximum the non-visible, we have no doubts. Among all these reasons, the one that makes us look around us and see what Someone Created, including ourselves, because of His Creation we are part, being the miracle of Life itself.

So, the solution to find our Ascensional PATH, live in Peace and Fraternity with one another, recognizing, Finally, that we are all one, for the simple reason that the Being that we are, that constitutes us, and that is not our physical body, to have been Created by that Someone whom the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, called CREATIVE DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS, PAI, or Source of Being, and sits, exactly, in the Truth left by the CHRIST, How could His body have appeared in a cave at Nazareth?, for being the Truth of that SOURCE of Being, ours is too.

come from here, the Great Cosmic Truth, that tells us that we are all spiritual brothers, as Christ revealed to us, Children of A FATHER WHO IS LOVE, and so we will have to understand, accept and love, and, also, This love, IE, being ONE with HIM.

And a Maxim of Christ is enough to oblige us to apologize to everyone, Yes, to all, leading us to the HUMILITY that we must be as students of Life, in this Wonderful Planetary School called EARTH.

And, a frase, is this:


When the man knows how to translate, with your heart, this phrase of the CHRIST, you will know that YOU ARE ONE WITH GOD and, Naturally, will ascend.

Here's what I, by Mission, I have to tell you or remind you.

In the Light that conforms and constitutes me,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

Priest of the Order of Melchizedek


Responsible on Earth for “The Way-New Temple of the Lord”

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com


My Dear Friends and Spiritual Brothers…

nothing is imposed, but everything is advised!

What our Dear Prof. Laércio Fonseca says about INVEJA is a CANCER, or a Multimillennial CANCER, This is, lives and subsists in the heart of Man since Man is Man on Earth.

But attention...

The creator knows this, Since, by His Divine Will, created us, like spirits, in His Image and Likeness, Free and devoid of Knowing who We Are in relation to Himself, forcing us, that is why, to come to the Planetary Schools (to the Planets), through our many incarnations. (See Reincarnation Theory).

On condition that we are Free and Ignorant with regard to GOD, we can make mistakes, but without that, However, there is sin against him, as Christ so well illustrates in His Letters. If it was God's will to be free and ignorant, therefore, everything is As He Created...

Jealousy, Envy, Proud, Vanity, Greed, Despotism, etc., are situations that arise, exactly, of our Freedom and through our Lack of Knowledge about Who We Are, in Relation to our Divine FATHER/MOTHER/CREATOR.

All this is so, for that is how God created us. Ok?

GOD, in 'Conversations with God', the Neal Donald Walsh, at a certain point in his dialogue with Neale, I told him:

– “I send you My Masters and you kill them.”

And, CHRIST, there is 2.000 years, through the Lord JESUS, left said:

– “Amai o Pai, day to day, in spirit and in truth, and Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Such is the Law and the Prophets.”

Allan Kardec, in the same wake and in the second half of the 19th century, also knew how to tell us:

– "Without charity there is no salvation."

And, today, remembering the Maxim of CHRIST), I'd say:


So… As a self-respecting student, we must awaken to the TRUTH of EXISTENCE, through Knowledge, and knowing how to look at what is around us, for what surrounds us, and See GOD in All of His Creation, loving her fully and totally, therefore being LOVE, as our Divine FATHER IS!

OR, because, All, starting with you, and you will have got what you came here for, for Thy Illumination and Ascension.

As long as this does not happen... will the Lord Jesus have reason to tell us:

– “Earth is hell, because you are demons. Become ANGELS and the Earth will be a Paradise.”

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

(Melchizedek Priest)

Rebuilder of the Temple 'THE WAY' that the Lord JESUS, CHRIST, left to His Apostle Peter. This temple died when the Roman Emperor Constantine created, in the year 325 of this era, the Roman Apostolic Catholic Church, Judeo-Christian Church, a mixture of Moses and Christ, making her the Church of the Roman Empire, forcing everything that existed, like the Temple THE WAY, subsumed in it. GOD, However, in this time of CHANGES, seeing that the replacement did not work, wishes that TEMPLE O CAMINHO be reborn and present itself to the Man of the New Earth. If GOD wants it, so it is, and it will be. make yourself, because, Light!






Missionaries of the History of Portugal

messages from:

Luís de Camões, Vasco da Gama, Fernando Bulhoes, Pedro Alvares Cabral, Gago Coutinho (Gualdim Pais), Fernão Lopes, Fernando Pessoa, Isabel of Aragon, Antonio de Oliveira Salazar, Eça de Queirós, D. John of Avis, D. Afonso Henriques.

prefaced by Mother Mary, Excellency Mother of Jesus


Fraternity Editions

Sidewalk of Santo António, 14-The, 14-B




It is with the greatest joy that I address the world, once again, through Portugal and Portuguese mediators, marking the passage of the 70th anniversary of my demonstration in Fátima. This occasion is particularly important and, that is why, I offered to introduce this book, in which messages of 12 distinguished beings who embody important and decisive personalities in the History of Portugal.

The words they wrote speak for themselves and you will judge them in the court of your hearts.. Devo, However, with justice, to affirm that since the one that is considered by the World as the most indisputable example, to the one that raises the most controversy, all are important servants of the Plan of God in all its aspects of manifestation and all are particularly committed to helping the group of disciples and people of good will who, in this moment, in Portugal, No brazil, in India and across the planet are working diligently to prepare for the coming of the Messiah, approaching.

It is therefore up to you, readers, which is destined, in the first place, this work. I appeal to those who, every year, a 13 of May, August and October meet in Fátima so that, together, pray for peace, for Love and Justice in the World. Your collaboration is precious in the few years that remain for the resurrection of Christ. May your unison appeal sound very loud in the terrestrial sphere.

Be aware that your prayers and impersonal prayers will all be channeled into the immense reservoir of energies that constitute the channel through which the Messiah is already descending..

When, there is 70 years, I announced in Fatima the end of the Great War, perhaps I did not foresee that the ambition of some men would prolong it so much longer.. In reality, she didn't finish in 1918, not me 1945, but it still lasts in the present day. It takes on more sophisticated forms but still remains on several fronts.

Now yes, I tell you. Orem, pray fervently, namely by the use of the Intermediate Invocation in this book published. I can assure you that, if you do it with conviction, you will see the liberation of this Planet from all types of oppression in a very short period of time.

I do not mean to say that some pains do not still have to be suffered before this happens.. But, if the pains are understood as a synonym that liberation is imminent, will certainly be received with joy and gratitude..

Lastly, I would like to appeal to my disciple Lucia who, not by external imposition but by decision of his own Ego, retreated to a life of confinement and silence. Lucia, my daughter, you are exempt from your voluntary silence so that you can announce to the world what was left unsaid 70 years ago. only you should do it, as I sent you, and this revelation of yours will be the 13th Message to be included in the next editions of this book. It is important that you do not fail to fulfill this Mission.

I will not delay anymore, friendly readers, the careful reading that you are going to make of the testimonies that follow.

In the name of the Christ who comes, I cast upon all of you a blessing of Love, of peace, of Hope and Salvation.

Well done,




1th message

Luís de Camões

Hail, Brothers! The Great Fraternity of Luminous Beings salutes all men of all faiths, races and religions, from all continents around the world!

The time has come for a short series of universal content messages to reach your hands and, we hope-it, to a multitude of people, galvanized by the energy that thus manifests among you. The word, in its true meaning, is the direct manifestation, or better, is the direct instrument, of Divine Power. listen, because, these words and others that will follow, and allow them to germinate Wisdom in your bosom, becoming creators in the Service of loving help to all men. Allow them to give birth in your hearts to the Love and pleasure of helping which are the first and main manifestations of "Christ in us"., hope of glory »! So, let the light they carry come, seek the Wisdom hidden in what is said, try to feel how good and true is what is transmitted to you, so that the faith and conviction may be yours. Conviction is the way you will feel, in your emotions, that what makes you move came from on high: from far away but, simultaneously, very close, because the highest elevation exists in you, waiting to be awakened.

In this first message, that comes to you thanks to the collaboration of a brother who, like you, fight for a better world, we want to encourage you never to give up serving men. We want to tell you that the truly great man is the one who embraces all of humanity in his thoughts and actions..

For he knows and feels that we are all part of the same unit, let's do what we do, say what we say. All are our masters: friends and enemies, think or not like us, feel or not feel what we feel, do or not as we wish. With everyone we can learn the lesson of humility and improvement because everyone has something positive to show us, and everyone can provide us with an opportunity to progress. That's what we're all doing: to progress. the universe progresses, the constellations, the solar systems, the planets, men or angels, the animals, plants and minerals, everything progresses.

The Law of Evolution so requires, and providence, which is shown in the activity of legions of luminous beings that help the evolutionary progress of other less evolved beings, ensures that everyone has their opportunity to evolve and help others to evolve. The saint of modern times is the man who knows how to manifest Love (and love helps, move, feeds all evolution) on all occasions: he drives his car with love, waiting for the moment to pass, or giving in, or calmly and compassionately tolerating the mistakes of others, or letting a pawn pass; he feels a pleasure that only clear consciences feel, when waiting for the car and not pushing or elbowing anyone, knowing that in this way it radiates beneficial energy; he smiles at the gossip, and always says: “Perhaps it is true that he (a) made it up, it is more charitable not to send him that negative thought»; or: "maybe it's true, but I take it for granted that he has done good things».

Brothers, We come to tell you that in the days when, now, here, in this and other countries, and world, you are facing a wonderful opportunity to evolve and serve. Troubled times are approaching that will serve for you to affirm your courage and your love. We'll talk about that in another message.. Yet, we want to tell you that the first thing to learn, in the service of love, is the value of thought and wisdom. That is why, you must watch your thinking and train it, avoiding negative thoughts but, mainly, cultivating the reading of good authors, thinking a lot for yourselves and, about everything, thinking about what is beautiful, positive, charitable, constructive. It is better to build a virtue than to criticize a thousand defects, and it is better to build a good thought than to fight a thousand bad thoughts for which we have no alternative.

Whoever thinks correctly loves better; and who will admire such a thing?

God created the Universe by the power of His Infinite Mind, just like the great Masters, like Christ, create religions or sciences by the force of their minds consecrated to the Service of Humanity and inspired by the Divine that is in themselves and everywhere. Well, brothers, thought is a formidable creative force that we do not know how to appreciate because its effects take a long time to manifest themselves. Yet, the buddha and the christ, and other great Masters of Humanity, have influenced, with your thought, thousands of years of history and billions of men. And you? You will not be able to influence your life, or your friends, or the company where you work, if you think correctly, creatively, always looking to build? We assure you yes.

the gossip, the mental laziness, the critic, bigotry or cleverness designed to win our petty interest expands negative energy, summon the beings of darkness, are destructive; but the important thing is that we think about it, May we find the positive side of all beings, to think about him, expanding light, invoking beings of loving light, building a new world.

Brothers! We ask you, but not so much that you spend your energy fighting against evil; therefore, good will grow to the point of filling your whole life. think of the good, and you will bring good to Earth; and thought of Christ, for soon He will come to Earth!…

I greet you, brothers, speaking for all those who, higher and lower than me, with me they are in the fight for Good.

Luís de Camões


2th message

Vasco da Gama

I am grateful, brothers, for the opportunity given to me to contact you, which confirms the great principle of the Fraternity of all souls and envisions the radiant Future in which incarnated and disincarnated people will coexist freely. that the light, the Love and Power of God and His greatest representatives pour out abundantly upon you, flooding your being, illuminating your minds, filling your hearts and enrapturing your wills. Once, the Portuguese had to solve the problem of finding the sea route to India.

Today, before them is an even greater undertaking, which is to discover the spiritual path to true Light.. Once, the Portuguese discovered new physical worlds. in your days, However, an even greater adventure is proposed to you, which is to discover the superior worlds, the superphysical worlds of Light. This, brothers, it is a proposition naturally placed before all peoples of the Earth. However, there is a special reason why a handful of souls who have already been incarnated in Portuguese lands have been suggested the preparation and transmission of these messages and I will tell you what it is.

The reason, beloved companions, is that in Portugal, Yes, in small and faded Portugal in the current concert of nations, there exists one of the world's major centers through which a new and mighty expansion of Light will manifest.. There are only a small number of these centers on Earth and, However, one of them is based in Portugal! To all of us who love this homeland that we raised and made great with blood, sweat and tears, this present spiritual reality fills with Joy.

In Portugal, Today, a set of souls of the most evolved among men are incarnated., a group of souls who for centuries have been devoted to Divine Service and who, in this turning point of our Planet, descended into physical manifestation to collaborate in the new victory of Christ. This group of souls, unknown and hidden, it is the center through which potent energies will flow that must touch and infect a wider group of souls incarnated in Portugal, which also stand out for their nobility. And this set will expand into even wider circles..

Eis, so, because you will all be called. I say that you will be called but that does not mean that they will knock on your door, telling you: «follow us!». No, the call you must feel within yourselves when the radiant good news that approaches. Because, brothers, I can assure you that soon, in a very close tomorrow, luminous realities will be announced, those that only appear every few thousand years.

And you, Portuguese, you especially, that you are already awake to the cause of spiritualism, you have the duty and responsibility to adhere to them with an awakened soul, and open heart and mind. That is why, brothers, we ask you to be attentive and prepared. Redouble your effort, intensify your love and try to learn always and more, so that you can be touched more easily and better and become instruments of the New Light that comes. You must love a lot, Yes, but not with an unreasonable and simplistic Love.

Note that I say “Simplistic” and not simple”, because love should be simple but not simplistic. Seek a Love that can be powerful and illuminatingly directed, because mingled with Wisdom. Seek, because, the wisdom. Not the vain Wisdom of men, which is "foolishness in the eyes of God", as a great Master said when he went to São Paulo; but Wisdom, the living Science of the things of the Spirit and of God.

Be ambitious in this quest, looking up to wider horizons, leaving the banal repetition of things you already know. Always looking for new perspectives, new teachings and more light, so that, when the big time comes, join your little Light to the One Whose Being is Light. Hasten your way to the High, disconnecting you from the illusory brakes of matter.

May you be prepared to receive the New Light that comes to the World and may it penetrate deeply into the depths of your souls.; may the appeal that cries out "come, Lord Christ!»: and that you may consciously collaborate in the New Victory of Christ, these are the vows of your brother who loves you.

Vasco da Gama


3th message

Fernando Bulhoes

Dear brothers, Spiritualists from Portugal and the World:

I am the one that many know as Santo António de Lisboa. De facto, in one of my many incarnations, I descended into the physical world in one day 14 of August, it doesn't matter what year, in this case, because men discuss this aspect, without dwelling on the important, as often happens. One day you will know in greater depth the importance of the day 14 August to Portugal and the World. That is why, my birth was scheduled for that day, not for my personal importance, that none was, not eh, but rather because of the framing of the mission that brought me, of which few today will be aware.

In fulfilling this mission, I traveled to several countries and had the rare good fortune to live and serve with this Great Being who at the time was called S.. Francisco de Assis, today one of the highest, wise and beloved Masters of the Occult Hierarchy who work for the Progress of our planet and its people and whom I have the honor to continue to Serve very closely. Popular and religious art represents my image with a book in my left hand and the Child Jesus sitting on top of that book, both pressed against the heart. Popular legend attributes me matchmaking skills.

I want to highlight these two details that most educated people provoke a grimace of distrust., except for rejection. Because one is not really seeing that I lived twelve centuries after the birth of the Master of Nazaré and that I strongly advocated celibacy? I must tell you, However, that popular intuition rarely, or even never, make a mistake. You may not fully understand the meaning of the symbols that your clairvoyance glimpses.. Otherwise see: Well, of course I brought, and I dare to bring, baby Jesus permanently on my chest, welling up from my open heart. Constantly Growing Christ Presence, symbol of love, of Sacrifice and Mediation.

I want this presence to be very visible in the eyes of those who can see it., so that everyone can be born in their own Cave of Bethlehem, what is your heart center, rose bud, rising grail, the Christ-child, divine presence in bridge to the Father, salvation of mankind. And it is the symbol of the Love that redeems us and no one goes to the Father except through HIM. For of course I have with me a wonderful book on which the boy leans. Or better, the boy and the book are two parts of one whole. If the boy symbolizes Love, the book symbolizes Wisdom, Light of our Soul, an open door on the Kingdom of the Eternal, of the Perennial, of what is beyond effects and appearances, Father's house, God's kingdom, Empire of Pure Souls and Great Fraternities.

It is therefore the path of LOVE-WISDOM that I want to show the World, and its basic symbols were well understood by the good People-My-Brother!

And that matchmaking facet, what will she really have?

that will symbolize?

What is Marriage, my brothers?

It will not be the maximum symbol of the Union among men?

What greater Union can be conceived at the physical level?

communion of the flesh, of the blood, of intellect, of emotion, from the pain, of pleasure, from work, from rest, of paternity, of creation?

Will not the matrimonial Union and its attributes be the most perfect reproduction, at the physical level, of the Light of Love and Power, basic triangle of divine expression in lower counterpart?

Taking this Union as a basis, we will not be able to extend it in successive circles to infinity?

From the starting point Matrimonial Union we will not arrive at the all-encompassing Union, mystical marriage with all Creation and the Creator?

This is my matchmaking message. And if I advocated celibacy in that incarnation of mine and in that conjuncture, it was because I wanted to express Total Love, for everything and for everyone, and it seemed to me to be a limitation to this, the exclusive commitment of a married life. In this mystical exaggeration, I confess that I was wrong and I do not recommend such an attitude to anyone of this time., with very few exceptions. IT'S, no doubt, easier the path from celibacy to the mystic, but not exempting itself from the difficulties that endow the most valuable points. It's going through them and winning them. That is why, I will continue to intercede and help anyone who comes to me with a sincere and loving request for Union.

Be united and love each other in the Grace of God! And I walked happily, Towards Love and Wisdom, with eyes fixed on that other Christ who will soon come, to once again sit down at the table with his faithful and gather Humanity towards the destinies of Salvation. prepare yourselves all, inside and outside, for that great moment to come. Through a good life, a correct activity, a correct view, a correct speech, a correct reasoning, a correct decision, right toil and right meditation, you will achieve this preparation, and, hand in hand with Christ, you will pass through the gates of the kingdom. Happiness, much joy, because the time is coming.

Fernando de Bulhoes


4th message

Pedro Alvares Cabral

Brothers! It's time for the big revelations, prelude to the moment for which mankind has been eagerly awaiting for the past two millennia. It is necessary that those whose personal horizons of spiritual expression are already freed from the shackles of dogmas and sectarianism are the advance guard of the crowd that will form around a Great Master who will soon reveal himself to the World.

Would that He descend with the knowledge and support of the Churches, more like, Unfortunately its not possible, since living stones are far from such buildings, some residing isolated in their disillusionment with static collectives, and others within small groups of freethinkers, of occultists, of spiritualists in general. That is why, it was decided to spread the first revelations among these groups and these people.

The shape of this small country called Portugal obeyed the highest designs of the Hidden Forces that watch over planetary evolution.. In order not to go into details and compartmentalizations that, for now, would only cause confusion, I will only tell you that these Forces are generally called the «GREAT WHITE BROTHERHOOD».

To it belong incarnated and disembodied elements, from the most valued students of Universal Wisdom. To her belong, or collaborate with her, although they are not consciously aware of it, many of you, Brothers who lead me at this moment.

The purposes that presided over the formation of Portugal, Country that geographically has no plausible borders, but which has remained one and independent within them for longer than any other European country, are transcendent and spiritual. Portugal was created to be the keystone of the Fifth Empire. in your training, the Templars' action was decisive, Order then holder of the most precious occult secrets and instrument of the Great White Fraternity and its Hierarchy, name given to the elite group of High Initiates, or Big Brothers, or Masters of Wisdom who govern it. Throughout its history, it was the stage for the development of the Great Plan, which is currently approaching its spiritual apex, having had its most salient physical expression in the Age of Discovery.. In the period of this incomparable Epic, stand out for the material and spiritual relevance that they contain, the two main objectives: the opening of the direct route to India and the discovery of Brazil.

in the first, it would be up to the Portuguese to take the initial step, to later give way to the British, your allies on all planes of manifestation, to whom was destined the continuation of the Plan reserved for the deepening of the bonds between the rich East and the European West. I learned that in everything there is a facet and an ulterior motive, hair that, when I say rich east, I mean, no to spices, fabrics, gemstones and other material goods, but to the very rich tradition and spiritual knowledge that were contained there for millennia and that it was necessary for them to be disseminated and absorbed in this part of the world.. Was, so, but to the very rich tradition and spiritual knowledge that were contained there for millennia and that it was necessary for them to be disseminated and absorbed in this part of the world..

but to the very rich tradition and spiritual knowledge that were contained there for millennia and that it was necessary for them to be disseminated and absorbed in this part of the world.: but to the very rich tradition and spiritual knowledge that were contained there for millennia and that it was necessary for them to be disseminated and absorbed in this part of the world., but to the very rich tradition and spiritual knowledge that were contained there for millennia and that it was necessary for them to be disseminated and absorbed in this part of the world., but to the very rich tradition and spiritual knowledge that were contained there for millennia and that it was necessary for them to be disseminated and absorbed in this part of the world., but to the very rich tradition and spiritual knowledge that were contained there for millennia and that it was necessary for them to be disseminated and absorbed in this part of the world., but to the very rich tradition and spiritual knowledge that were contained there for millennia and that it was necessary for them to be disseminated and absorbed in this part of the world., but to the very rich tradition and spiritual knowledge that were contained there for millennia and that it was necessary for them to be disseminated and absorbed in this part of the world.. but to the very rich tradition and spiritual knowledge that were contained there for millennia and that it was necessary for them to be disseminated and absorbed in this part of the world., but to the very rich tradition and spiritual knowledge that were contained there for millennia and that it was necessary for them to be disseminated and absorbed in this part of the world., the role of being the instrument that made official the two most significant acts of the passage I have just described, although in reverse order and with a temporal distance of almost 500 years.

not year of 1500, incarnated with the name of Pedro Álvares Cabral, I implanted in Brazil the Standard of the Portuguese Crown, opening the way to the future. not year of 1947, incarnated with the name of Gandhi (2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948), negotiated the end of British rule in India, read that the Book of the Past was already. The material mission of the Portuguese in Brazil has long been accomplished. Now begins a Mission of an infinitely higher content and whose contours are barely visible. It is necessary that all of you, spirits open to Progress and Love, collaborate in such a wonderful Plan. For such you I solemnly summon. Well done!

Pedro Alvares Cabral


5th message

Gago Coutinho (Gualdim Pais)

In the name of Christ, Teacher, Guide and Shepherd of us all, in the name of the New Age that is already dawning in pure hearts and enlightened minds, in the name of the imperishable Fraternity of the Sons of God, I greet you, brothers! As I address myself now in particular to the spiritualists of Portugal, that I may be allowed to evoke my secular connection to the same homeland of which you are children. On your earthly soil I incarnated four times: first, in the figure of Gualdim Pais; just after, under the personality of Afonso Domingues; logo a seguir, with the name of Diogo Cão; and centuries later, in my last earthly existence as Gago Coutinho. Although without falling into a separatism that can no longer take place in our days, I can't, because, stop feeling a deep and vibrant connection to the same Motherland of which you are also a part. Revealing to you some of my incarnations, I did it for several purposes, one of which is to allow the presentation of images that symbolically synthesize much of what I have to say to you.

Our big brother Pedro Álvares Cabral, who preceded me in transmitting this series of messages, spoke to you a little about the importance of Brazil in the new civilization and in the new spirituality. centuries ago, that brother, furrowing the seas, dominating the waters, what do they mean, in all the occult symbology, spiritualist and religious, the unstable material illusions, arrived in Terras de Vera Cruz, establishing a first and fruitful line of union. Almost five hundred years later, it was up to me (than nothing, compared to him, on) and another brother, reach the Brazilian territory but now by another route. it was treated, therefore, of an air connection that is a symbol of the intuition and freedom of the spirit that flies towards the sublime landscapes of the Kingdom of God. You should know that the physical plane is nothing more than the reflection where the wills manifest, the purposes and the originating causes of the spiritual planes, it will certainly not seem strange to you that in this fact we can find a meaning that is important for you to know.

As a matter of fact, brothers, Portugal's connection to Brazil, Heart of the New World and Homeland of the Eternal Gospel that, again, will be proclaimed, must continue to exist and more and more, until the Father and the Son are one, as Christ is one with the Father. this call, however, Dear friends, must now not be basically earthly and formal but rather in spirit and in fraternal collaboration of efforts, the redemption of the planet; it's not so much union of bodies but, Yes, union of souls and wills. Here in Portugal, the seed of the Tree of the Future was sheltered, which now sprouts from the Brazilian soil and whose fruits of Love and Divine Knowledge will feed Humanity in the Third Millennium.

The symbolic images that in the incarnations that I presented allow you to collect do not, however, end, this way. If like Diogo Cão I traveled only by sea, later, as Gago Coutinho, on a higher turn of the evolutionary spiral, it was also up to me to travel by the fastest and freest means, most spiritual of the air. Also in you brothers, this symbolism must come true. You must now pass from interests more connected with things of appearance to the superior spiritual life.. Do not see in this just a suggestion of detachment from worldly things. De facto, what I want to convey to you is broader and more ambitious. you should also, in your spiritual endeavors, try to move from the most immediate and visible interests to bolder flights in superior realities. You need to look for higher conceptions in the same direction but on higher planes than those in whose repetition you are perhaps parked.. You need not to stick only to more and successive proofs of the existence of life beyond what, wrongly, we call death. this is, without a doubt, an important truth worthy of being proclaimed to those who do not accept it. But for those who already know it and are undoubtedly convinced, no further proof needed. Differently, taking this and other spiritual truths as a starting point, you must throw yourselves into studies and, about everything, in deeper services.

Eis, so, that I propose that it is not enough to go once a week to any Center to listen to what others say or repeat the same things. You must think for yourself, always trying to do it more deeply and reach more Wisdom in Spirit because whoever advances further in the Wisdom of the things of God can more powerfully and wisely help his brothers. you must, also, aware of those activities that you may already attend, form smaller groups (However, more homogeneous and decided) in which, through the study of concentrations, meditation and prayers, seek to help the evolution of humanity. I ask, in particular, that in several spiritualist centers or in more restricted groups, study, comment and gloss carefully the lines and between the lines of this set of messages, just as you should also study in depth other works of Spiritual Wisdom.

But, about everything, as a simple spokesperson for Alto, of Beings who know and can much more than I do, I ask you to carefully practice psychographics or inspired writing. this practice, However, and again I return to the passage from the most apparent things to the boldest flights in the realm of spiritual realities., should seek not exactly banal instructions concerning occasional things, your small personal problems or matters already known. By raising your Consciousness, you will be able to train yourselves to receive instructions of general interest, carriers of something innovative at the same time correct. There are a lot of things, of matters and progress to be transmitted from Above and which are not in the desirable quantity due to the lack of someone willing and able to receive them. hence, in many latitudes, this appeal is being repeated, accompanied by this notice: you will more easily reach messages of high content through the written recording of images, ideas and words that arise in your minds by psychic transmission, than through the more material means of manifestation of automatic or mechanical writing. Although this is not an absolute rule., rest assured that it is applicable to a huge percentage of cases. I think I have already said enough and I only pray that you can grasp it and put it into practice for, thus, co-operate in Christ's redemptive work, who in a few years will show His Face to men, to lift them up on the path that leads to God.

Your brother in the Light of Christ,

Gago Coutinho (Gualdim Pais)


6th message

Fernão Lopes

May these words flow like the splash of the sea and the blow of the wind, carrying the future appeal of past glory. I salute you, heirs of the Portuguese homeland and its traditions, the men of all expanding homelands. witnessed, in this country, a glorious past; May my words now bring to life in your hearts the longing for the glory to come and the achievements to be made..

In other times, Portugal was great in the fight against the hated infidels because they were different but, also, because they coveted our territory; and he was great in warlike deeds and great in courage in the face of more numerous and apparently stronger opponents.. However, took them out, and much has been said about it everywhere, because the courage of the weak, who defeats the strong and overcomes fear in himself, discouragement and lack of faith, will always arouse admiration among men.

Several times, my brothers, we saw Portugal attack adversity in its most diverse forms, making it big at the expense of ingrained ideas, courage and spiritual energy. It was like this to defeat the Romans, and Viriato had a great role in this, even though nothing would have been done without the Lusitanians. This was to establish independence and expel the Saracens., but Afonso Henriques, and Afonso III and all the others, nothing would do alone. This was so that the country could continue our, but not Nuno Álvares, nor João de Avis, nor the Duke of Bragança would do what they did, if the people had not felt within themselves the call to battle. it was still, rushing against fear, driven by the ideal that, like the stars in the sky, guided them, that the Portuguese went to India and Brazil.

No Northwind held them back, because they had somewhere to go. Yet, my brothers, this country has not yet had the wisdom of constancy, and to his glories made of impetus, courage, good inspiration from rulers and spiritual strength, corresponded times of misfortune and weakness. So, the traitors had their task. Pointing them out would be contrary to charity; however you know how to detect them easily: were the ones who sold, who gave up, who denied the spirit of the nation, who threatened to divert her from her course. Many times, the Portuguese knew how to assume themselves and, even if some materialized this betrayal, she already lived in the hearts of many who preferred to seek wealth at the expense of everything and everyone., to show magnanimity and a fraternal and constructive spirit, or enslaving arrogance to true mutual aid.

Take as an example the harmful action that resulted from the use, finally coveted and selfish, short of sight, blind to the effects of gold from Brazil or spices from India. In that time, the spices ended up getting the homeland drunk; gold also became the lead that brought it down from its pedestal.

Like this, Dear brothers, this country, which is our boat, has suffered glories and setbacks, highs and lows, or, if you prefer, cyclical variations, not always desirable. The kind of impulse that an impulse completely in tune with the season of Pisces obeyed., produced such effects: a strong Christian spirit, producing bursts of spiritual energy, but expressing itself in the desire of the people, always impetuous in pursuit of the ideal, but always ready to make shipwreck who surrendered to the simple satisfaction of desires, but look at your current status, learn from the past and find the seed of the future that has already germinated in you: now, there are no more Saracens to expel.

Nor is there gold and spice to covet, there are no seas to know. No one has the power anymore, no further, betray the whole country. And the «Castilians» do not threaten territorial integrity. But look deeper. Portugal is also a spiritual homeland, closely united, in the Spirit, to all the homelands. Portugal, inside, also to the heavenly homeland, beautiful land, divine realm, a Zion against the Babel of our ignorance and our spiritual disorder. do not forget this, how Camões did not forget such reminiscences in his poems, him, who sang like nobody else the Portuguese Soul. Then, brothers, we have to conquer it in our heart, hardened like ancient walls!

We have to find the spiritual gold that we already sensed.; we have to taste the spices from the Father's table, in the spiritual realm where we are borderless; we have to destroy the traitors who live in our petty and self-indulgent thoughts, in our selfishness and our indifference to work; we have, finally, to defend the integrity of the Portuguese Soul and assert it against anything that tries to drown it or divert it from its new path of glory!

This country doesn't have to mourn the past, nor that they let themselves be betrayed by the current state of dismay and unproductiveness of their people. We cannot believe in plaintive fado songs, that only a D. Sebastian any can, in foggy morning, save an unworthy people. Our glory will be great, as it was never, because these people will grow up to the height of, no longer oscillating at the whim of desire but with firm will and lit intellect, conquer yourself.

In this stronghold taken by storm, he will find the real treasure, obscured in the past, which is the Christed Light. Raising your cup, full of that light, will offer to the world, by all means at your disposal, the lived Energy that has animated so many times, once. this offer, together with that of the bowls filled with the souls of all nations, will bring everyone true abundance, and make humanity one, victorious against evil and disease in itself, under the command of the Christ who can only command a Humanity worthy!… I humbly say goodbye, as a grateful observer of these events that are already unfolding.

Fernão Lopes


7th message

Fernando Pessoa

"God wants, the man dreams, the work is born ». Allow, brothers, that in this message I quote one of the phrases from that other «Message» that was translated into the only book I published during my last incarnation. I don't do it out of immodesty. As a matter of fact, that and many of the sentences that you can find in that book were written by superior inspiration, that I was the physical instrument. hence, referring credit to those who inspired me, I have no inhibitions in recommending you to read this book carefully., looking for the deep meaning in it, prophetic and real that, often, has escaped amid the infinity of meaningless things that have been said about my work by those who analyze everything but feel nothing.. Thence, also, that I ask you to accompany me in the scrutiny of that sentence that appears, after all of a poem dominated by the figure of the greatest of all Portuguese, the Infante Dom Henrique.

"God wants…» yes brothers, God has a Will, a plan for the whole universe, with all your beings. From the immeasurable vastness and ineffable beauty of that Plane, we can't, simple pilgrims on the way back to the Father's House, do more than a small and limited idea. We only know that the culmination of this Cosmic Plan is absolute Joy and total Perfection.; and that the supreme Good that will then reign is far beyond our poor comprehension..

It is for this final Glory that all beings and all Universes (who are also beings) evolve. As a matter of fact, we are all but a great army climbing Mount Golgotha, paving the way in the fight against the involutive forces in us, until we reach the top, where crucified be our lowest part, in which lies the root of evil, we will rise to the Glory of Eternal Life which is our inheritance as Children of God. So, we will realize that all struggles, all breakups, all barriers between beings are children of the same original sin.

And, dropping the weapons with which we were offended, we will all squeeze each other in a big hug, cementing for the Life of the One God and for the pure Love that is the deep longing of our souls. But this Plan that God, having this final Glory that He wants for all of us, takes place in stages, through successive ages, each bringing more advances to the path we have to travel.

We are now on the threshold of a New Era, potentially bearer of conquests yet to be done. And also for her divine Providence, expression in which we include not only but also the Beings who serve and have a Will and a Plan. Once and a Plan that are, is right, but a cell of that other vaster Plan I spoke of; but which do not for that reason cease to be grandiose and sublime. We now have to, advance further on the Path of Light and to return and perfect certain qualities.

because God wants… «…the man dreams…». Yes, brothers, the man dreams, lucid and profound is that the archetypes of God's Plan reach your understanding. By state of mind, we can call it a dream, men open their being to the intuition of the purposes of the High. The great things that are new begin to emerge timidly, before revealing themselves to the world, in the souls of those who are like, to dream of higher perspectives, the noblest aspiration of human beings, reason for more light, more Truth and conquests in superior realities that distance the first bridge between the Planes of the world of men. It is in our inner soul that progress begins to be born, for Christ was not playing floral games but proclaiming a Great Truth, when he opposed those who expected the Kingdom of God to come from the outside to the inside instead of coming from the inside to the outside: «The Kingdom of God is within YOU!».

behold then, brothers, that we must delve into the depths of our souls and, by intuition, by conquest of Love, by intimate contact with the Reality of things, understand a little of the Plan that God has for the New Age, the New Age that is already present in the world when man dreams… The work is born…». And after we dream, brothers, our minds begin to get more and more used to the delicious breezes of intuitions that reach us. From these dreams or inspirations, our minds draw products to work and reflect on. And, therefore, can the work begin to be born in the physical world.

born, when the psychic currents, that we have created by thinking about these new qualities and by desiring them, begin to influence the psychic environment and assume in minds and in us, feelings of other brothers. born, When, by the word, by writing, by example, by action, we give what we receive from above, teaching, showing the Light and helping the other brothers to also know how to dream and to make visible works of these dreams. This is how progress has been made through the ages..

Brothers, with whom I share the filiation of the same God who gives life to all, that I am a companion on the journey that takes us to the point that Christ already proposed to us, in saying thirst perfect, as your Heavenly Father is Prefect», with whom I am in solidarity in the aspiration of a better world, open your souls to the dream of the New Age and help to build it in the World! Open your arms to Christ who new is to come! Open your hearts to the good news that is coming, saying: «Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord»! Open your minds to the Light, I got out of the domain of sectarianism and, whatever your school of spiritualist thought, unite in the same effort, recognizing and building on the contributions of all!

work, learn, dream and teach, without ever getting discouraged, even if you don't immediately see spectacular results, because as I also wrote, «everything is worth it if the soul is not so small»! Blessed be the Master, that, again, in His matchless compassion, come to bring Light to the darkness and fill the Cups of those who seek with the elixir of Eternal Life, with Sacred Teaching! And blessed are those who dream with what God wants, for the building of the New Age to be born in the physical world.

Fernando Pessoa


8th message

Isabel of Aragon

“Dear brothers: Your servant Elizabeth is speaking to you, who has followed the path of this country for so long. (PORTUGAL); I come to bring you news of things to come and to urge you never to stop doing what you can so that everything goes in order. This homeland, whose real foundations are already more than millennia old, has the conditions to become great again, this time in Light and Inspiration. From it will depart the formal announcement to the world of the coming of Christ with a whole host of Masters, of angels and servants to give the world a new impetus (the «New Scriptures» are already translated into the main languages ​​and spread throughout the Planet). hers too, Dear brothers, the word of joy and hope will depart, to maintain in the face of troubled times of social disasters, famines, epidemics, natural disasters (it seems that we are already experiencing the beginning of pain).

As a consequence of the return of accumulated negative energies in the psychic planes, how are the vices, the ambition, the impiety, selfishness, the dishonesty, the corruption, will come then, a probationary period, that will make the new ideas refine themselves in the test of fire, the new society that will replace the old one that is disappearing, new souls will inherit the new redeemed world. Digo-your, aware of what I say, that this country is already starting to play a crucial role in all of this that I say, residing in it a choice of disciples capable of much to do and much to know. Some who are still unaware of its potential are among you.

Here in Portugal, in fraternal communion with the entire planet, there is a group that, between difficulties, misunderstanding and loneliness, he is doing everything and will do everything so that when Christ arrives, no one can say: I didn't know or I wasn't taught to know him, that's why I failed. This group is already advancing in terrains that you do not know. It is active on spiritual levels and the handful of our brothers who comprise it, physically incarnated, struggle to accomplish what envisions. They know that with Christ whom they serve all things are possible.. Yet, without you and without your disposition from, instead of liabilities, become active contributors to the Divine Plan that will be realized, the country will not play its part. You can and must question yourselves about the way in which you can help the manifestation of the Divine designs. It is not worthy that you seek, simply, evidence and more evidence, that you beg the contribution of the Spirits of Light for your little lives, without offering anything in return. And what can you offer?

Brothers! It would be easier to explain to you what you cannot offer. You can always offer a diligent willingness to learn and investigate spiritual realities; you can also offer, in daily life, your love, availability to others and a great joy of living. It is not good for you to be concerned only with your bodily or spiritual ills., because in this way you do not cultivate the freedom of the spirit and the courage to face the challenges the Light of hope renewed in your lives; because now begins the time for men to work for other kingdoms of nature, other evolutions for all creatures.

Now you are told that you can be among the first to institute a new way of life in a world renewed by the mercy of God and the action of the New Christ who approaches the world of men.. Simple prayers must become affirmations. Your souls carry within themselves the potentiality that, revived by the energetic radiation of Christ and his servants would open new avenues of service. You must learn not to ask for anything for yourselves but everything for the good of Humanity and all the creatures that are with it., including brothers from the animal kingdom.

You must learn that energy follows thought and that, if we can already foresee that the negative thoughts of many generations triggered the energies that are now producing great trials, we can also foresee something more: that if we all learned from now on to use the mind to intentionally produce positive energy, much can be done to ease the pain of the world and to start building a New world.”

Isabel of Aragon


9th message

Antonio de Oliveira Salazar

Brothers! It was a wonderful and extraordinary concession, the authorization given to me to address you, in this message cycle. wonderful grant, because my spiritual stature is not even remotely similar to that of the distinguished figures who have come here, leave your words, their testimonies. extraordinary concession, why, unlike the others, I will not come to illustrate with the positive examples of an incarnation lived within the Lusitano People, the words that I bring you. On the contrary, It's because of the negative examples of what I've done, and some I will point out, I hope I can be useful to you.

I was absolute master of the destinies of the Portuguese for four decades. no one should, no one can be absolute lord. The Liberty, the free will, are the most sacred gift that the human being has. Not even the Creator himself raises the slightest obstacle to this free will., because it is through him that Man progresses, evolves. making mistakes today, safe tomorrow. afraid today, determined tomorrow. I give you an advice, a todos, without exception: Fully and solemnly respect the freedom of all those around you and with you..

Be tolerant of your children. Be kind to your parents. Respect and honor those you serve, to be respected and honored by those who serve you. For four decades I impeded the progress and modernization of my country. no one should, no one can put up a barrier to Progress. The fear of change is a reactionary and unnatural attitude.. everything has to change, everything has to progress. There can be no static societies. It is in the dynamism that evolution and ascension take place.

Collaborate actively and voluntarily in the progress and modernization of the society in which you are integrated. Open the door to new ideas, the new technologies, to the new processes. If it is true that something is not necessarily good just because it is new, it is also true that, if we closed the doors to modernization, we would still live in caves. For four decades I prevented my country from deepening connections with other countries, having instituted the motto of "proudly alone".

what a monstrosity! I tell you that separation is the greatest of all evils. no one should, no one can stand proudly alone. It's in the union, in healthy cooperation between men, among the Peoples, among the nations, that the planetary unity of the coming millennia will be built. And even when this planet Earth is one nation, nor then will it be proudly isolated in the Universe. Because it will have already built higher unions with other planets, with other systems, with other galaxies. Always moving towards higher and higher unions until all Creation is reunited with the Creator.

For four decades I defended an Ankylosed and Retrograde Religious Orthodoxy and persecuted those who professed other beliefs.…

Ah, how I was wrong, Brothers! no one should, no one can claim to have the unique truth about God. The house of the Lord has many rooms. As many as religions, the doctrines, the currents of thought. And all the inhabitants of all dwellings are equally children of God, and therefore, brothers. May those who today profess the ideas I professed then forgive me., but, in reality, the house I lived in was one of those that most needed restoration and expansion works, Mainly doors and windows, which are the means by which you get in touch with the outside and with the inhabitants of other dwellings!

Respect and embrace your Buddhist brother, your Hindu brother, your Muslim brother, your Theosophist brother, your Rosicrucian brother, your Spiritualist brother from another school of thought. Take from them the purity of intentions. reject sectarianism, the fanaticism, the religious separativity. Love your neighbor as God loves you, that you have failed to learn this principle during the last two millennia.

For four decades I was a brake on my country, I didn't fulfill your true, wonderful and high mission. But because Portugal is destined to be the link between peoples, because Portugal will be an example of freedom and communion among peoples, why Portugal will embrace progress and modernization, and above all because Portugal will open the doors of the Fifth Empire, of the Fifth Kingdom, and will be the Holy Spirit of the nations, I couldn't help but fulfill here and now, on four sheets of handwritten paper transmitted to someone who is much more than me, what in four decades I have not fulfilled. May the Portuguese and the world forgive me, all the mistakes i made, and there are few that I have listed. My example is one that should not be followed. Why not lead to Christ.

Antonio de Oliveira Salazar


10th message

Eça de Queiroz

My brothers,

In my last incarnation I lived, like you now, in Portugal. This country thus represents a common denominator between me and all the inhabitants of the small Portuguese homeland.. small in extent, but big in your soul in the past, present and future. In the past, Portugal was great for its expansionist work that contributed to bringing peoples together and it was also great for the efforts of the men who carried out this noble mission successfully.. At present it is great because, although it is in a less prosperous time from the earthly point of view, in it there is a group of men who, though they struggle with the same issues that you struggle with, devotedly devoted himself to redemptive service.

As a matter of fact, contribute to this in the most direct way that is humanly possible, as they are one of the main instruments of the elevated Being that will open the door of the New Age that is approaching. not future, Portugal will be great because the Portuguese soul will unite with the soul of Brazil, vital center of the Aquarian age. Like this, for your past, present and future, was, is and will be a country particularly servant of the evolutionary purposes of progress and union. Like Eça de Queirós, I had the opportunity to get to know and reflect on the Portuguese soul. I could see how great its potentialities are, but unfortunately how much asleep she was. I don't intend, in this moment that is of jubilation, to give undeserved criticism or praise, but the Portugal that I knew almost a hundred years ago, is little different today.

The service purposes of a people must be active and not passive., group and not individual, altruistic and not selfish, of love and not of petty bickering, of union and not of separability, forgiveness and not revenge. if they reflect, you will see that it is not in accordance with these Principles that no one can deceive, for he will deceive himself that, though on the threshold of the year two thousand, man has guided his life. The events that some of you (unfortunately few) presentiment as very close will profoundly alter the civilization of the last two millennia. Evolution needs everyone: everyone has a lot to give in order to receive. It is necessary to remove forever the wrong way of thinking that you only give when you receive (from the point of view of the visible world) why, in God's plans, whoever gives will always receive, returning to serve, will be returned.

How else could it have been conceived, but according to the utmost justice, God's world? In your abode live love, the compassion and forgiveness that are but integral parts of his justice. The suggestion I give you, so that together we can redeem the world, is that you live according to the rules of the Father: follow them and so they will follow you.

This message intends to encourage all those who are already fighting for a better tomorrow.; a tomorrow of true freedom (of authentic Liberation). May it also serve as an incentive to all our brothers and sisters in whom the desire to serve in the different world that is approaching has not yet dawned., so that they reduce their material concerns to due proportions and become fully aware of their real mission.

Eça de Queirós


11th message

John of Avis

Brothers! It was my communication selected to be released to the world, in this series of twelve, immediately before the one that will bring you the greatest of all Portuguese, which will end this cycle of Messages: the master Henrique. That great being who, as King Afonso Henriques, initiated the permanent autonomy and individualization of the Lusitano People and that, as Infante D. Henrique (whom I had the honor to serve as a physical progenitor), started the universal expansion of the Idea Lusitana, privileged instrument of the exteriorization of the Fifth Kingdom, which will be consubstantiated in the founding of the Fifth Empire, that appears on the horizon.

In terms of energy manipulation, are in busy work, groups of brothers, incarnated and disembodied, both in Portugal and in Brazil, strictly follow the instructions, carefully prepared, by Mestre Henrique and his pleiad of collaborators and advisors. Many of those who collaborate do so without conscious knowledge at the level of the physical mind, but it is necessary that the mediating capacity (in all more or less latent) is properly developed so that an ever-increasing number of men and women can make their active and conscious contribution to the work in progress and to those to come. Taking the suggestion already made by dear Brother Gualdim Pais, I come to recommend everyone to try this wonderful and useful tool of service and mediation that is the psychography.

As has already been insistently requested to the World by Brother Diamantino Coelho Fernandes (whose magnificent psychographic works I recommend reading, it would be great that, at least one person in each family, develop the gift of psychography. There would then be in each family nucleus an element of connection to the Fifth Kingdom, the spiritual, charged with relaying instructions and energies from this.

Once this cycle of Messages is over, on which you must deeply reflect and disseminate by all means, namely through the acquisition and offer of the largest possible number of copies of the book that will contain them, and will be promptly published, will be released a little, concise and practical "Manual of the Psychographer" outlining the essential steps of self-learning of psychographic mediation. Until then, simply retire to a quiet place., abstract yourselves from worldly concerns and, after focusing your mental attention on the higher zones of consciousness, pronounce the «Protection Formula» with conviction and concentration, published as an appendix to this Message.

After, place your pen on a sheet of white paper without lines and wait. If your propensity is still for automatic writing, your arm will start to move and the words will appear on the paper without you being aware of it.. If, on the contrary, your penchant for inspired writing, those same words and phrases will arise in your mind and you will consciously transfer them to written language..

It is essential that you completely put away selfish ideas, of a personal nature, before making a statement of intent to serve of a universal character, for the sake of humanity globally understood. Refraining from asking any kind of questions, limiting yourselves to being receivers of the instructions that, for the good of humanity, the Fifth Kingdom see fit to transmit through you.

The service you will render is invaluable if (and when) your attempts are successful. Until the full establishment of the Fifth Empire, in which incarnated and disembodied will communicate directly and universally, because the barriers that (Apparently) separate them, it will be through psychographics that the great communications and contacts will be made.

And the return of Christ is coming soon. Humanity yearns for His manifestation and for the wonderful reunion of the flock with its Shepherd. Realize the importance of this statement and believe that the realization of such a return depends on, largely, the breadth of the call from all of us to return. For this reason, an important prayer was compiled, the «Intermediate Invocation», also published at the end of this Message, What should you say with emphasis and intention?, at least three times a day: at dawn, at noon and before retiring. It was called «Intermediate» for two main reasons:

  1. because it is driven by you, intermediaries between humanity and Christ, to him son, who is intermediary between you and the Father.
  2. Because it is the intermediate clause between all the previous clauses and another, the «Greater Invocation», that will be released to the World at the time of the manifestation of the Messiah of the New Age.

The power of prayer is known to all of you. The present was conceived by the disembodied Brothers, under superior guidance, according to a formula perfectly suitable for use by all mankind, with a view to achieving the best magnetic and vibratory effect conducive to the reappearance of Christ.

I want to address a special request to all the Brothers in Portugal and Brazil: In the days 13 of May, August and October are in vibratory tune with all Disciples of Occult Wisdom and also with believers of all religions, namely with those who will find themselves gathered in Fátima praying for a better future, pronounce the «Intermediate Invocation» 12 times, in a poignant plea for the return of Christ. Always count on the collaboration of your brother who is anxiously waiting for the development of your mediating and psychographic capacities to, also through you, bring to the world the certainty of eternal life and the hope of redemption through Christ in us and with us.

John of Avis



O Christ, oh our brother!

Collects the incipient emanations of our will, of our hearts, of our activity!

Emanations that we seek to make more perfect. Each day, hourly, each minute!

They contain an appeal for your speedy return and also a promise of integral and conscious collaboration in Your Work., in your plan, in your love, that are for us and with us they must count.

That is why we affirm to You that we ward off evil and that we wait for You to greet You in glory.!

We are with you, o holy!

We are with you, to the Redeemer!

We are with you, oh christ!



O Lord of Universal Light! Allows the mediating Service that I propose to do, be fulfilled without interference from inside or outside me!

It allows our Brothers who have fallen into the shadows to be kept outside the circle in which my mediation is polarized.!

As a pledge of my intentions, I solemnly promise to remain anonymous, conscious of my role as a mere instrument in the Service of Light.!

With the Light I AM!

In the Light I AM!

Of Light I AM!



12th message


My words are of gratitude. Gratitude, in the first place, for the illustrious souls who conveyed the messages that precede, brothers who with me helped to create and enhance the beloved Lusitano country, that I still carry in my heart; who came to her in times of crisis to reverse her course, in times of glory to increase your radiance or in times of darkness to lighten the Future. They brought you the perfume, the color and sound of the great qualities that everyone has, showing you a little of the radiant Future that opens to all men. And I insist on repeating the qualities that everyone has because even those who humbly came to recognize the mistakes and shortcomings they had in their last incarnation — and undoubtedly had them, also had and above all has merits, qualities and virtues. Gratitude, in second place, for the group of brothers that we use to transmit these messages. They are an example of delivery and receptiveness to impulses from Above., example that we all want to see implemented so that, in the great harvest of the Lord, there is no lack of workers who are necessary for the realization of His Plan of Love, light and joy.

Gratitude, Finally, for the recipients of these messages, those whom we came to serve so that, in turn, may they also serve more and better. May God allow these words that we are addressing to you to touch deeply in your souls and find expression in your conduct.. God grant the New Age dream, whose firstfruits we offer you, fill the Chalice of your Heart and give you courage and will to be Light Warriors, Active Fighters for Good, Consecrated servants of the Plan of God and of His Christ. God allow, finally, that the Portuguese men and women of our days are worthy of their Distinguished Grandparents, of some of whom you are hearing the voice and who, each one doing his part, allow Portugal to be fulfilled, in the mission assigned to him in the New Era that is being born.

The Portuguese Motherland is like a Temple erected by Faith, for the Courage and Love of their Great Priests. such a temple, However, is now occupied by vendors, by our brothers, of various beliefs and ideological quadrants, who have in common having understood nothing of the Portuguese Soul and who, that is why, here they trade vices, of baseness, of perverted ideas and unworthy feelings. It is necessary that, like the Christ (that will come back soon) did in Jerusalem two thousand years ago, "cast them out", you ignore them, the blind, the desecrators of the Holy. Cast them out not out of hatred, by violence or by foolish manifestations of uncontrolled instincts; but dazzle them with the brightness of the Light that you are able to receive from Above. Do it with Love and Compassion; but ‘also with Courage, Decision and Will, BECAUSE THIS HAS TO BE DONE!

Only those who really know can teach. Only those who see the Path, the Way of God and not the shortcuts of the world has the right to lead other men. God's Paths Lead to Ascension, the shortcuts of the world lead to a fall, to decay and disaster! These words surprise you? Julgai-the too willful and bold? Brothers! This is the time for strong words and strong deeds.! It's not the time for violins and harps, of sweet and illusory lullabies in the conviction that all is well in the world of men. No, brothers! This is the time of bells ringing the rebate, calling the faithful to battle! This is the time of the trumpets announcing the unfurling of the banners of the Warriors of Light! This is the time to gather the armies of the Lord because the Will of God imposes that the castles of darkness must be conquered and evil, the ignorance, the hate, sin and pain swept from the earth!

But how do we conquer them?? I tell you, beloved brothers: with wisdom, with Spiritual Power, with Harmony, with inner order, with mercy, with all the superior qualities and, about everything, with love! This love, however, it is not the passive and almost neutral Love of the lazy. It's strong love, active, willingly generous, wisely distributed and superiorly illuminated. Is Love Enough, large and overflowing to prevent the lips from being silent and the hands still, when the sublime truths of the Kingdom of God have to be announced, manifested, EVIDENCED TO ALL!

Woe to those who oppose the Plan of God collaborating with the Darkness, as they will be postponing the time of returning to the Father. But woe also to those who, having the possibility — hence the responsibility — of being active in the real Service, are passive, careless and lazy! To these apply the words of Christ: "Whoever is not for me is against me!».

Do not be afraid, because the servants of God assert themselves by their courage. You need courage to fight evil, through the affirmation of good. And as for this, know that fear is selfishness! You need courage too, because the coming years will be troubled and full of transformations, some very painful. But pain doesn't come for pain, because, past this Cape of Storms, you will see that he was after all the Cape of Good Hope, beyond which lies the way to the Kingdom of God…

Allow me now to speak a little about My deep connection to the Portuguese Motherland and, please, accompany me in explaining that at the same time I will make the true hidden history of Portugal. Much of what I will say about this story, happily, was already intuited by the two greatest Portuguese poets (Pessoa and Camões) and, just like that, by several other past and contemporary researchers. The last word, However, has not yet been said nor could we do it today.

centuries ago, in the fulfillment of previously agreed plans with the sublime Master Jesus, embodied, as Afonso Henriques, with the pressing task of giving physical and objective birth to the Portuguese homeland.

Was this nation, according to these plans, destined to carry out valuable missions in planetary evolution, apparently physical but actually of much higher scope and which would serve as the basis for the New Era of Universalism and Communion. Was, because, It is with honor and joy that I accepted to remain as initiator and representative before the Alto da Pátria, then yet to be born into the physical world. To collaborate with her, since then, a notable number of Entities have been offered, some noble stock, including some Apostles of Jesus, some Knights of the Holy Grail and several saints, philosophers and artists (I naturally refer to past incarnations of these souls).

the sacrifices (for more in my limited human condition) that, as Afonso Henriques I endured, are impossible to describe. But, stronger than all painful trials or all the excesses of an age of violent and rude customs, there was a voice in me that pushed me, irresistibly, to endure everything and to win everything. That voice was the Will of God and the Plan of His Representatives. And the Kingdom of Portugal was born. because God wanted!

Centuries passed. The Kingdom he had founded grew and took on more defined and credible forms., thanks to the efforts, to the will and vision of kings like Sancho I, Afonso II, Pedro and, about everything, Dinis (this one with the privilege of the company of his great wife Isabel) and several other men. in Fernando, last king of the first dynasty, already whispered the intentions to go further but the time had not yet come…

It was then that a handful of big men: John of Avis, Nuno Álvares Pereira, João das Regras, Álvaro Pais, in an exultation of predestined Courage and Strength, they awakened the intimate energies of the Soul and of the Portuguese people and turned a dying country into a country that was invigorated and full of the will to grow.

At that time, the marriage between King D.. João I and Filipa of Lancaster, symbol of the connection between the British Isles and Portugal, based on the Holy Grail that was hidden there from profanation at the beginning of the Age of Pisces and that will be made visible here again at the dawn of the Age of Aquarius. And, of this union, blessed from above, between Gileaz (John), the struggling Knight of the Holy Grail and Guinevere (Philip), who was the wife of King Arthur, under the eye of Lancelot (Nuno Álvares Pereira), were born, in particular, the King D. Duarte, now incarnated in Portugal, in the figure of a well-known painter, the infant D. Fernando, who was more recently in the physical world as Fernando Pessoa (he who had been Saint Bernard) the infant D. Pedro, in the Present physically incarnated at the service of the Christ and who had been Uther, King Arthur's physical progenitor and myself, that the same Arthur of the Holy Grail had been the adoptive father.

The time had come for the sea to no longer separate but unite and the Earth to emerge round from the deep blue. And, under the aegis of the eternal demand and overflow of the Holy Grail, the work of the Discoveries would begin, so that the people, the races, civilizations and cultures could unite and so that Man would not fear the external world. At that moment the Inner Voice spoke to me again and I put myself in front of the Portuguese, in the impulse and in command of this gigantic mission, made national company, because it had to be fulfilled! And less than a century later, the king D. Manuel harvested the fruits of the ships that, like D.. Dinis had planted and two other Knights of the Holy Grail, Gawain (Vasco da Gama) and Parsifal (Pedro Alvares Cabral) reached India and Brazil uniting all parts of the world, of which the Grail is also a symbol. this India triangle, Portugal, Brazil would come, five hundred years later, to collaborate grandly in the most beautiful work that human beings have ever conceived and perhaps you will never know!… However, always moved by the will to do well, quickly, much faster than the norm, had I reincarnated as Afonso de Albuquerque. And, there in that Orient where the Sun «rises», physical and spiritual, I put one more stone in the Work uniting the races, ensuring and promoting contact between the peoples of East and West. The fruits of this union are still being reaped.! two centuries later, Portugal was no longer so powerful. But the Work, made at the expense of the expansion of the Portuguese Soul, continued still.

It was necessary to prepare the «soil» of the Great Fraternity of Brazil, son and brother of Portugal and the Promised Land of the Third Millennium. At the turn of the 17th to the 18th century, again incarnate, in an unknown character of profane history (who sees the effects or the proximate causes and not the real causes) made, under the direction of the Great White Brotherhood, the magnetization and modeling of the psychic environment of the lands of Vera Cruz helping them to prepare for the advent of the spiritualist currents that flourish there today: in prepared soil the crops are more fertile!

Brothers! still today, once again, command you to found a kingdom, the Kingdom of God on Earth! I send you to discover new worlds, the subtle worlds of superior realities and Spirit! I will encourage you to join if you can, the races, the civilizations, the cultures, not from a physical point of view but in the unique Light of Eternal Truth, of God's Wisdom! I conjure you to prepare the paths that Christ will travel on Earth!

I told you about the past, of the Present and the Future. In this highlights the grandiose, the overwhelming, the sublime Good News that Christ will soon come to Earth! behold here, brothers, something worth living and fighting for. Given this, everything else, ordinary things a thousand times said and done become even smaller and more insignificant. Raise your Sword of Light, lift up your hearts and fight, lutai, fight for the Plan of God to be fulfilled!

In the heart of every Portuguese lives this longing called Saudade. We have given you the firstfruits of the New Age. May these first fruits awaken in you a longing for the near future and make you get to work, so that the harvest may be plentiful!

Peace be with you, so that there may be war against darkness!

May the Love of Christ unite all who want to serve!

May the Light of the Lord that comes illuminate the entire Portuguese Homeland!

Win, Lord Christ!

Afonso Henriques



Eis, now, the 13th message, that our divine Mother MARY, in the Preface, asked Lucia.

If Lucia cannot dictate it in life, here and beyond, don't leave her:


Psychographed Message from SISTER LUCIA, of FATIMA

Lucia (standing) in the company of her cousin Jacinta Marto, both holding their rosaries.

Source: Wikipedia


transcribed by:


Sister Lucia:

“It's time to raise awareness of humanity in order to clarify the nature of the Extraterrestrials working on Planet Earth.

beloved brothers:

Peace be with you.

I begged the Eternal Father and with authorization from the Superior Hierarchies, I come to you to share this sublime and joyful moment, fraternization of superior souls with terrestrial souls desiring to progress.

I am no longer a prisoner of the House of Peter. My sufferings ceased with the end of physical life, because I saw myself freed from the restriction of the word.

I was prevented from saying what the beloved Mother clearly dictated to us, accurate and logical, certainly not understandable to us, pure children, However, revelations of crucial importance for the moral and spiritual development of mankind.

Mistakes Made by the Church of Rome, deeply hurt the evolutionary statutes of this humanity, However, if so allowed by the Loving Father, it's because that's how it should be, and this humanity did not deserve greater efforts to reverse the wave of misrepresentation exercised by the religious about the revelation of our Mother.

It wasn't fear that silenced my voice, were the bare and icy walls of the convent, to hypocrisy two fathers, the papal arrogance.

I don't judge them for that., However, prevented me from accomplishing what was meticulously programmed by Higher Minds.

Me and my fellow children, important facts for humanity were revealed, and nothing concerning the Roman clergy, or to the Popes.

the revelations, very clear and logical, concerned the future of the Planet and its humanity, about the “end times”, Extras and Intragrounds.

However, today I understand, how little I am, could not stop the powerful force of Darkness from aborting the Project of Light; if Jesus was crucified, who am I?

Just a humble servant, ready to delve back into the flesh and take on the task of divulging to the brothers of humanity the extra material revelations.

unfortunately there is no time, because the work of “Planetary Transition”, the Earth Project, is in the final stage. However, I am very happy to find sister creatures, like you, that taken of courage and faith, fulfill the tasks of disclosing what I was prevented from saying.

May God bless you all, and that Mary our beloved Mother, protect you.



(From the Revelation of Fatima – Vitória, EN – Brazil

Acknowledgment: Edward N.. Brook

Lucia de Jesus Rosa dos Santos, nun of the Order of Discalced Carmelites, known in Carmel as Sister Maria Lúcia de Jesus e do Coração Imaculado is revered by most Portuguese Catholics simply as Sister Lúcia, was, along with her cousins ​​Jacinta and Francisco Marto (the so-called "three little shepherds"), one of the three children who saw Our Lady at Cova da Iria, in Fatima, during the year of 1917. (Source: Wikipedia).

Reblogged from the World Truth Web Site.

Link to this message:




(We all brought something divine to accomplish here)

De facto, something, in people, it's very wrong.

A Human Person is a Divine Being (Spirit) Incarnated in a physical body, of meat, because the Incarnation is the only thing that GOD obliges us to live, as, our spiritual evolution depends on these Incarnations, given that we were created by HIM in the condition of Simple, Free and Ignoring the Being that we are.

This ignorance is congenital and, so, natural. GOD created us like this, and one should not discuss the Will of GOD.

Let us take as an example of this ignorance the Person of Saul of Tarsus. Saulo was a Doctor of the Law and followed the guidelines coming from Moses, when Christianity began to be offered and received by the People of that region of the Earth.

It is known that Saul did not accept this Christianity and, go on, started a whole fight against this new spiritual/religious movement.

When Saul of Tarsus, together with his men he went to the city of Damascus to give war to these Christians, something happened that made him radically change his thinking and position.

Heard the Voice of JESUS ​​and saw His Light, going temporarily blind.

notice: it was enough for Saul of Tarsus to hear JESUS ​​and see His Light to completely and radically change his position and attitude, as we said.


Because Saul of Tarsus had come to this Incarnation to do something very specific, as you would with the name PAULO, but, given his congenital ignorance, your fallen veils, I didn't remember that and thought, seriously, who should fight these Christians.

By listening to JESUS, AWAKENED, and the Mosaic Doctor Saul of Tarsus dies to make way for the Christian Doctor Paul of Tarsus, the Great Apostle of the Gentiles, and today the Ascended Master HILARION, of the 5th Ray, the Green Ray of Healing.

And you? How many times have you heard the call – the warning – from JESUS?

YOU AWAKEN and you are doing what you came to do?

Or do you continue to be a Saulo something?

Do you have an idea about what and how your Mission would be if you were Awakening?

If THE PATH and the Messages that we are offering have reached you, why did you come? Why did you receive them?? What made me find you?

If nothing is by chance... Do you know why we meet?, or we meet again?

It would be for you to stand still on the path of life and do nothing of the much that you have to accomplish., since no one comes here to do anything?

If I called you by your name and asked you:

– are you doing, to do, to carry out, the Mission that the FATHER gave you, assigned you?

– You recognize yourself to be the Son of the CREATOR who brought something to do here in His 'vineyard'?

– What did you answer me?, sincerely?

Toma, because, Watch.

Nobody forces you to do anything, except to come to the Incarnations, but everything else, that will make you ASCEND, you will have to DO it and LIVE, because:

– “Nothing of Nature is yours for free.” – Mother MARY.

– Notice that nothing strange I'm reminding you. Compreendes? I hope so…

Na Light,

I am Alvaro de Jesus



Dear Brothers in Spirit:

Two news items in ‘Sapo’ (www.sapo.pt) that should make us think seriously:




The first reveals the value-axiological misery because our Society is sick, and, the second, refers to the Change that is taking place, and which will have its ‘Peak’, with the ‘Giant Wave’, by GOD already announced, which will lift us up and take us where we have to go.

The Poles of the Earth and this 'Giant Wave' obey the designs of GOD, that we, Humans, we will just have to accept, respect and live, because everything Planetary is Cosmic and does not pass through the collection of Laws that we are creating.

I ask everyone to worry about finding and interpreting the CREATOR's 'Touch', as well as other messages that Alto is sending us daily, through this change, or this event, who will visit us with greater propriety in the near future.

Remember the Collective Disincarnations, or in bulk, that have taken place here and there and that, if we don't know how to ILLUMINATE, will have to happen, Since, and it will be good to think about it, the land, to Ascend to a Higher Dimension you will have to do it balancing yourself or freeing yourself from the very negative that we have been, and that we have lent him and made him live too.

Never forget the great information that the Lord Jesus, CHRIST, has left us in what it has offered us, how are you, embodied in the Work ‘The Great Synthesis’, left through Pietro Ubaldi:

– “ (…) But the Law of God proceeds in the same pace, above human storms, and, Great moments, alone saves the balance.”

It's what will happen, with the change, or with the EVENT, what are you talking about.

that we are, therefore, prepared for it, that will lead to the Equilibrium of the Planetary whole, that is approaching and that will have, due to planetary normalization, to happen, knowing, furthermore, that all the Choices were ours, and that for some good reason we ask to be here and now, living what comes along.

I will send later, or I will put, an excerpt from the Charter 1 of Christ, where He places us in the reason for the problems of the Churches, due to all the omissions practiced against the Great LAW.

Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

Priest of the Melchizedek Order


(The Rebuilder of the Temple and also the Founder of the First Spiritist Church, that of the New Comforter. Yes! If yesterday the Work was left, today comes the Church that ANNOUNCES and LIVES this Work.)

Web-Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com



Clara (Santa Clara)

Through Maria Sílvia P Orlovas

My beloved, the greater the darkness, the longer the clearing time.

It's the moment of great transformation, of great healing of planet earth, where many sad things are being put on display for humans to, you, incarnate, can position themselves, you can make your choices, can say “This is what I want for my life”, “That I don’t need anymore”.

For a long time, this incarnate humanity, of which you are part, allowed himself to be deceived by consumer goods and an excess of needs.

we are in the moment, to simplify life, to give up so many desires and dreams that are not necessary.

be well with you.

You don't need to and shouldn't feed your desires. Desires breed new desires.

wish peace.

please, welcome the love.

wish to be simpler, be lighter, be happier with yourself.

Put aside the need for the things of the world.

Because those who are being called to awakening, for the true renaissance of the New Age – these people of which you are a part – are being tested, proved, called upon in situations of great distress for many.

But it's an impetus for you to make choices. Suffering comes as an impetus for you to assume your true position in life with yourself., with your family, with people and the world.

seek simplification, seek relief from your burdens, seek relief from desires and work deeply on love, the reconstitution of love. The reconstitution of love in the family, in relationships and those close to you.

Understand that not everything you want will come true.; not everything you think you need, really need.

Many people are discovering the pleasure of simple things. The pleasure of the company of others, the pleasure of spiritual pursuit and true spirituality.

You are not incarnated to fulfill all your dreams and desires.

You are not incarnated to build wealth, to build fortune.

You are not incarnated to maintain a daily happiness, based on contentment with the things of the world.

you are incarnated – that you are on the spiritual path – you are incarnated for your evolution, for your release, for your greater understanding of God's ways.

For the expression of love, of solidarity, tranquility in relationships with people.

This is the path of evolution and this is the path of liberation..

No incarnated being that has been on the planet has told you that desires must be cultivated.

No incarnated being of light who has been on the planet has told you that anything is possible for a powerful mind..

These are big mistakes.

A powerful mind is powerful in itself.

A powerful mind does not need the things of the world.

The powerful mind does not need to manifest wealth.

Because the powerful mind is not affected by wealth, nor by poverty.

You are not poor when you do not see yourself poor. You are poor when you desire wealth that you do not have..

calm the heart. Calm your desires and free yourself from the materialism that is bringing so many distractions, sorrows and illnesses for people.

The change of consciousness takes place in each one of us..

The change of consciousness takes place in each incarnated being.. And when it changes, changes everyone around you.

We ask for simplification.

We ask for a change of feelings and desires.

Because we know that this is the path of light, it's the way of ease.

When you live in the spirit, you don't need anything. And you are that spirit.

So, while you live in matter, you need little.

Find pleasure in loving conversations, find pleasure in the food you prepare, find pleasure in the exchange between people.

Find pleasure in friendship, no love, not affect, in complicity.

There's the big fortune: be at peace with people, be at peace with yourself, be at peace with your world.

This is the biggest fortune you need.

And so, being in harmony with your heart, if the manifestation of abundance in the objective world stands in your way, naturally she will come.

But if you need less, all that will come will be more: a gift, something just to fill a space that allowed it to exist.

Make a connection with your SELF of Light and free yourself from that intense materialism that has taken over people's minds.

At the service of the Yellow Flame, from our beloved master Kuthumi, of the Buddhas and San Francisco, humbly, I am Clara.

and i love you.

Teaching, having practiced in my life the “Little need, to love a lot”.

Receive our energies and vibrations of love and light and deep abundance because, when we need nothing, we have everything!

And we offer this all to you.

have light, have peace!

– – – – – – –

Source: www.mariasilviaorlovas.com.br

Data: 25/10/2017

Channel: Maria Silvia P. Orlovas



( If so you believe…)

Beloved Brethren:

We were created FREE, We were born FREE and we are FREE by the Will of GOD.

because we are free, the Choices are – will have to be – always Ours.

It's us, so, Who Chooses What We Should Live and How to Live It, according to our still Karmic needs. Yes, We are still students of Life...

If GOD never constrains us, violates or impedes our Divine Power of Choice, man cannot and must not do so.

So, everything imposed on us by man is political, be the religious, is against GOD, His Will and against His Law.

So, all that was done, over the centuries, against the Freedom of MAN must be considered contrary to the Will of GOD, as well as contrary to that MAN's Freedom.

YESHUA ben JOSEPH came to tell us about this, leaving, as you have already been told and repeated, Two Unique Precepts, both founded on the LOVE of our Divine FATHER MOTHER LIFE (1), so that we stop following our Ego, who lies and betrays us, and place ourselves under the Banners of our Higher Self, and, together with everything and everyone, GOD in ACTION, because we are – we should be – One with HIM.

This is the only spirit that should exist and animate each one of us., on this new anniversary of the coming of the Lord YESHUA ben JOSEPH.

If so you believe, you are already awake and you will be able to live a


Na Light,

I am Manuel Álvaro da Silva de Jesus

Melchizedek Priest and Mentor Walker of O CAMINHO-Novo Templo do Senhor

From the City of Porto, Portugal, for the whole planet.

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com


(1) – “Only by LOVE will Man be saved.” – YESHUA ben JOSEPH


6 Keys to Making the Transition to the New Earth

If you were only carried away by ambition and the desire to excel Tell San in 17 December 2017 to 16:56

look around. The great shift in humanity's consciousness has reached critical mass and passed the point of no return.. It's been growing slow, but sure and now it's about to go into high gear. The next ten years will be a period of enormous change and perhaps a little more turmoil.. Think of it as the process of humanity going to work, once the reality of a new Earth begins to be born.

In this article, I offer what I consider the six keys to good, and to successfully transition into the New Earth and become a founding member of a wonderful new age of humanity. Before diving into the practical advice I have to offer, I will briefly explore the change that is underway.

As always, my articles are simply my perspective that I offer in the spirit of discovery and empowerment. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest behind..

The Shift and Ascension of Humanity

The Earth and our entire Solar System are being bathed in powerful cosmic energies causing the frequency (Schumann) base of the planet and everything on it rises. Earth has transitioned from the 3rd to the 4th dimension and continues to slowly move into the 5th dimension. This energy is triggering awakenings and shifts in consciousness for people across the world.. As our consciousness shifts to higher perspectives, we are starting to take the first baby steps to transcend this realm of duality and separation.

Even though the collective consciousness of humanity is growing, many still remain locked in 3rd dimensional consciousness. This level of awareness focuses on differences, separation and limitation and expresses itself as fear, self serving and controlling dog eat dog behaviors and mindsets, us against them. The end result of which is the creation of a world characterized by contention, conflict and suffering.

Those who break free of 3D consciousness will be delighted to experience the birth and growth of a wonderful new era for humanity., characterized by cooperation, harmonia, peace and prosperity for all. The key to participating in this new reality on Earth is reaching and maintaining heightened levels of consciousness..

What to Expect During the Transition Period

You can expect these times to be a period of unprecedented revelations and change.. Many surprising and even disturbing revelations and disclosures will develop. These revelations include the economic and geopolitical manipulations, global banking fraud, the presence and secrecy of UFO/ET and related occult technologies, as well as the suppression of free energy technology and other important technologies and much more. Many may be shocked and angered by the lies they have been taught.. NOTE: I already told you this.

There may be some turmoil as the foundation of people's beliefs is shaken, until the core and winds of change begin to shake our existing institutions and systems. How extensive this turmoil will be is impossible to predict., but one thing is for sure, your state of consciousness will determine, as well as the extent to which it becomes involved.

Two worlds, a playing field

Contrary to what some people believe about Earth's inter-dimensional shift from the 3rd to the 4th dimension, those who remain in 3rd dimensional consciousness will not disappear from our 4th dimensional Earth reality.. We will all remain visible to each other and we will all appear to be on the same playing field..

despite appearances, it will be more like two separate worlds coexisting in the same space. 3D consciousness will disappear with the fall of the old world and its mentalities., and this will be witnessed by those of us who have gone beyond 3D consciousness.. Those who remain trapped in 3D consciousness will not only witness this fall, but they will experience it directly, as well as some of its unpleasant results. At the same time, those who have transcended 3rd dimensional consciousness will be experiencing the birth of a wonderful new world and any discomfort will not be experienced by them..

Os 6 Keys to Making the Change Successfully

Many of us are well on our way to transcending 3D consciousness and breaking free of many outdated and limiting beliefs., buried negative emotions and fears, others still have some work to do. In the hard times ahead, there are potential hurdles that may challenge some of us and cause a backlash.. Here are six things we can do to avoid these obstacles and stay on the path to becoming a charter member of New Earth..

# 1 – Free Your Emotional Baggage

Every soul that chose to have a human experience knew that they would think they were separate from the divine Source., that playing on Earth entailed going through some painful emotional experiences. to deal with it, many of us have a lot of deeply buried emotional pain, pain that we have accumulated not only from this life, but many others.

An integral part of the process of awakening and consciousness shift that is sweeping across humanity is the emergence of our deeply buried emotions.. This rise of emotions, although painful and disturbing, sometimes it gives us the opportunity to address and release emotions, as well as forgiving everyone involved, including ourselves.

These buried emotions are low frequency energies (negative), trapped within your body's energy field. As the Earth's base frequency and everything about it is increasing, these trapped emotions keep you firmly anchored in the reality of the 3rd dimension of the Earth and will continue to negatively affect your physical health. If not cured it will eventually lead to the end of your game time on Earth..

Another problem with unreleased emotional baggage is that it will trigger the manifestation of increased adversity in your life.. Because of the increased base frequencies of anything in our reality, the demonstration is accelerating. Now, more than ever, any repressed negative emotional energy is a powerful force of manifestation that will attract adversity into your life..

We can see this adversity happening every day. All of our emotional baggage is surfacing and being released., giving the appearance that the world is getting worse instead of better. It is a good sign, because when everything is clean in our lives, the world will start to improve and become much more harmonious.

Ultimately, you will not complete the transition to the higher 4th dimension of Earth without releasing all of your emotional baggage. You can not, simply, stay on the new Earth if you don't release all your emotional baggage. It is the lower frequency energy that will keep you grounded in the 3rd dimension..

Here is a great article by world famous spiritual author Deepak Chopra, “How to Release the Past and Return to Love“. Or consider reading this book instead, “The Emotion Code: How to free your trapped emotions” do Dr. Bradley Nelson.

# 2 – Maintain Holy Neutrality

Remember the importance of sacred neutrality. Find a way not to be dragged into the negativity that is rampant in our world.. There are plenty of people whose consciousness is still living in fear and negativity and has not expanded.. Even worse, this fear and negativity is being encouraged by some with a self serving agenda. There is a small group of elite people lurking in the darkest parts of our government., corporations and the military/industrial complex, who want to maintain their power and control at all costs.

Try not to get involved in confusion., clutter and nonsense that can arise as the old system begins to crumble. Stay grounded and separate from chaos, while watching the drama being played out, while continuing to be a living example of a new level of consciousness. Don't be drawn into the bickering and drama of those who don't want to let go of the old ways of the old world.. Don't be drawn into the drama of well-meaning people who are outraged by the disturbing revelations., or the actions of others who allow themselves to be drawn into the drama. This is THEIR choice. Stay on your highest path.

Stay centered in your heightened consciousness and keep the drama at bay.. Stay out of the fray and focus your energy on keeping your perspective high.. Focus your energy on being a shining example of the new consciousness. Focus your energy on demonstrating this in your company and your local community.. do what you can, even if small, to contribute to the creation of the new paradigm wherever you are, in your company, community, or family.

It doesn't matter what happens, strive to remain calm and remain neutral, be the “eye in the center of the hurricane” with the storms of the world around you. Make every effort not to get involved in the drama., even if terrible things happen. Getting involved will only provide energy to make it worse.. Stay focused on your perspective, higher principles and ideals.

Avoid the temptation to judge or condemn those involved in the drama, On both sides, like good or bad, regardless of whether your actions seem justified or not. Judgment and condemnation do not serve to cure these situations., for they can only sustain them or make them worse.

Be a living example of sacred neutrality, calm, positive, non judgment and love in the face of the storm. Your example will be of great help to all those who are struggling and being dragged into fear and negativity.. Humbly and silently share from your heart the perspective on the bigger picture if someone asks how you are keeping that calm, this stability, with a positive outlook. This will be of great use to the world in the coming times..

Strive to keep it all in perspective.. Remember this is the journey and adventure your soul has chosen.. Even if you don't remember it, there is certainly a reason for your choice., for everything we choose. The challenges we face can be seen as unexpected chaos and lead to feelings of despair., or they can be seen as the expected and necessary catalyst for our individual and collective spiritual growth, which leads to feelings of joy as we reach new levels of understanding and awareness.

# 3 – Send Unconditional Love and Forgiveness to Everyone Involved

As we begin to witness the fall of the old world and the chaos that can ensue as 3rd dimensional consciousness is discarded, it is imperative that we send everyone involved unconditional love and forgiveness. Send to innocent bystanders, send to those you can see as unenlightened, who let themselves get caught up in it and send it even to those who can see it as self service, or the dark ones who may have been the instigators.

As he watches the world in conflict and violence, remember your core principles and values. Instead of reacting with judgment and condemnation, consciously choose to respond with love and forgiveness. Forgive everyone involved and send them all the love and healing you can.. Do it the way you know, in any way that resonates with you, but do. Unconditional forgiveness and love is the secret that has the power to heal the whole world.! Christ knew it, Martin Luther King Jr. I knew that, Buddha knew it and we know it.

# 4 – Accept That The Old System Will Fall And Focus On Creating The New

We are creating a new world, a new paradigm. As part of this process, most of the old will fall. But what will sprout in its place are the things we are creating from the ground up.. Don't be too worried about the fall of the old. It must wither and die to make room for the new..

Like the plants that grow in your garden, when the time of fall comes they wither and die, then they rot in the ground, but they enrich the soil. Disappear, making room for the growth of the new. On primavera, the new shoots of seedlings appear. we are the seedlings, the seeds of the new world are being sown by us.

Focus on the wonderful garden we are going to create together., the new paradigm we are creating. If the seeds that fell spent all their energy trying to stop their fellows withering and dying, they may well run out and be unable to sprout the following spring..

# 5 – Hold the Higher Vision of Smooth and Efficient Change

Even if the transition period includes, probably, some turmoil, its extension is immutable. Don't fall into the trap of imagining the worst outcome.. You are a creator and you are helping to co-create the new reality with your thoughts., so make sure you are firmly envisioning only the best outcomes for all involved and trust that you are fully living this in the new awareness that no turbulence will affect you..

# 6 – Demonstrate the Higher Way Through Simple Acts of Kindness

Kindness is the one thing above all else that will take us to the next level.. Kindness is your help, Support, uplifting words and actions. Kindness is demonstrated by expressing the divine qualities of acceptance, permission, non judgment, forgiveness and compassion, is perhaps the most important key to making the shift to the new Earth.

The world doesn't need more intelligence, he needs more kindness. Simple acts of kindness are the force that will birth our new world and secure our place in it.. Bathe everyone and everything with gentleness and watch the magic happen.!

Birth of the New Earth

Big changes are fast approaching that will herald the arrival of the new era.. when the beliefs, old paradigm institutions and systems begin to shake, disintegrating or radically transforming around us, stay, without hesitation, centered on your new consciousness, who will successfully join the new Earth and participate in the New Age of humanity.

May each of us be the living example that this New Age is grounded. let the acceptance, permission, non judgment, pardon, compassion, love and kindness guide the way for the manifestation of a wonderful new era, where the cooperation, harmonia, peace and prosperity for all will flourish!

All for ONE and ONE for all!

©Jeff StreetJeff Street

Source: divine-cosmos

Translation and Dissemination: The Light is Invincible


Text Revised and placed in European Portuguese by Álvaro de Jesus

I loved receiving this text. If yesterday we could blame, today, or from this sacred momentum, only kind and loving should we be.

So... Let's march in this Love and in this Kindness!

THE WAY - New Temple of the Lord

From the city of Porto, Portugal, for the whole planet.

Web Site: http://caminhonovotemplo.com


Complementary Text - Chapter 7 – MY TRUE MISSION

I know how hard your life is. Descending from the Heights of Spiritual Joy to make contact with earthly vibrations, I feel the shifts of consciousness in myself and the pressure of the heavy oppressive vibrations of your thoughts in my soul..

When I came to Earth, two thousand years ago, my mission was to enlighten the minds of people who had embraced a religion that was part pagan and part mystical..

The people, that was steeped in it, he was arrogant and convinced that he was God's chosen people - Jehovah -, in which he fervently believed, but that didn't exist.

Their prophets spoke of their mystical perceptions of some transcendent spiritual Consciousness. They used imaginative language to describe this God. They created mental images of grandeur and splendor. They also had the desired effect of controlling people through fear of reprisals from Heaven., in the form of personal losses, illnesses, privations, pests and weather disasters.

The purpose of my life as Jesus in Palestine was to teach the Jews that their perception of the Creator was totally wrong.. However, fanatical adherence to their cherished religious beliefs was impenetrable and, Consequently, instead of achieving my purposes on earth, I was led to crucifixion because of them.

It is not possible for me to return to Earth in any form., not even as a child (that couldn't contain my mighty vibes), nor as a Celestial Being, for the crowds could not see me. Just as there are things that are seen and heard by animals that are invisible to the human eye., so am I also invisible to people who are at the earthly vibrational level (*).

Therefore, I had to prepare the mind of an evolved soul that took human form to bring my message to Earth.. Those who are spiritually evolved enough to listen, they will hear me. Those who are not yet ready, will not hear and will not be able to receive my message at this time. However, all people are on the uplifting path that will lead, one day, to the highest Celestial Realms. So, this time what is my true mission, by expressing myself through someone else's mind? It is to try to make you fully aware of how your universe was brought into existence and visible manifestation..

This is the most important message ever brought to Earth., since it goes far beyond superficialities, down to the most basic level of all creativity, referring to the part that humans play in this creativity: in creating your personality, health, relationships, environment, experiences and successes in their lives.

Explain the reasons for success, or lack thereof, not daily. Outlines the safe way to convert persistent errors into successes. This message is to bring your attention to the vibrations of consciousness. As your thoughts change, also change the vibrations, for they are responsible for the appearance of all things.

When trees are felled, in the beginning they are healthy, and its vibrations are of a certain frequency. However, how wood stays in the ground for many years, the vibes drop, little by little, and the wood visibly rots.

Understand that the appearance of wood changes only because its vitality and vibrations go, little by little, disappearing. Like this, it should be easy to understand that the reality of everything under the sun is truly in the energy that sustains it, and not the thing that can be touched, seen and heard. The same applies to your body..

At first the vibrations in a healthy body are normal.. Later, due to weariness and negative thoughts, the vibrations begin to drop to the point where the tissue changes and disease sets in.

* N. T.: No original, wavelenght (wave-length), a concept of physics.

When you're tired and worn out, body vibrations drop a little and it becomes difficult to move. After rest and sleep, the vibrations are restored and you feel able to continue your activities again.

Everything in existence is CONSCIOUSNESS, manifested in different matters, as in plants, animals, humans and inanimate things, like the elements and stones, earth and metals. Everything you see in reality is made up of electrical particles that are vibrating at a certain speed., producing certain shapes.

Radically change the vibes of something (injecting a new consciousness), and will have a different object. That way, with the powerful use of my visual imagination and faith, I could unite electrical particles to create food.

When you visualize what you need and believe, with all your heart and mind, that this electromagnetic project will attract the components to make it real in the world, it will eventually manifest. This revelation has been known for a long time., but the even greater revelation has been forgotten.

Beware of what you might be creating for yourself without realizing it..

Beware of judgmental thoughts, criticize and can bring harm to another human being; because they can come back to harm you too.

Watch out for those emotionally careless moments when you want certain circumstances., or something bad for others.

Destructive thoughts bring destructive consequences. Things, for if, always go wrong?

Examine your attitudes and thoughts about other people. Remember that electricity sends messages and magnetism brings them back., sometimes with interest.

Remember that when you look at things with great dislike or irritation, is interfering with your natural vibrations, that make them who they are.

Be careful not to create, without realizing, your own disgrace! Beware when contemplating the weather. Don't complain about the rain, wishing it would stop. It may cease for longer than desired..

Don't complain about the sun, wishing it rain, because floods can come.

When walking the WAY of CHRIST – MY WAY, bring all that is problematic in the world to DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS, the father, and ASK for the adjustments or what is fully suitable for you.

In this way the father, which is intimately linked to itself, inside and around you, will respond by providing adequate AWARENESS, to make things go right for you.

Text extracted from the book “Letters of Christ – Complementary Texts” published by Almenara Editorial – 2014. E-Mail: comunicacao@almenaraeditorial.com.br



(Think big, to Co-Creator)

My dear and beloved spiritual brothers:

I believe that we will all have some notion that the laws that regulate and govern the LIFE that exists on the Planets, as well as the Planets themselves, in yourself, were not created by us, Men…

Place isto, and in a humility typical of those, consciously, claims to be a student, no one will beat us if we start to think about where the boundaries of our Universe may be located…

So, in this fair and necessary to think, let's start by imagining, for example, what will be the perimeter of our Universe, are, as the Beloved Archangel MIGUEL has already revealed, a LUZ, at the speed of 300.000 Kms per second, delay 220 millions of years to go through it…

Imagine a big circle, within which our Universe is located, whose perimeter would take 220 millions of years to be covered by LUZ, knowing that this travels 300.000 Kms in a second.

Let's imagine, now, that this Universe of ours has, inside, 200 thousand Galaxies, and that each Galaxy has 200 Millions of Stars, and than, similar to our SUN, each star has an average of 7 planets gravitating around Him.

We still don't know the right numbers, think that the answer to question no. 55 from 'The Spirits' Book', de allan Kardec, I'ts right, and than, for being right, All Globes (Planets) With Movement Are Inhabited…

So, if we multiply these 200 millions of Stars per 7, we will know that in these 200 Millions of Stars exist 1.400.000.000 (One Billion and Four Hundred Million Inhabited Planets).

Now multiply this number by 200 Thousand Galaxies…

Beloved, Beloved…

This is Think short? Little?

No! This is thinking Big… This is to think to the Co-Creator… Precisely because we know that Casa do PAI Supremo, it's not a universe, but the whole COSMOS…

THE PATH – New Temple of the Lord that we are Rebuilding by Our Creator's Will, study and talk like this, without fear of being wrong, because if GOD IS THE ULTIMATE PERFECTION, and FIRST CAUSE OF ALL THINGS, therefore, eu, Being Your Son, I must go Thinking as HE thinks and start to realize that I must be what he is, believing in what HE also came to say:


This is where We are, pulling the twine to truly know Who We Are, in this His and Divine Truth. Compreendes, now, Who We Are and Why We Are What We Are?

More! Compreendes, now, why the Lord JESUS ​​came to tell us that, this time, He did not send us, but the FATHER!?

Say Humilde, and try, please, realize this… Yes! YOU ARE GOD, and it was GOD Who Came to Say… Ok?

Na Light…

I am Alvaro de Jesus

(Your brother)

